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Run your own CN inner alliance Cabal thread


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For FCC its just my simple opinion based on nostalgia i suppose. I remember the earliest days of FCC and was always inspired by many of the FCC regular posters on the old CN forums. I always thought there was a huge potential for the "no BS" FCC type of thinking to make something new in this game. (You can subsitute Gramlins for FCC for each of those statements as well)

I realize you guys might be happy with exactly where you are right now, but I'm biased with:

1) a severe distaste of the current hegonomic web,

2) and the sovereignty sucking verbage in most block treaties,

3 and the rest of the peripheral strings that hold the house of cards together at the moment.

If anyone from FCC and Gramlins severley disagrees with my view, and they think they are in the right spot, I would love to see the discussion, I think at least you guys would be allowed to argue against my view without violating some term of existing block treaties right? :P

There is no writing in the Lux Aeterna to limit our freedom of speech or sovereignty, the FCC made sure of that before signing. ;)

I wouldn't stay allied to TOP and OG if I didn't believe them to be good allies, but they're both good alliances who while I may disagree with them at times I am proud to be allied to them. Nothing is forcing us to stay in Citadel, we are in Citadel because that is where we want to be.

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Ok, looking over a few previos posts I guess I need to spell out my larger point in more detail.

Going for a sunday afternoon drive and will return with my view on how one of the best microish blocks in the game, with full internal soverignty for each member alliance, and full ability to speak its voice on its inner forums, can still in the end be tainted by the strings that still exist on the peripheral. Shall we make it a new thread?

Edited by Paradigm
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I think a lot of people misunderstood the point of the thread. Seems like the OP wants to know what alive alliances you'd like to see start over, politically.

In so far as me: IRON & Umbrella would both be interesting.

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I think a lot of people misunderstood the point of the thread. Seems like the OP wants to know what alive alliances you'd like to see start over, politically.

In so far as me: IRON & Umbrella would both be interesting.

Correct - but it's my own fault for trying to be clever with my words and failing.

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GATO are about the only intact alliance who are in a stranglehold at the minute. FAN are probably mostly dead, even if theirs was lifted, and everyone else is where they are voluntarily – the web is spread enough that you can get protection from a different part if you aren't happy with your current allies.

I must disagree.

The dead alliances are not there voluntarily. \m/ wasn't disbanded because we wanted to disband, we disbanded because our leaders were unable to participate in the game any longer and we were faced with eternal ZI by a coalition that hated us, hated \m/, hated GOONS, and hated Genmay.

I personally would love to see \m/ come back, but the current hegemony would not allow it.

I would also love to see FAN and GOONS come back. FAN being let free from the 2 plus years of constant warfare, and GOONS stopped being blamed for the OOC events that ended that war prematurally.

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The dead alliances are not there voluntarily

Right, I meant 'everyone else who is an intact alliance is there voluntarily'. Dead alliances aren't in a stranglehold though, they're just dead. Even if 'freed', they wouldn't return.

One alliance that maybe could do with an FA restart is MCXA, since its current position is largely the result of the will of tSO and not its current membership.

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Vox and FAN.

I believe if we were finally given peace, we would not believe it and would stay in our bunkers for awhile longer. As for just going out and jumping back into war or acting like asshats, we may be a little crazy (think of anyone stuck in a bunker for almost 2 years) but we are not suicidal.

edit- I forgot about Goons.

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Vox and FAN.

I believe if we were finally given peace, we would not believe it and would stay in our bunkers for awhile longer. As for just going out and jumping back into war or acting like asshats, we may be a little crazy (think of anyone stuck in a bunker for almost 2 years) but we are not suicidal.

edit- I forgot about Goons.

It would be rather interesting to see where all of us Vox members would go, and what we would do, if we were removed from EZI.

I'd fight the NPO still, because I am Starfox101 and I always will, but the rest would be fun to watch.

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Exactly! I did not say "LOL I SUPPORT /b/OM/b/ING OMG" I just said I think /b/ should be allowed back, or atleast in another form like NTO/EGS, which was also cast away from this game I might add. A revival of Anon in this game (say as a neutral menace, like old GPA/NSO/OBR etc) would provide a strong base of long term members to CN. I don't see membership numbers staying this high with the political climate, eventually this game will have alienated too many former players. We need to find another source of players, something (that like a fark greenlight) is proven to generate hundreds of new players.

that would be the problem with starting another *chan alliance though, because keeping your membership in line would be difficult, and obviously anything negative any single member did(the /b/om/b/ing was only a few people as I recall, yet the entire alliance was killed for it) would pretty much sign your death sentence, I wouldn't mind seeing another *chan alliance, just wouldnt want to be responsible for them ;) .

