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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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This is just for the public to know...

Logs are going up this weekend.

Enjoy the suspense!

One of my 3 wishes from the Easter Bunny has been fulfilled. Now all I need is a helicopter without the blades and Michael Jackson!

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C. Resignation:

In the event that you need to resign from the alliance, you must private message the Triumvirate with your reasons for desertion. When you joined, you took an oath to stand by the alliance to its end. If your justification for leaving is not accepted by the Triumvirate; or if you fail to follow this proceedure, you will be open to disciplinary actions including war.

I remember GOONS having something similar (you were prone to being ZI-listed if you left).

Of course they had a ton of info on game mechanics and politics that they didn't want leaked so easily back then so it was for a reason at least haha.

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Ok threads gone too far, Main lines of this post

"So if your not telling us, It must be juicy"

"What to expect, Its GGA"

"Ochoino would have saved you guys"

What is this, "nothing to see here, move along"?

You left out a line:

"More juicy logs coming soon!"

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Ok threads gone too far, Main lines of this post

"So if your not telling us, It must be juicy"

"What to expect, Its GGA"

"Ochoino would have saved you guys"

Your crowd control attempt was quite ineffective. <_<

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What can I say? I hope to repent for my previous posting mistakes while serving under those...people.

Serving under people...they control your mind to eh? Damn Doitzel your corrupting all the dumb ones now -_-


Your #1 Fan

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19 pages only?

Are you done kicking allready?

( I have put my money on 35 pages)

All the ado we have witnessed so far in these recent GGA threads is mostly the rustling from so many people returning to concessions to supersize their popcorns and sodas before returning to their seats.

Sheeee doggie, the opening band is still warming up backstage and the curtain has not even risen yet. ;)

I predict many more announcements soon that will be fighting for our attention and only one or two will really grow... if certain things some of have heard actually do get shared... and it will not be just about the GGA.

Extra butter, please.

Edited by General Specific
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A brilliant political move.

Is this the best thread ever to use this meme or what? :S

Brilliant Politi....... wait nevermind

Good luck cleaning this up

GGA's worst enemy is GGA.

So instead of writing it out again I quoted all my first thoughts since I'm always late these days..by like..days..Was that a pun...? :blink:

Moo knows all and sees all :awesome:


Didn't you know, cows are colorblind..they might be able to see but it's like watching a movie from the 1920's.

Disclaimer : Have I ever told you how shiny and clean your hide was Mr. Moo? :awesome:

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I need more entertainment, your heckling is getting quite stale, CN. We're the GGA, surely we deserve your AAA level insults instead of something you toss out the back of the store for the dogs. I'd hate to think we've gotten boring so soon.

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Sorry Silver but the GGA really doesn't.

Well I am late to this thread as well.

*insert generic comments to try and estimate the huge amounts of fail the GGA has acquired*

Seriously my heart goes out to the GGA. Incompetent useless people need to alliances as well. People you should all be glad the GGA exists. Else they might have joined an alliance near you, or worst they could have joined yours.

The fail people, it is contagious and GGA is ground zero...

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Then move along I suggest, to something more fullfilling of your time. If you're going to rip on us you can do better then "NO U!" or "KARMA!".

oooo all the teasing got under your skin eh? Looks like you got some fire in ya, boy.

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