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The Return and the Struggle


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Its on topic because part of the topic of conversation as stated in the OP is what the use of what you guys call perma/eternal ZI. But I'm not arguing against PZI. I'm arguing against hypocrisy of those who argue against it. THe hypocrisy of those who would on one hand campaign against eternal ZI yet the moment when someone they dont like re-rolls they identify him through an IP match and attack him at the drop of a hat.

The topic of the OP is that I am back and not free, contrary to rumors going around. The topic of the OP is not that Junkalunka and Count da Silva are the same person. If you would really like to discuss that, please create a discussion of your own elsewhere. I have not and will not ever support an eternal ZI.

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Has he even tried to re-roll as someone other than Jonathan Brookbank? As far as I remember, he has claimed for a long time to be on E-ZI but how did he find this out when he's never actually attempted to re-roll?

He did. Why do you think Starfox had to post his stuff for him?

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If I understand you correctly, you are saying that because I have access to TOP government IRC channels and forums, that if I then copy/paste or screenshot the contents and distribute them, it does not constitute spying because I was granted access to those areas as a result of my position in the alliance? :huh:

Has he even tried to re-roll as someone other than Jonathan Brookbank? As far as I remember, he has claimed for a long time to be on E-ZI but how did he find this out when he's never actually attempted to re-roll?

Where is this spy business coming from, anyway? I never spied.

I have rerolled as a number of other names, actually, at various times. But the evidence that I'm eternal ZI comes directly from the mouths of those whom have placed me there. IRON has told me they will attack me if they find me.

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I have been chased from nation to nation, alliance to alliance for two years now.

Two years now really? So I guess you were being chased in April of 2007. That's odd I seem to remember you being a GGA Triumvir in September 2007 during the UJW.

Lying and over-embellishing the truth does not help your case.

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Two years now really? So I guess you were being chased in April of 2007. That's odd I seem to remember you being a GGA Triumvir in September 2007 during the UJW.

Lying and over-embellishing the truth does not help your case.

Yes because the length of time he's been hounded and harassed is really, really relevant. I realize it's a Friday during Lent but I don't think any of us need red herring for dinner.

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If I understand you correctly, you are saying that because I have access to TOP government IRC channels and forums, that if I then copy/paste or screenshot the contents and distribute them, it does not constitute spying because I was granted access to those areas as a result of my position in the alliance? :huh:

OOC: A definition of spying is as follows: To observe secretly with hostile intent.

IC: I don't believe what JB did was spying.

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Yes because the length of time he's been hounded and harassed is really, really relevant. I realize it's a Friday during Lent but I don't think any of us need red herring for dinner.

It's a valid example of why he is where is he is because he has a hard time representing the truth for even the minor details, much less the major details of the situation.

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Two years now really? So I guess you were being chased in April of 2007. That's odd I seem to remember you being a GGA Triumvir in September 2007 during the UJW.

Lying and over-embellishing the truth does not help your case.

My mistake, I meant to put "nearly 2 years." I will go back and edit that into my post. Thank you for catching that.

EDIT: It has been 1 year, 5 months, and some days. Just for clarification on my part.

Edited by Jonathan Brookbank
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It's a valid example of why he is where is he is because he has a hard time representing the truth for even the minor details, much less the major details of the situation.

You'd think if he'd misrepresented a major detail of the situation you'd be beating him over the head with it instead of nitpicking a small matter of a few months. Your implicit admission of the accuracy of the major details is duly noted.

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My mistake, I meant to put "nearly 2 years." I will go back and edit that into my post. Thank you for catching that.

OK, since no one else will say it, I will. JB, you aren't getting off these lists because the people who put you on them DO NOT LIKE YOU.

I'm sure that doesn't bother you seeing as this is the internet and all but you can come across like a know-it-all. I couldn't care less and, personally, would like to see you off EZI so we don't have to see one of these crybaby threads pop up every couple of weeks. I don't have a feeling about you one way or the other but I thought it might be nice to know the truth of the situation.

