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Official NATO Announcement


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The End of a Treaty

NATO and GOD shared an old ODP treaty for some time now. During our recent restructuring and treaty review, we found that our alliances have drifted away from each other do mostly to lack of communication. Therefore NATO has decided to cancel our ODP pact with GOD. They have been notified, and the waiting period has already ended.

Best of luck to GOD in their future.

-The NATO High Council

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Here we go, another dead horse is going to get a beating.

this really has nothing to do with whatever it is you are implying. We haven't had any contact with them in a long time, therefore we would not feel comfortable having treaties with them. See, it really is simple sometimes.

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this really has nothing to do with whatever it is you are implying. We haven't had any contact with them in a long time, therefore we would not feel comfortable having treaties with them. See, it really is simple sometimes.

So instead of trying to restart those relations, you cancel the treaty flatout?

Regardless, your timing is impeccable to prove the conspiracy theorists right, well done.

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During our recent restructuring and treaty review, we found that our alliances have drifted away from each other do mostly to lack of communication.

Come now, you could have done better than that!

I suppose you might just not be the creative type... or perhaps you were not really up to the task of coming up with a better excuse?

Congratulations to GOD, at any rate.

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Interesting time to review old treaties.

This is the fourth treaty we've canceled in the last two months. We reviewed each one by one so that nothing was overlooked or taken for granted. Instead of just dropping them all at the same time we reviewed where they were in the world and how that matched up with where we want to be. And we notified GOD of the cancellation well before any incidents with KM and Zenith.

Given how tied we are to RoK and Fark, the conspiracy theories fall flat.

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I suppose reviewing old treaties is always good, regardless of timing. Right?

Of course it is always good.

That this particular treaty will get rid of an "ally" of NATO's that has found itself on the wrong end of the rifle is an added bonus.

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Of course it is always good.

That this particular treaty will get rid of an "ally" of NATO's that has found itself on the wrong end of the rifle is an added bonus.

I'll be honest. I'm a bit surprised to see you backing GOD ardently the last few days, because they have a tendency to be involved in stomping alliances far too similar to you.

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Keep the communication open!

Had they done that we would not be commenting on this announcement.

Wait, I forgot, this has absolutely nothing to do with any "lack of communication" at all.

Who said I was "backing" GOD, Mr. Potter? It seems that you believe that if I am not with you I am with the other side. Contrary to what you may think, I want no part in your little dance of self-deception.

Edited by Tom Litler
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ZOMG. I should probably get pre-emptively drunk and belligerant. Then go ready my nation for pants-crapping.

This will probably seem like a bad idea when I wake up tomorrow, but right now it is sheer genius.

Mind if I join you there??

I really can't see why everyone is OMG over an ODP being terminated, I thought you lot wanted less treaties :D

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