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This Week in Pacifica

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That still constitutes the spread of intelligence that initially didn't belong to you. To me, that's spying.

So, if someone in Vox accidently told me who the spy is in the NPO, and I told Moo, that would be spying I guess, because I'm spreading information that wasn't met for me. Good to know!

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OOC: Thanks for believing in me, KingSrgt. Just for that I'll actually entertain your request to "do better." This is why he's wrong, straight from the dictionary:

/snap crackle and pop/

Quite simply I was not employed by anyone to gather information and there was no hostile intent on my part. Not spying. He was wrong.


7. to be on the lookout; keep watch.

–verb (used with object) 9. to catch sight of suddenly; espy; descry: to spy a rare bird overhead.

10. to discover or find out by observation or scrutiny (often fol. by out).

That sounds about right to me for your IRC visit :P

Now back to your regular business, thread-people; it is bedtime in Louisaland.

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Quite right. We all know that the Pacifican definition spying leaves much to be desired and suits it's own needs, at whichever time it chooses. It is only wrong when others deem spying acceptable to prevent NPO aggression or continue an action taken against the New Pacific Order.

tl;dr: NPO can spai but you can't!

Since you have been keen to criticize the accepted definition of what constitutes being a "spy", would you care to enlighten us what Vox's accepted definition of the word is?

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So let me get this right the MHA is trying to build a mega MDP block to kill the NPO! and all you guys can talk about if ****ing tech deals? What more do we have to do to create drama? )):

Well floyd assessment with Bastion is pretty much spot on. The things blacked out were more interesting and that was the deal we wanted i would have been so much better.

At least you have drawn me to a thread i would not have checked till after i got home from college :lol:

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Thanks, Schatt. I was beginning to wonder how far you'd go on your crusade of revenge. I am now all the more enlightened. :P

I'm glad you included the :P. Because, in all honesty, seriously, I really don't give a damn that MHA didn't take on the protectorate.

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You're right, I wasn't spying. No one from Pacifica sent me into the Vox channel, I was invited into it in an attempt to recruit me. You all were hot for Doppelganger and remain so to this day. I cannot blame you for this.

Anyhow, once inside I saw some things that disturbed me (such as an NPO military leader plotting againt Pacifica) and reported my concerns to the appropriate authorities. That's not my definition of spying but if it's yours, well, so what? You're Schattenman and I'm Doppelganger so I win. That settles that.

This comment is subpar and I disapprove of it.

Being in a channel among people pretending to go along with it while you report confidential information is pretty clearly spying. It may not be that you sought to spy, but when you stayed there pretending to have interest in order to get information, you were spying.

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So let me get this right the MHA is trying to build a mega MDP block to kill the NPO! and all you guys can talk about if ****ing tech deals? What more do we have to do to create drama? )):

It's almost as if some people in the thread wanted to take attention away from that aspect of the OP. <_<

*waves hand* This isn't the intel you are looking for.

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Incredible, Vox! Your extensive network of two spies has surely rocked the foundations of this game! Do you seriously mean to say that you have a person in MHA and a spy in NPO? This is indeed the most impressive network of spies I've ever seen. All shall fear Vox members! Both of them!

Edited by Stonewall Jaxon
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