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Though you have thoroughly confused me so early in the day, I still have a soft spot for you, Mhawk.

My hat is off to you as to the E/PZI aspect of this announcement; it is a humane policy, which I am confident can only benefit TPF.

Edited by Valdemar
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I'm wondering if you ever heard the story about the little boy who cried wolf.

This little boy doesn't cry wolf, he "rolls hard sixes." I was always confused by that, so I finally looked it up (I'm not up on my gambler slang).

1. Roll The Hard Six

A high risk / high reward operation. The phrase originates from craps where a hard six is achieved by rolling threes on a pair of six-sided dice (3+3). Rolling a hard six has a probability of about 3% whereas rolling six by any other combination has about a 14% chance. A hard six pays 7 to 1 whereas a regular six pays only 7 to 6.

I find this ironic coming from the leader of an alliance that has never taken an action that is even remotely risky, and most likely never will.

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It's real enough all right. Pardon me, my muzzle itches. <_<

I can confirm the real deal ... *DC hands Hal a tankard of ale and a straw for his muzzle ;)

We'll still have Paris... *not Hilton* Hal :)

Edit: I forgot that though are nations are no longer tied by that treaty.. I'll still offer my favorite Valhallans a bit of BBQ any time in IRC :)

oo/ Kry, Pansy, CJ, Krug, Sky, MS, TronIX, Levi... and the rest.. I will miss our Barbeques and Ale Drinking Sessions :(

Edited by deathcat
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Ok, so I am not officially gov, or maybe I am, I don't know. But let's be clear about something. The shens/no shens argument aside on our Vahalla treaty, the PZI/EZI announcement is deadly serious. I affixed my name to WarriorConcept's pledge against PZI/EZI and I stand as committed to that as I did then. My past actions speak to that committment and I challenge anyone to say otherwise.

To see mhawk formalize what should, imho, have been our policy all along is heartening and totally appropriate. I think PZI/EZI is BS and always have. But let's not confuse TPF's need to maintain its security in a time of war, i.e. a VietFAN situation, with the (to me) abhorrent PZI/EZI sentence that has been brought down on some. You want perpetual war? Let's do it. You want some peace, let's talk.

I am saying this respectfully, you quoted me, but I am not following what you are trying to say here mate?

Do not contradict yourself mate, EZI/PZI is annoying and only should be used for the worse of crimes, even during warring eras. In fact, EZI or PZIing someone will increase the risk of a 'security breach', you are in fact preventing someone using their name or their ability to play the game - even if it is during war, it doesn't mean to exterminate someone from using their name. Preventing someone from using their name wont do anything except piss people off, [ooc]the player in question will still play this game[/ooc] and still be a 'threat', which predominantly leads to EZI, despite their name. You NEED competition and opponents or as a community, we will stagnate, you can't chase everyone away merely because they are against you, it ruins everything; including your name. PZI is foolish, as well as EZI it should be used in the rarest cases, if we follow your opinion, the general consensus would be "We are against PZI and EZI, but not during war"...which is when all of these sentences are released.

The community comes first. This is the Razzstic cause. Protecting the community in every attempt, with a bit of Tygaism mixed in.

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The idea that we will all call for change, then condemn it when it happens is not congruent. Single actors in TPF have moved away from some of their older crappy stances, and even if mhawk can't say no to Slayer99, he's not Slayer99. I would remind everyone that in the BAPSmear war it was TPF and Purge throwing a fit about Valhalla PZIing TDSM8 and Slayer that used his pull to have that revoked.

You can eat my !@#$ you $@ smoking mother$%&@er, I wont forget you anytime soon.

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Awesome policy announcement, TPF.

And as too the treaty cancellation? Honestly, if it's a joke, let them have their fun. The majority of you complaining about it are in an alliance that played an even worse joke on April Fools anyway.

TPF deserves to be wholly commended for the content of their OP.

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My response has nothing to do with TPF, Valhalla or this treaty cancellation, so your assumption is dead wrong.

... Exactly how does that prove whatever assumption I was making "dead wrong"? It only proves my point that your reaction wasn't necessary in this discussion.

