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The iPhone and CN


iPhone Useres in CN?  

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iPhones are for rich capitalist pigs, who don't realise that better and cheaper phones exist.

Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy one >_>

Cheaper, yes. Better... Ohhhh no my friend :P

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I check my alliance forums and sometimes CN Forums on it, but never CN itself. I've been too worried about the possibility of unintended rule breakage.

Also - a CN app would be awesome. I believe this was mentioned in a topic in the Water Cooler once, though, and someone said it costs money to have one published in the App Store.

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Once and awhile if I'm away from home and waiting for something, I'll open the Rooms IRC client. Occasionally I'll check our forums...but it's a PITA to surf with 3G most of the time.

I'll admit, I'm a Microsoft slappy...but I love my iPhone.

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iPhones are for rich capitalist pigs, who don't realise that better and cheaper phones exist.

I take your sediments and thank you for the fine words, however my colleagues and I prefer the word opportunist. Getting back on topic, I use mine occasionally to check the CN forums, only when the drama meter is above 4 though, I had a smart phone windows mobile device for about a year and bought an Iphone when I lost it.

As for Google Android, I wouldn't say better, comparable, yes.

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2) Not sad enough to want to access CN from my phone


Also - a CN app would be awesome. I believe this was mentioned in a topic in the Water Cooler once, though, and someone said it costs money to have one published in the App Store.

And hopefully you guys know, that you can techincally multi on your iphone for cybernations. As you would connect to your 3g network via satelight and not from your homes network So there for you could multi.

Disclaimer: I have an iphone yes, but i dont multi.

Edited by BringMeTheHorizon
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I get on here, IRC, and TOOL from my touch fairly often (I'm on it now, as my computer is in the shop), but I try to avoid logging into CN itself from here except when absolutely necessary.


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I have a G1, so I use that to check CN pretty much daily at work. It's pretty much the only time I come.

I wish I had an iPhone. But, I'm stuck with T-Mobile and the G1 and Android is as close as it gets.

if you get a 1g iphone and pwn it you can use it on t-mobile and the internet actually works very well with just the 5.99 t-zones plan. You could probably sell your g1 on ebay for enough to buy an iPhone.

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I'll check forums (Gre and CN) whenever I'm away and bored or whatever, IRC too sometimes, but CN, I only really do when I can't bring my laptop or need to pay bills or something, don't wanna risk anything until I hear a definite "It's okay" from Admin.

Dedicated CN App would be awesome, I wonder, could anyone here design a decent one..

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I use it constantly for forums and IRC, it makes up a large part of my activity. As a government member in an alliance here and someone with a damn active social life in real life it really makes it so I'm never out of touch or inactive. Plus, there's no better way to waste time in between classes or at work ;)...recommend it to all.

Downside is I often post or answer queries wasted :/

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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I don't do it often, but I have used the DS web browser to get on CN stuff before.

The DS has a web browser?! (I'm assuming you're referring to the Nintendo DS).

Also, I lack a cell phone period, so using my iPhone to get onto CN would be pretty difficult, no? I'd probably do it all the time if I could, though....

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