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Foreign Affairs Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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As an Imperial Officer of the NPO, I am pleased to announce the following treaty.


The Red Light PIAT

I loved you since I knew you

I wouldn't talk down to you

I have to tell you just how I feel

I won't share you with another boy

I know my mind is made up

so put away your makeup

told you once I won't tell you again

This treaty is between the alliances of The Order of Light (TOOL) and the New Pacific Order (NPO) with the intention of further ensuring the safety, security and prosperity of the membership of each alliance. It also serves as a symbol of the continually improving friendship, loyalty and bond shared between the two alliances.

Article I: Sovereignty

It must be understood that both alliances shall remain sovereign and independent organizations. Either organization undertaking action (aggressive or defensive) against other entities not included in this agreement does so without implication of the other signatory.

Article II: Non-Aggression

No member of either signatory alliance may participate in, support, or condone military action against any member within the corresponding signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace within 24 hours of the initial notification, and pay reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted. Failure to follow these protocols will result in the expulsion of the offending member.

Article III: Mutual respect

The membership of each signatory commit to remaining civil towards each other at all times, particularly in public channels, but also in private. Friendship and good humor shall prevail throughout any communications.

Article IV: Friendship

The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would their own members. Healthy debate, discussion, and constructive criticism are not restricted, but alliance members are expected to show tact and consideration when addressing any grievances, namely by making full use of proper diplomatic channels, and never attempting to make public spectacles out of private matters. Any information gathered by one of the signatories with potential impact on the security of the other shall be promptly and privately forwarded to them, so long as it conflicts with no other treaties or obligations.

Article V: Assistance

Both signatories agree that neither is legally bound to grant request of military or financial aid form the other. Both signatories are encouraged to do so in the interest of friendship and building a healthy diplomatic relation, however requests may be denied with or without reason.

Article VI: Espionage

Both signed alliances agree that under no circumstances shall either signatory alliance engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed immediately.

Article VII - Termination

Termination of this pact requires 48 hours notice.


New Pacific Order:

Emperor Revenge

Divine Bovine Overlord

New Pacific Order

Cows with Guns

Moo-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin' to $%&@ With

VektorZero, Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs

The Order of Light:

Lord Captain Commander: GrahamKeatley

Hand of Foreign Affairs: Mia

Hand of Internal Affairs: King William I

Hand of War: Dodoei123

Hand of Education: Creekynoise

Hand of Commerce: FeigelInc

Inquisitors: William Blake, Willem, Jarkko

Council of Light

Edited by Malatose
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Who are you again?

I'm the Reverend Doctor Electron Sponge, Archbishop of Vox Populi, Senator and Minister of Science of Vox Populi, Imperator Emeritus of the New Polar Order, Admiral of the Greenland Republic Iceberg Armada and Viceroy of the Orange Defense Network, also hello

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Sad but necessary.


I'm the Reverend Doctor Electron Sponge, Archbishop of Vox Populi, Senator and Minister of Science of Vox Populi, Imperator Emeritus of the New Polar Order, Admiral of the Greenland Republic Iceberg Armada and Viceroy of the Orange Defense Network, also hello

Best reply to anything I've seen in some time.

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