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The Big Bad

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To some you were the worst of enemies, but to those who really knew you, you were the best of friends. You NEVER put politics before friendship, not one single time. I will always be proud to have called you an ally and a friend. Don't listen to the haters. Anyone who knew you will miss you. Good luck in RL my friend, and come back soon. :)


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I echo the sentiments of my colleague who needs to restore his Tonberry avatar.

TBB, I'll always remember this about you:


One of the greatest threads in CN history. All the best in RL, and I'll be glad to see you if you return.

Here's my personal favorite.

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Wow, what do I say here? No more TBB... You were an excellent opponent, sir. A lot of the good things that came from my time in Atlantis were because of how much of a brutal son of a !@#$%* you can be. You didn't pull any punches, and I enjoyed that. Quite a lot. Even though that part of me is in the past, know that I learned from it, and yes... it was a hell of a ride. Truly well played, sir. Take care of yourself and enjoy your rest.

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I remember finding your avatar and posts extremely annoying and considered you as the boogeyman of CN who scares little children and loves being nasty to innocent alliances. My short time in TPF changed that view a lot. Well played.

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I have never liked you or your methods IC. But you added a lot to the game, and I am sure that your character was designed to make people not like it. I think the game will be poorer without you. Have a good time in the real world ^_^

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