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I would like to see FAN back, but its too late. They would start building with nothing while there are 18k infra nations about with 15k tech. Catching up is impossible and alliance without any upper tier whatsoever are pretty useless. It's a shame because if they hadn't been rolled by NPO over having 21% troops back in the day they could be a huge contender right now.

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I would like to see FAN back, but its too late. They would start building with nothing while there are 18k infra nations about with 15k tech. Catching up is impossible and alliance without any upper tier whatsoever are pretty useless. It's a shame because if they hadn't been rolled by NPO over having 21% troops back in the day they could be a huge contender right now.

I see no reason why FAN couldnt be backed up with upper tier nations from its friends should a time come where everyone got to play again :P Plus FAN alone would be the most battle hardened low NS coalition of nations to ever be unleashed upon Bob.

There is no reason why we couldnt all step back and say "lets try something different", let FAN free, Let GOONS free, end the secret terms crippling future options, end PZI, trash some treaties here and there, let alliances explore real soverignty again for a few months, take some time to build, draw a line down planet bob, pick a side, and start a new dawn in cybernations. I mean IT IS AN alternative to continuing the insanity of expecting a different result from the walls that have been built thus far.

I put it as a challenge to the powers that be. Want to take a risk? Why not Just put into action a few trivial concessions and see what can be started?

So set a FAN/M\GOONS free, end another set of secret terms, toss away the EZI list, end a treaty or twelve - and see where it takes us all.

Jeux sans frontieres

Its worth a shot.

Edited by Paradigm
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1) I miss our romantic fireside chats with TPF.

2) We had fun together and that's what an alliance should be. People seem to forget that.

3) Hindsight is always 20/20.

4) I miss #consilium and #chamber. :(

I'm aware I'll probably get trolled for that but I really don't give a crap. Everyone's an expert on everything even though they weren't there.

Alliance currently around: GATO, they're really a good group of folks when you get to know them and I'd like to see them get back into doing what they did best. Playing for each other and nobody else.

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I must agree with Paradigm. This game has become redundant. They say history repeats itself, and while it may not, it definately parallels itself, and let me tell you, CN has definately paralleled itself many many times in the last two years. Great wars 1-3 were not so much parallels, but almost every war after that was the same. Beatdown, PZI, Beatdown, PZI, Beatdown, PZI and so on. It would be interesting to see something different for once.

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It seems this has become (almost) another thread of "who do you want back in CN?" From my point of view, this topic should be more about alliances that are still in the game. Sure it would be nice to see some of the old alliances back, like GOONS, \m/, NAAC, etc, but those alliances are dead and gone having been crushed under the gears of an ever-changing game. That being said, I think FAN should be given a chance to exist again. Sure they made some mistakes in the past, but the fact that they have held out for well over a year shows that they genuinely desire to continue playing the game, and I think they should be allowed to do so. Sure after every war, the defeated alliance will still not be politically joined with the victor, but no alliance has ever been held at war eternally purely out of fear of a political misalignment.

Also, in before FAN poster making a more extreme argument :P

Edited by Stonewall Jaxon
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Also, in before FAN poster making a more extreme argument :P

Who told you I was writing a post? :awesome:

Actually, I was just going to point out that if a 50 man alliance can keep a 900 man alliance in such a state of fear that they will under no circumstances consider peace because of the inherent dangerousness of those tiny 50 nations, well, that 50 man alliance has pretty much won the game. Don't you agree?

Admin, you can turn off the switch now.

Alternately, I would propose that Admin start a second "world". Keep this one running for all who want to stay. Allow anybody who wants to start a nation on the second planet to do so but with one important restriction: you cannot be on both. That will keep the existing power brokers here and allow new ones to form elsewhere. Alliances can choose where they want to reside. The alternate planet could be populated by NAAC, FAN, GOONS, whoever... We know it's possible since because TE is almost configured that way. Remove the time limit on TE and put in a no multies rule across the two worlds and the problem is solved.

You're welcome. :v:

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