So do yourself a favor and reroll. If you honestly lack the know-how to reroll effectively without getting yourself caught, that's your own problem. My guess is you have built up your name to the point where you would rather keep coming to the boards for attention than actually play this game.

Electron Sponge, you're my second favorite player in the game but dude, really? You used to end entire alliances for good and now you are fighting EZI for someone? Are we really supposed to believe that the timing of your fall from leading NpO and discovering a brand new moral identity is just a coincidence?

I don't think EZI is that big of a deal considering how easy it is to reroll. Here's a hint, JB. Don't tell anyone its you (if you can manage that)...

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You'd think if he'd misrepresented a major detail of the situation you'd be beating him over the head with it instead of nitpicking a small matter of a few months. Your implicit admission of the accuracy of the major details is duly noted.

For Sponge, my responses are in Red.

My assessment of what is true or not in what has been provided in the OP.

I come before you today to dispel the rumors that I have seen and heard as of late: Brookstonia, and her leader, Jonathan Brookbank, are not free. I would like to offer thanks publicly at this time to the Grand Global Alliance for releasing me from their lists, however, the GGA was not the only alliance to hold me there.

True, this is public knowledge.

Today, to my knowledge, I reside on three lists: the eternal ZI list of the New Pacific Order, the eternal ZI list of the I Republic of Orange Nations, and the permanent ZI list of Valhalla. But I shall hide no longer. Brookstonia may once more be penciled in on the maps of the world, for although she is small, she shall stand tall. If I have missed any alliances upon whose list I reside, I would ask kindly that you either post such information here so I may communicate with you in private, or find me in #Brookstonia, at which point I will also be willing to communicate with you privately regarding my future on said list.

Unsure who about whose lists he is on, but factual on all accounts except that the New Pacific Order doesn't have an eternal ZI list, we do have a ZI list which the only stipulation is it requires Moo to approve for someone to stop being attacked. As far as the #brookstania part, probably true, I haven't been there. :P

I would also like to dispel the rumor that I bear any ill will towards the New Pacific Order beyond that which has been bred through the last seven months of exile. I am, however, willing to set that aside, as I have told Emperor Revenge, upon my release.

Seven months of exile? Two years of being chased? What is the current time frame now? You get the point there. As far as if he harbors ill will to New Pacific Order, I do not read minds, so I can not and will not venture a guess if that is true or not.

As a final note, although I currently reside in The Dominion, I am currently looking for an alliance that holds the following values:

* Honor - The honor to fight fairly and to part ways with an honorable enemy without requiring any undue stress upon the enemy alliance.

* Loyalty - Loyalty to one's members and one's allies. Alliances with treaties based solely on political posturing and positioning need not attempt to recruit.

* Freedom - Both for one's members and for individual enemies. I do not wish to be a part of an alliance that chooses to tell other players they are not allowed to play based on nothing at all or on ridiculous, trivial things. I also do not wish to be a part of an alliance that silences dissent and free thinking within its own walls.

Factual as to his current Alliance affiliation. The rest, I still can't read minds so I have to just assume that's true on what he wants.

I suppose that is it for now, however I may think of more in the future to add to said list. If no such alliance exists, I am looking for like-minded people wishing for the same values to be found in their alliance. Any like-minded people wishing to take part in a new endeavor should feel free to visit #brookstonia or send me a private message.

It is time to begin anew.

Nothing here to really argue if it's true or not

Jonathan Brookbank

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

That's his name, yep. True.

Edited by Bilrow
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Two years now really? So I guess you were being chased in April of 2007. That's odd I seem to remember you being a GGA Triumvir in September 2007 during the UJW.

Lying and over-embellishing the truth does not help your case.

Thanks for the clarification, Bill.

Hear that, Johnny? It looks like your chips are finally up. Maybe in another year you might actually be able to contend for the position of "officially mistreated"!

How neat is that?


