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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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Please do, I could do with the sophomoric humour to brighten my day after hard work in the Air Force. Even though I get enough from the fresh E-1s from BMT.

And once again, someone in the GGA uses the "Look how cool my RL is" defense.

Are you going to go sleep with scotchwithrocks' wife now? That will really make your point.

Chopping block for resigning? Sounds like the GGjAil

I may just sig that.

Im telling you this is great comedy....

And all at your alliance's expense, although from previous GGA posts I will understand if you haven't figured that out yet.

[18:02] <Dephire> For I was reconsidering those logs...until he started calling me a liar.

^^ There is really no need for this and I would ask for GGA members to remain respectful in this thread.

A day late and many, many dollars short.

You may get them to start acting (not 'remain[ing]' as you say) respectful from this point forward, but I doubt the effects of the lead in the GGA's water supply can be reversed as quickly. This is not true for SWR, whose exposure to water has been minimal. (I've read the DJ logs a few times, and it's obvious that SWR's name is most apropos.)

Nice try, scooter.

Edited by Juan Valdez
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Stop it..This is too funny!!! :D

You know if you keep saying the same thing over and over again when it doesn't make you look any better people will just start thinking your a GGA member or something.

I would stop now if I were you.

Edited by President Obama
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[18:02] <Dephire> For I was reconsidering those logs...until he started calling me a liar.

^^ There is really no need for this and I would ask for GGA members to remain respectful in this thread.

Well at least you didn't make a new thread for this one.

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GGA...you really, REALLY need to focus on internal issues. Get some fresh blood into your alliance, try to bounce back, fight the futile fight to return to what you once were.

Good luck. (man, I just said that)

but really, the first step is to come clean and set off on your own path, sink or swim doing that and at least people won't laugh at you any more, maybe...lolGGA

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This guy is too funny...HAHA Lies Lies and more Lies... You are just to funny Dephire!! Im telling you this is great comedy....

Sorry, but because of your alliance 'great' reputation, I have to believe Dephire here.

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Stop it..This is too funny!!! :D

OMG dude. Don't you know how much PR damage you are doing to your alliance? You're just doing it SOOOO wrong. You should heed to Ironchef's advice or sod off, because honestly, you fail miserably at every FA aspect there is.

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And once again, someone in the GGA uses the "Look how cool my RL is" defense.

Are you going to go sleep with scotchwithrocks' wife now? That will really make your point.

You might want to read what a mod said just a page back, FYI. Also, for people trolling the GGA, some of you are easily offended by statements that are not meant to offend in anyway.

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You might want to read what a mod said just a page back, FYI. Also, for people trolling the GGA, some of you are easily offended by statements that are not meant to offend in anyway.

I'm not sure who you refer to as being offended. I'm just seeing people perplexed at your persistence in making a mockery of yourself and your alliance. Ya, you like to have fun, we get it. But it's a rather special situation when you're here having fun at your own alliance's expense.

The only possible reason I can imagine you doing this is that you want to resign, but they rejected your resignation and now you want to get yourself kicked out instead. Which isn't that bad of a strategy, to be honest. Just make sure it doesn't backfire and you end up on a ZI list before having the chance to find another home.

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You might want to read what a mod said just a page back, FYI. Also, for people trolling the GGA, some of you are easily offended by statements that are not meant to offend in anyway.

It is not for you to argue on behalf of our Almighty Judges, the Swords and Shields of Our Lord Admin.

Now where are the logs Dephire promised? My popcorn is getting stale.

The only possible reason I can imagine you doing this is that you want to resign, but they rejected your resignation and now you want to get yourself kicked out instead. Which isn't that bad of a strategy, to be honest. Just make sure it doesn't backfire and you end up on a ZI list before having the chance to find another home.

I believe he has to be made a Triumvir before he can be attacked, but I'll check GGA's Charter to make sure.

Edited by Juan Valdez
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It is not for you to argue on behalf of our Almighty Judges, the Swords and Shields of Our Lord Admin.

They have already spoken on the matter, I am simply the town crier telling the town idiot to listen before he is most rightously smote for bringing up a subject deemed dead by powers that be.

I'm not sure who you refer to as being offended. I'm just seeing people perplexed at your persistence in making a mockery of yourself and your alliance. Ya, you like to have fun, we get it. But it's a rather special situation when you're here having fun at your own alliance's expense.

It's a game, I like to have fun with the games I play, I am having fun. I cannot understand these people who dig on the GGA, is it fun for them? If it is, good for them, otherwise, they should find something else to do so they may enjoy themselves.

Maybe it's because I've been playing this game for 3+ years and everything old is new again, so I'm not bothered in the slightest by IC/OOC attacks and alliance trolling.

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Reading Comprehension FTW!

Chopping block for his position....if you actually read what I said, he was on the verge of getting kicked from his position.

Really? Okay, let's go back to the post I quoted and replied to:

Dephire gov, o please :D He knows just as well as everyone in the alliance that he was on the chopping block for awhile for resigning his position. He did absolutely nothing, Chancellor made him feel special.


Then again, what should I expect? You're in GGA.

You might want to read what a mod said just a page back, FYI. Also, for people trolling the GGA, some of you are easily offended by statements that are not meant to offend in anyway.

There's a fine line between trolling and disagreeing.

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Is there any more constructive dialogue to be had here?

If not, I move we just not post here any more.

In CN? Unlikely. Especially with so many people foaming at the mouth for the logs.

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*foam* *foam*

Oh wait were you talking to me?


Where's my tech, you lousy scammer! I expected 100 tech from you, and it is far, far overdue. You have 24 hours to comply or the wrath of Nueva Vida will fall upon you and your alliance and -

Associate whispers in Zzzptm's ear.

OK, I now understand that you are a *member* of Nueva Vida, but that still doesn't give you the right to ignore the conventions of tech dealing. It is therefore, with heavy heart, that I have no choice but to nuke your sorry a-

Associate hurriedly whispers again in Zzzptm's ear.


It would seem that we already agreed upon a later delivery date for the tech due to pending deals already in the works. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Seems like anyone could make a mistake, eh? :D

And, really, is log dumping the way to go in this case? If he is a sworn enemy of GGA now, I suppose he'd do that. I find that disappointing.

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OMG dude. Don't you know how much PR damage you are doing to your alliance? You're just doing it SOOOO wrong. You should heed to Ironchef's advice or sod off, because honestly, you fail miserably at every FA aspect there is.

OMG Dude ...I really do not care about no Public Relations... :o You should try again tomorrow... <_<

Edited by mylife125
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