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February is BLACK History and Heritage Month!


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I wasn't around for the black forum here, but have been around for over a year on the Black Conclave.

Now, I really wanted Schatt or El to post this story, but it appears they won't.

As my fellow black residents who peruse the Black Conclave know, Schattenman and Elborrador often would snipe at each other over various things, whether it be trade issues, the new alliances in the black sphere, or just the future of black in general, or the color of sky, didn't matter, they would argue.

Anyway, Obsidian had posted its intent to run a Senator. I don't know if this was a holdover from the GOONS period or what, but there were some issues relating to running of senators on the black sphere, even post Goonland Security Act.

With well wishes we anticipated an open election, as many issues had been resolved relating to senate elections on black.

Well, it was a little more 'open' than anticipated.

Apparently, Schattenman interpreted 'open elections' as meaning 'allowed to stump for any senator to anyone on black that you supported.'

I'm pretty sure he did the following to piss off Elborrador.

Schatt then messages all of Obsidian (who was proffering Corey Faith - a good guy - as their candidate) telling them to support SoCal (also a very worthy senator from OBR).

I guess Schatt was a bit more convincing as Mr. Faith didn't make the Senate that term. I believe Mr. SoCal did.

Yeah, so El got super pissed at that, but I have to admit, I thought it was hilarious (and yes, I consider myself to be friends with both Schatt and El). I'd like to think that over time I've had some small part in bringing these two together, and I do miss them both on the Black Conclave, because for a while, along with Xen, they definitely put the 'pissed off' in 'politics.'


I came so close to destroying Browncoats as a result of this. I think in the end we made the right decision by backing off. We weren't very large at the time and I'm not sure we'd have been able to muster enough support to isolate Browncoats (Even with the Dark Confederacy behind us). For the record, i believe schatt ended up admitting to doing it to undermine us, but we did still get our senate seat (Which is why we let the issue go)

Good times, good times indeed.

edit: Schatt's account of the actions are pretty accurate. I was not a cool head back then, i blasted a lot of respectable people and made a general fool of myself. For some reason, Schatt really pushed my buttons though :P

Edited by elborrador
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I hope someone actually does post GOON's Story who was in GOONS.

Not many left. The ones who started GOONS are all gone now, I think SC is the only one left. I joined GOONS only prior to GWII so I would not be any help in telling its beginnings.

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That was a hilarious story my friend. I wont ever forget that crisis, I had a signature of Snoop with an aiming cursor on his head.

And the only reason why some GOONS forgave me was because I never directly insulted em', I just hated Snoop. That was a long process. -.-

Goons were crazy, but I enjoyed their nonsense. Added lots of humor, as long with headaches, to the game .

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Not many left. The ones who started GOONS are all gone now, I think SC is the only one left. I joined GOONS only prior to GWII so I would not be any help in telling its beginnings.

Some of us remain who are still loyal to Ye olde grenade.

Edit: I can tell stories if anyone cares to hear them.

Edited by Chunk Monkey
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I always liked the GOONs.

What can I say? They had style. ;)

I even believed that the GOONs were going to win the Unjust War and telling myself that I was going to join once they had won the war.

Here is to dreaming. :P

Honestly, had none of the OOC bs gotten in the way, we had a chance, albeit a slim one. Several of the bandwagon alliances would likely have dropped out a few days after TPF & co. surrendered if they hadnt, as they were hurting pretty badly. Unfortunately, we will never know what would have happened, and its likely this post will summon all the old war vets here to discredit me and tell me Im wrong. For the record though, GOONS had the best fighting machine on the planet (admittedly with help from FAN in terms of guides and such) and one of the best banking systems, only falling short to pacifica's banks (who we learned plenty from). Proof that we were one of the premier CN alliances still remains in many forms. Honestly, I could go on all day about GOONS, but I have half a month to post more stories :)

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Black History and Heritage Month

In this month, we celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of the Black Sphere. Formed as a trading sphere back in 2006, Black has become a highly successful economic zone with a vibrant trade circle program that can be found at http://z3.invisionfree.com/Black_Conclave/...p?showtopic=314. More than that, Black also boasts an exciting, sophisticated, and elegant culture, replete with great music, art, and drama.

Join with me and the rest of the Black Sphere as we take a look at Black History and Heritage Month, and explore with us the richness of our part of the world.

Today, we look at MrFixitOnline.

Back in the 12th Century, when most of your ancestors were barely-literate thugs extorting passers-by for their valuables, the great civilization of MrFixitOnline was beginning to flower on the Black Sphere.

The highly literate scholars of MrFixitOnline developed powerful formulas and treatises that are used to this day as the foundation of much of our learning on Bob. For example, their infra jump calculator, at http://www.mrfixitonline.com/cyber_nations...pcalculator.php, is a standard reference for the whole world. And the learned men and women of MrFixitOnline were the first to have it.

Did you know that the scientists of MrFixitOnline were the first to calculate the jump needed to clear 1000 infra? And that they discovered the seven bonus combo? Did you also know that, at the time, MrFixitOnline's calculators were more accurate than even the ones used by the NPO? It's true!

Thousands of students pass through the halls of learning that MrFixitOnline has built up for one and all to learn the fine arts of statecraft and administration. Without MrFixitOnline, many of us leaders of nations would literally not know what to do.

We salute the nations of MrFixitOnline, for all the genius and enlightenment they've brought to the world... from the Black Sphere.

With another great moment in Black History, I'm Zzzptm.

That's pretty epic.

o/ MFO

o/ JoshuaR

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On August 3rd, 2008, a month of planning was unvield and The Immortals revealed themselves to the enjoyment of all, lead by The Sarmatian Empire, Wappas, Master Conservative, Serg, Cosmos, and Al Capone. With this annoucement of exsistance came a immediate Mutual Defense Pact with the United Militant Corps, long time friends and allies. Based on chivarly and ready for success this group of vets started a massive recruitment campaign and so it paid off. They quickly gained many valueable members such as Choader and Neogandalf, who play/played critical roles in TI's growth.

It wasn't long after that TI signed The Contract of Immorality with The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations. These two quickly became great friends and their relationship has flourish since. TI also seen two members leave, Runz and Sagha, while TI was saddened by their leaving, they knew that Runz and Sagha's new alliance would be a force one day and quickly made solid friendships, soon signing a MDP with the Federation of Bucs. The Immortals also aligned themselves with the likes of The Dark Templar, =Western Empire=, and USN. All powerful friendships that will last through the ages. TI also signed onto the Dark Vows and helped myworld push a critical black economic market.

As December hit TI blasted through the 1 million barrier, catching eyes around the world. TI now has over 70 members and 1.2 million NS. Their sole power being their community. It has be noted that their forums are like no other and only they can match the excellance.

Fists Up

If you believe in us

Fists Up

If you are one of us

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