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Electron Sponge, you're my second favorite player in the game but dude, really? You used to end entire alliances for good and now you are fighting EZI for someone? Are we really supposed to believe that the timing of your fall from leading NpO and discovering a brand new moral identity is just a coincidence?

Sometimes we have to experience evil first-hand, from both sides, before we recognise it for what it is.

Besides which, you're over-simplifying.

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OK, since no one else will say it, I will. JB, you aren't getting off these lists because the people who put you on them DO NOT LIKE YOU.

I'm sure that doesn't bother you seeing as this is the internet and all but you can come across like a know-it-all. I couldn't care less and, personally, would like to see you off EZI so we don't have to see one of these crybaby threads pop up every couple of weeks. I don't have a feeling about you one way or the other but I thought it might be nice to know the truth of the situation.

So do yourself a favor and reroll. If you honestly lack the know-how to reroll effectively without getting yourself caught, that's your own problem. My guess is you have built up your name to the point where you would rather keep coming to the boards for attention than actually play this game.

Electron Sponge, you're my second favorite player in the game but dude, really? You used to end entire alliances for good and now you are fighting EZI for someone? Are we really supposed to believe that the timing of your fall from leading NpO and discovering a brand new moral identity is just a coincidence?

I don't think EZI is that big of a deal considering how easy it is to reroll. Here's a hint, JB. Don't tell anyone its you (if you can manage that)...

I am well aware that people don't like me. I am also well aware of the proper way to reroll and not get caught. The major problem is this...when I started playing CN, I made the mistake of using my real name. I also made the mistake of telling people things about me. Therefore, the people who have me on e-ZI know basically everything about me. So if I ever reveal where I go to school, what state I live in, my Xbox Live gamertag, etc., they will find me. And I play this game for more than just this game. I play it for the connection to the people within my alliance, the friendships I'm able to build...I'm not going to turn into one of those people who never comes on IRC, who never talks, who never interacts with anyone in my alliance. That's not fun, and I won't play that way.

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Electron Sponge, you're my second favorite player in the game but dude, really? You used to end entire alliances for good and now you are fighting EZI for someone? Are we really supposed to believe that the timing of your fall from leading NpO and discovering a brand new moral identity is just a coincidence?

I never ended anyone except CIN. The others (NAAC, Genmay and \m/) all voluntarily disbanded rather than face the "disgrace" of surrendering to me. In the case of the latter two alliances I did not think that it was wise to let someone off so easily who was so willing to attack us, so I made up some really distasteful terms in order to keep them fighting. Instead they disbanded. When these alliances decided to disband, I made sure they stayed disbanded.

Also I didn't say a word in CN for like 3 months, I think you're missing that point. I went out into the 'wilderness' and figured some stuff out. So, in short, I didn't just get overthrown and all the sudden I'm Che Guevara. There was an ideological journey.

Also also, I wasn't much of a fan of EZI while I was in Polar either. I had people ZI'ed, can't really recall ever putting someone on PZI and the only EZI I ever supported was someone who repeatedly had screwed with both Orders and had done so going back like 3 years from that point. I did so only after I had given him another chance and he repaid me by attempting to overthrow me. Knowing something about what I actually did while leading Polar might help you the next time you want to paint me as a hypocrite.

Also also also - Bilrow, you're still only really arguing time frame.

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It's a valid example of why he is where is he is because he has a hard time representing the truth for even the minor details, much less the major details of the situation.

It's NEARLY two years and you're not REALLY a unicorn. Can we move on to the actual topic now, please?

Edited by potato
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It's NEARLY two years and you're not REALLY a unicorn. Can we move on to the actual topic now, please?

The topic is Jonathan and I was on topic. :)

Jonathan knows good and well this will not solve anything, besides an attempt to make an "alleged wrong" seem evil. First example, would be him calling IRON, RON, yeah that's going to help plead his case any. The same people who have supported him will continue to support him and the same people who have issues with him will continue to have issues.

I'm not a unicorn!!! *shock and dismay*

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He did. Why do you think Starfox had to post his stuff for him?

