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Queen Hoopdy the 1st

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About Queen Hoopdy the 1st

  • Birthday March 15

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hurray Pirate War Flag! This war definitely needs more pirates.
  2. Man, our Caspers must be getting beat up by the amount of fleeing I see. Think of the ghosts, people!
  3. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1296371190' post='2610725'] I'll be glad when Polar gets rol....OH WAIT. [/quote] Dammit, you made me snort coffee out my nose. And it [i]hurt[/i].
  4. [quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1292205651' post='2537836'] I'm sorry, did I just read that FIFTEEN people joined MHA? That's not fair. [/quote] Our recruiting team is both awesome and frightening. We throw a caribou in their cage once a day and hope for the best.
  5. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1291016656' post='2525776'] Really? I've always thought that rebels were about undermining and thus using guerrilla tactics to bring down a superior foe, not seeking a decisive battle. It would seem foolhardy for someone rebelling against a power structure to engage it on terms where the structure has all the advantages. Amazing to think that all those rebel leaders have been 'doin it rong'. [/quote] What you would call a rebel using guerrilla tactics is what I would call a rogue turtling to prolong his inevitable fate. Perhaps we'll just have to disagree on that.
  6. [quote name='Azrael Alexander' timestamp='1290954215' post='2525287'] I'd be perfectly content if our influence was non existent as we after all are not trying to be a "respectable hegemon". [/quote] I just want to quote this because Azrael Alexander is wise and awesome all at once. Two things Rebounder will never be.
  7. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1287455318' post='2487371'] [b]Commentary[/b] I don't know what the [color=#48D1CC][b]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b][/color] is doing, but it's screwing around with my head. And they're doing it intentionally. All Harmlish are now banned. [/quote] Awww, but we you!! We don't want to go to banned camp!
  8. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1287374091' post='2486833'] [b]Commentary[/b] Is there some sort of exodus going on within the [color=#48D1CC][b]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b][/color]? They seem to have had a lot of large losses lately (either that or my memory is acting up on me). Also, if the [color=red][b]New Pacific Order[/b][/color] pulls to within five points, admin will reset the game. [/quote] It's a combination of our usual swirl of ghosts shuffling, some nuke rogues and a couple of big old members deleting. RIP GenZod.
  9. Wait, Pourqy got a job? I guess there is hope for all of us.
  10. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1287202256' post='2485684'] [b]Biggest Gainer[/b] [color=#48D1CC][b]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b][/color] [color=green](+0.60)[/color] [/quote] Wow, go go gadget recruiters! Not a bad day at all.
  11. MHAil is always pronounced emm-hale. Everyone knows that. Congratulations to MHA on another successful year. Let's get this party started!
  12. [quote name='bongoshan' timestamp='1283687290' post='2442505'] That's right MHA, we're making YOU our meatshield. How's that for a spin? Obligatory o/ to everyone involved. [/quote] I knew it! I blame you entirely, Bongo. This is my shocked face:
  13. [quote name='The Syndic' timestamp='1280628594' post='2396589'] TIO will be accommodating and take the piece directly east of our northern most territory instead. [/quote] Thank you. Now Dynasty will not have to make a new pic for us.
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