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Mea Culpas

Duncan King

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An Apology from Zenith and Myself

Ever have one of those days where you're tired and frustrated and you just want to scream? Well, I had one of those today and made a miscue today. We had recently been through a fairly stressful experience with the alliance ONE and when they made the announcement of their growth, I took the opportunity to express my frustration in that announcement. Because the leaders can set the tone for the alliance, some other government members did as well.

For that reason, I apologize. We dragged what had otherwise been a situation resolved with decorum on all sides into the gutter. For that, I apologize to Ragnarok and ONE for our actions this afternoon. It was not the Zenith way.

Edit: my sig doesn't really help the solemnity of the moment. <_< member competitions <_<

Edited by Duncan King
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Duncan King, this apology has restored my respect in you. I had found your actions earlier to be a bit out of the norm when reviewing your character as a whole. I know Ragnarok appreciates the humility you've shown in being able to own up to your actions and I'm sure ONE does as well.

Good show.

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Nice move, DK. However, if you drank as much as Brian Reimer, you wouldn't have to worry about making mistakes. You'd be passed out all the time! :D

"How about you take your mind off of it...with some pizza...and some beer. Ooooh that's right...I ate all the pizza, and I drank all the beer"


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I fail to see anywhere where you were out of line. Honestly, when someone does wrong and is called on it, it's not the whistle blower's job to apologize. Last I heard, poaching can be a war worthy offense, giving them bad PR is letting them off light.

Maybe I just have a more liberal view on the OWF and its uses.

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I fail to see anywhere where you were out of line. Honestly, when someone does wrong and is called on it, it's not the whistle blower's job to apologize. Last I heard, poaching can be a war worthy offense, giving them bad PR is letting them off light.

Maybe I just have a more liberal view on the OWF and its uses.

You are misinformed.

Also, Thank you to the govt of Zenith, as you continue to be easy to work with.

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I fail to see anywhere where you were out of line. Honestly, when someone does wrong and is called on it, it's not the whistle blower's job to apologize. Last I heard, poaching can be a war worthy offense, giving them bad PR is letting them off light.

Maybe I just have a more liberal view on the OWF and its uses.

Agreed!! Its very hard to bite your tung when you are telling the truth, yet the lies keep flowing.

Besides if there is one person in CN that says they have not voiced their opinion or side, rather right or wrong, on OWF.......I'll tell them they are lying.

You simply can't be faulted for telling the truth or losing control every now and then over the truth.

As always, you guys are a class act no matter what anyone says!!

Edited by Burning Glory
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