I thought it was because he was banned for not having a nation. When I say re-rolling, I don't simply mean restarting your nation. You have to at least change your ruler/nation name and essentially start your entire CN life again. That is what a re-roll is. It isn't a "get-out-of-jail free" card to be played to escape the consequences of your IC actions so that you can continue playing as your old character. If all he did was restart his nation, then I am not surprised that his "new character" was treated the same as his old one seeing as he obviously had made no attempt to change it.

There are many examples of people who have re-rolled, when their old character was being prosecuted, and then been allowed to play on. I can think of several who have even been later revealed as being re-rolls of specific characters (denial and Yala for examples that spring to mind) and have been allowed to continue on without prosecution in "this life".

Where is this spy business coming from, anyway? I never spied.

Semantics, really. I would define log/screenshot distribution of the contents of areas which are meant to be restricted as spying.

Call it what you will though, a spy by any other name would smell as foul.

I have rerolled as a number of other names, actually, at various times. But the evidence that I'm eternal ZI comes directly from the mouths of those whom have placed me there. IRON has told me they will attack me if they find me.

I didn't know you'd changed names and made legitimate attempts at starting anew as a whole different character. If this is true (not saying that I know it to be false, it would just be quite a shock), then I cannot defend IRON or those others who have behaved in this way.

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I didn't know you'd changed names and made legitimate attempts at starting anew as a whole different character. If this is true (not saying that I know it to be false, it would just be quite a shock), then I cannot defend IRON or those others who have behaved in this way.

I can attest to his attempts with new characters. He didn't even run to his friends or try to start an anti-NPO, anti-GGA, anti-WHOEVER ... up rising. He got discovered and on the way to ZI. Again and again.

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The topic is Jonathan and I was on topic. :)

Jonathan knows good and well this will not solve anything, besides an attempt to make an "alleged wrong" seem evil. First example, would be him calling IRON, RON, yeah that's going to help plead his case any. The same people who have supported him will continue to support him and the same people who have issues with him will continue to have issues.

I'm not a unicorn!!! *shock and dismay*

In JB's defense, he has been trying, QUIETLY for at least a month now to get off these lists. One can only beat their head against the same brick wall before they need to change their tactic's and try something new.

EZI should not exist at all. I have been playing online multiplayer games for 13 years now. And never have I seen anything like this in other games that I play. Where people are continuously hunted down and not allowed to play a game under any identity. It's wrong. It is totally and completely wrong.

EDIT: @blue - Finster from IRON told JB that they would hunt him down where ever he went, no matter his identity. That is how far they are willing to take it.

Edited by AirMe
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Jonathan knows good and well this will not solve anything, besides an attempt to make an "alleged wrong" seem evil. First example, would be him calling IRON, RON, yeah that's going to help plead his case any. The same people who have supported him will continue to support him and the same people who have issues with him will continue to have issues.

Seeing as how your side has already told him that there is nothing he can do about it, he's a goner no matter what his nation is... what the hell does solving anything have to do with it? He's pointing out his situation and framing it against the backdrop of a larger injustice being committed against people by you and your buddies. The same people will oppose him that have opposed him in the past, yes. However he will gain more and more supporters every hour this thread exists as they realize that he's being kept down for no good reason and the capricious nature of the ruling elite is exposed.

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in case some of you haven't noticed, EZI is largely frowned upon, and despite the power to which you presently cling, your stubbornness will be your downfall. if you have a problem with someone, ZI them and send them on their way. the rest of this is nonsense and truly indefensible. and yet...

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Again any specific examples?

Its a myth, a rumor, a boogyman. The only know example of someone being tracked and attacked because of their IP address was when Starfox and Vox attacked Count De Silva.

Von Shizer.

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For Sponge, my responses are in Red.

My assessment of what is true or not in what has been provided in the OP.

Actually, it wasn't really public knowledge that I was still on multiple lists. I've had people coming to me on IRC asking where I'm going to go now that I'm free.

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