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OOOOH, also:

It would be indescribably awesome if TPF were to not sign the MADP with Valhalla now just to prove Sponge&Co. wrong.

They don't need to, they have Q. If there really was a big difference between valhalla and TPF then one of them would leave Q but keep their treaties with the other allies. If they wanted to be diplomatic, they could've done it before canceling the treaty since Q keeps them connected anyway.

tl;dr: your jokes are outdated, mhawk

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I am saying this respectfully, you quoted me, but I am not following what you are trying to say here mate?

Do not contradict yourself mate, EZI/PZI is annoying and only should be used for the worse of crimes, even during warring eras. In fact, EZI or PZIing someone will increase the risk of a 'security breach', you are in fact preventing someone using their name or their ability to play the game - even if it is during war, it doesn't mean to exterminate someone from using their name. Preventing someone from using their name wont do anything except piss people off, [ooc]the player in question will still play this game[/ooc] and still be a 'threat', which predominantly leads to EZI, despite their name. You NEED competition and opponents or as a community, we will stagnate, you can't chase everyone away merely because they are against you, it ruins everything; including your name. PZI is foolish, as well as EZI it should be used in the rarest cases, if we follow your opinion, the general consensus would be "We are against PZI and EZI, but not during war"...which is when all of these sentences are released.

The community comes first. This is the Razzstic cause. Protecting the community in every attempt, with a bit of Tygaism mixed in.

Ejay.. Though I don't assume to be able to post a response for OBM.. I think the way I read his statement was.. PZI/EZI are something that we as an alliance aren't choosing to persue.. But in war, there has to be a surrender.. If the combatants refuse to surrender.. then they sentence Themselves to PZI/EZI in a sense. I personally am against it for any "ingame" actions. But anyone knows me knows that I'm a real softy outside of war :P

Again.. I am proud to be associated with TPF Leadership and would like to personally commend mhawk and crew for letting Bob know our long-standing but rarely expressed feelings on this subject.


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...I don't think what you told him to do is quite hygienic.

There you go, jumping to conclusions. I'm pretty sure Alterego said 'Eat my cupcakes, you herb smoking mother lover'.

See, you have to read between the lines, it was a show of respect. Why cupcakes, herb and lover are filtered I'm not sure though.

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Quite similar to our internal issues between slayer, tbb, and I. That was exposed as well.
I'm wondering if you recall the inaccuracy of sponge's last screens of our forum.

You speak many words, however if this was a joke inside a joke, I think you would have pulled the funny part by now.

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I am saying this respectfully, you quoted me, but I am not following what you are trying to say here mate?

Do not contradict yourself mate, EZI/PZI is annoying and only should be used for the worse of crimes, even during warring eras. In fact, EZI or PZIing someone will increase the risk of a 'security breach', you are in fact preventing someone using their name or their ability to play the game - even if it is during war, it doesn't mean to exterminate someone from using their name. Preventing someone from using their name wont do anything except piss people off, [ooc]the player in question will still play this game[/ooc] and still be a 'threat', which predominantly leads to EZI, despite their name. You NEED competition and opponents or as a community, we will stagnate, you can't chase everyone away merely because they are against you, it ruins everything; including your name. PZI is foolish, as well as EZI it should be used in the rarest cases, if we follow your opinion, the general consensus would be "We are against PZI and EZI, but not during war"...which is when all of these sentences are released.

The community comes first. This is the Razzstic cause. Protecting the community in every attempt, with a bit of Tygaism mixed in.

Fair enough, I can see the confusion. That said, I was discriminating between a legitimate war method (i.e. keeping someone unable to fight in a war until the war is resolved), with the political sentence much the same as you outline with your example. What I am against is the sentence of PZI/EZI as a political method, where everyone but a leader(s) of an alliance gets peace with a condition of said peace being the eternal damnation of that person, or the expelling of a member with such a sentence.

In a war, keeping someone at zero infra once you get them there, I don't think anyone would argue, but eternally or permanently damning them to that state is abhorrent as a political tool.

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