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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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What's the name of this again? "This Week in Old Irrelevant News?"

Are we really gonna start on the name again? Cause it was done to death with no real purpose.

Actually, come to think of it...that puts it right up your alley.

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The Brigade! Score!

I knew it was a "B". Thanks Reyne!

And no, as has been pointed out and should have been realized by the dating of what I said, I'm no spy. I believe I said I wouldn't even release screens or logs, that just isn't nice. Well, unless you're Vox I guess.

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Well naturally. Old Guard hurts Vox's dream of a Great War in which Citadel and Superfriends bring down Continuum. Not that a new powerstructure would just re-form or anything <_<

It's the journey, not the destination.

also lol @ Bob Sanders. " :wub: Reyne for speaking her mind and being strong willed! Also damn those Gremlins for speaking their minds!"

Edited by Matthew George
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Old or not, she needs to explain herself.

Or not.

Who are you to say what she or any alliance or any nation in Citadel "needs to do".

I'm not defending her or anybody really. I don't feel I have to. It just seems to me that you and so many others forget that people own these nations and people run alliances. Leaders don't just spring up overnight, I mean, regardless of government structure, how many leaders have really assume their positions without having the trust of their alliance mates? She and everyone else here is human, imperfect and all. You know what? We're cool with that.

I don't post much but most of you make me question whether or not you see people as people or as infallible avatars with stupid names like Mogar, Moo, or Reyne.

(chairmanR is a stupid name, too.)

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Or not.

Who are you to say what she or any alliance or any nation in Citadel "needs to do".

I skipped the rest here, because this made me realize what a stupid post it would be. She's the leader of an alliance in both of the top 2 blocs in CN. She's the only person who posts much from the alliance, and she made some bad comments about other alliances on Planet Bob, including some of her allies. I think it's quite clear she needs to explain herself.

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one of those "die in a fire" pics would be perfect for this thread

and nintenderek, who the hell are you telling people what to do?

and why would she care about what you're saying anyways?

if you don't like OG... don't get treaties with them :P

Edited by Venizelos
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I skipped the rest here, because this made me realize what a stupid post it would be. She's the leader of an alliance in both of the top 2 blocs in CN. She's the only person who posts much from the alliance, and she made some bad comments about other alliances on Planet Bob, including some of her allies. I think it's quite clear she needs to explain herself.

Now, I may be a stupid "noob", as someone named Nintendoderek might call me, when it comes to CN politics...but couldn't her posting have something to do with the fact that she's Triumvir of External Affairs?

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So, we're hated by a leader whose gross incompetence and untiring determination to unquestioningly dance to the Pied Piper of Pacifica’s tune has resulted in stunning alliance stagnation? Whose continued leadership relies on systematically purging dissenting members and oppressing free thought to a degree that only the Grand Global Alliance can match? Whose every action and comment perfectly symbolises exactly what is so unacceptable, so wrong, about the current political climate?

You know what? I’m comfortable with that.

This is the best post of the topic, I like Vanguard :D

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I don't post much but most of you make me question whether or not you see people as people or as infallible avatars with stupid names like Mogar, Moo, or Reyne.

We see them as people and we understand they can make mistakes. That, however, will not stop us from calling them on their mistakes, their insults, their prejudices. The fact that she literally represents her entire alliance to a lot of us makes it even more important.

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Or not.

Or yes.

Whenever you call an alliance which your alliance is MDoAP'd with 'an alliance of idiots', an excuse seems quite normal to me.

You should always be respectful to your allies, even behind closed doors or in private irc channels.

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I don't post much but most of you make me question whether or not you see people as people or as infallible avatars with stupid names like Mogar, Moo, or Reyne.

People make mistakes. You make mistakes, alliances make mistakes... even I made a mistake once. But people, after making a mistake, apologize for making said mistake.

It seems like you're the one who sees them as just avatars with retarded names.

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What's the mistake in question? Airing her views on a private forum with people she trusts?

I'm not even going to bring up how these screenshots are out of context and don't show the responses to her comments. You take half-year old, out of context screenshots and view them as gospel.

@ erikz: That's your interpretation of foreign policy and by all means, if it makes sense to you, more power to you. However, there's this ideal that you and many others hold up and there's reality. Neither here in CN or real life are even the closest allies free of criticism for each other.

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What's the mistake in question? Airing her views on a private forum with people she trusts?

I'm not even going to bring up how these screenshots are out of context and don't show the responses to her comments. You take half-year old, out of context screenshots and view them as gospel.

@ erikz: That's your interpretation of foreign policy and by all means, if it makes sense to you, more power to you. However, there's this ideal that you and many others hold up and there's reality. Neither here in CN or real life are even the closest allies free of criticism for each other.

It's not about responses or age. It's the fact that she said them at all. Every person has to answer for their actions at one time or another. I would say for a she-tyrant like Reyne, today is that day.

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Oh Reyne Mordigan, how far you've fallen. I remember you were one of like 4 people (oddly enough, one of them is now the Sovereign of Vanguard) who defended CIN years back. Mindless posts of "hail," the drone like mentally abundant in that war and you were a voice of reason in it. It was relieving, to say the least.

But I suppose that was years ago and the world has vastly changed. Now with the way things are, putting your lips over your teeth and sucking was really the only option for you and OG, wasn't it? That or be destroyed. Oh well, seems like it's a much better position for you now.

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It's definitely not a flattering selection of posts from Reyne but they are old posts. I'm of the understanding that things have been improving within Citadel, but this "news" edition only seeks to disrupt that harmony, which is a shame. Of course, it's only capable of being a disruption if people allow it to, so I hope all my allies see this for what it really is and keep communicating with each other with respect and civility.

I mean really, you don't want this to cause dramas.

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It's not about responses or age. It's the fact that she said them at all. Every person has to answer for their actions at one time or another. I would say for a she-tyrant like Reyne, today is that day.

Actions!? She didn't act!

She spoke and made her opinion known. Where are these "actions" she must answer for?

EDIT: added quote

Edited by chairmanR
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I skipped the rest here, because this made me realize what a stupid post it would be. She's the leader of an alliance in both of the top 2 blocs in CN. She's the only person who posts much from the alliance, and she made some bad comments about other alliances on Planet Bob, including some of her allies. I think it's quite clear she needs to explain herself.

To whom though? And through what venue? I don't think the most appropriate answers to those questions are "Vox" and "the OWF".

And I doubt Vox is going to be airing anything conciliatory that Reyne does. If it's really as bad as you claim, then it is the offended alliances' prerogative to take action--why is Nintenderek speaking on their behalf?

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What's the mistake in question? Airing her views on a private forum with people she trusts?

I'm not even going to bring up how these screenshots are out of context and don't show the responses to her comments. You take half-year old, out of context screenshots and view them as gospel.

@ erikz: That's your interpretation of foreign policy and by all means, if it makes sense to you, more power to you. However, there's this ideal that you and many others hold up and there's reality. Neither here in CN or real life are even the closest allies free of criticism for each other.

She blatantly insulted an ally. You really don't get to just ignore that.

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