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Official NATO Announcement


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This is the fourth treaty we've canceled in the last two months. We reviewed each one by one so that nothing was overlooked or taken for granted. Instead of just dropping them all at the same time we reviewed where they were in the world and how that matched up with where we want to be. And we notified GOD of the cancellation well before any incidents with KM and Zenith.

Given how tied we are to RoK and Fark, the conspiracy theories fall flat.

I would advise all the tin wearing crowd to read this post in case it was missed. NATO is still a close ally to two SF alliances and SF is not dumping GOD ever so you do the math.

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I really can't see why everyone is OMG over an ODP being terminated, I thought you lot wanted less treaties :D

Fewer treaties is still cool. It's just annoying when it seems like our intelligence is being insulted by the generic reasoning provided for the cancellation. Anu provided some good clarifications though.

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I lol'd.

[OOC]Congrats. You are the 17th person to incorrectly guess my avatar. I suppose now I should go find a stale cookie for you.[/OOC]

[ooc]Its that nerdy programmer villian guy from the 007 flic. The one with the annoying tic tic tic of ballpoint pens.[/ooc]

Not to worry, mein freund.

Soon one will become "more" favorite than the other.

You really dont know much about RoK NATO and SF do you?

Edited by Alfred von Tirpitz
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Fewer treaties is still cool. It's just annoying when it seems like our intelligence is being insulted by the generic reasoning provided for the cancellation. Anu provided some good clarifications though.

Intelligence being insulted???, I consider all this tinfoil directed at NATO as insulting their intelligence.

Would people be so "Lines being drawn" if NATO had dropped say Valhalla, or would it meet with the approval of this audience. :P

*Pansy awaits the visit from Mr Drake giving him the bad news

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We owe you and nobody else no excuse or explanation.

If that were true you would not have made this announcement at all. Why should you have? You owe no one any excuse or explanation, right?

I see you made a lightening fast edit, there...

Edited by Tom Litler
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If that were true you would not have made this announcement at all. Why should you have? You owe no one any excuse or explanation, right?

Public announcements serve a dual purpose: In the future, they act as concrete records to see whether a treaty really was or was not cancelled. Secondly, they serve as notices to the world at large of a diplomatic actions.

But I'll tell you the reason out of the benevolence of my heart; we knew Tom Litler would whine.

Edited by Count da Silva
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So instead of trying to restart those relations, you cancel the treaty flatout?

Regardless, your timing is impeccable to prove the conspiracy theorists right, well done.

Sometimes crisis situations force an alliance to re-consider their treaties and reevaluate the relationship. What's wrong with that? A sovereign alliance does what it wants to and relates to who it wants to. Instead of leading GOD into thinking they will be there for them if anything happens and then just not show up, they were honest and forthright. Now, the peanut gallery calls them pansies.

We support our ODP partners in NATO and wish them the best of luck. We also appreciate the fact that we will not be led on by NATO toward false expectations. They are honest, forthright and good friends.

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Sometimes crisis situations force an alliance to re-consider their treaties and reevaluate the relationship. What's wrong with that? A sovereign alliance does what it wants to and relates to who it wants to. Instead of leading GOD into thinking they will be there for them if anything happens and then just not show up, they were honest and forthright. Now, the peanut gallery calls them pansies.

A crisis situation, you say?

Also, for the love of all that is good and holy, will you people come up with something other than "peanut gallery" to label commentators with? It pops up as often as magicninja in a Vanguard thread.

Congratulating them for doing nothing in this case is odd.

Certainly, but GOD no longer being connected to an alliance that leaks nation strength and members like a sieve is surely a cause for celebration.

Edited by Revanche
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Okay, seriously people? It's a frigging OPTIONAL Defense Pact. Even if war is on the horizon this hardly serves the purpose of 'drawing the lines', especially seeing as how Fark and RoK would be on the same side of GOD. Christ... all of this bantering about canceling treaties these past few days has become quite obnoxious. Lines aren't being drawn, take your tinfoil hat off, and look for something else to back up your conspiracies and speculative prophecies... this serves neither purpose.

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