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Alright, I've got two issues.

1: How the hell did they manage to mobilize a million man army in under twelve hours. That takes weeks, to months to do usually

2: Vince Sixx's nation is new, and he has RPed no military, let alone have time to build one. He should have no military until he actually RPs it

Oops, here's a third:

3: How are the Dragon Empire troops getting there so fast. You can't move a massive army by plane and have it there in a half hour.

That is the biggest issue for me in CNRP. Honestly, it took Coalition Forces in Iraq at least six months to move thousands of troops by air. Between 200-500 soldiers a flight and that is at least 40 flights for one division. At least six hours for the flight (that is extremely generous considering loading times and airport backups) its going to take a very, very, very long time. Much more effecient is by sea, but that is much slower. Instead of six hours, it would be more like two or three days at least (again being very generous).

I have this issue as well, but this is a RP board. If you equivocate that into the final equation for war, there are dozens upon dozens of other things we all would need to change; like why the hell is it cheaper to move people to Antarctica when there are plenty of other locations to move in that would be a damn ton cheaper?

Or supply lines?

Or costs?

Or the weeks of time it takes to even be READY to move?

There are countless other factors that should be included when we go to war; don't get me wrong, I would like that as much as you do (even farther: a long, multi-year war), but we are not war experts. We are RP'ers. We don't want to RP getting ready, then waiting a week to RP more; what if you have all the time in the world right now, but will be going away for several days?

@Acca Dacca, many people also use the 3 months = 1 year time scale.

Edited by JerreyRough
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I have this issue as well, but this is a RP board. If you equivocate that into the final equation for war, there are dozens upon dozens of other things we all would need to change; like why the hell is it cheaper to move people to Antarctica when there are plenty of other locations to move in that would be a damn ton cheaper?

Or supply lines?

Or costs?

Or the weeks of time it takes to even be READY to move?

There are countless other factors that should be included when we go to war; don't get me wrong, I would like that as much as you do (even farther: a long, multi-year war), but we are not war experts. We are RP'ers. We don't want to RP getting ready, then waiting a week to RP more; what if you have all the time in the world right now, but will be going away for several days?

@Acca Dacca, many people also use the 3 months = 1 year time scale.

Or tactics

Or realism

Or other peoples' defenses

Just though you were a bit lacking on what people seem to miss ^_^

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@Acca Dacca, many people also use the 3 months = 1 year time scale.


Thats just annoying. an Rl hour equaling a RP half day is probably the best time scale.

RL -----------RP

90 days = 365 days

1 day = 4(.0555) days

1 hour = 1/6th of a day.

Also, I was only saying that the first time scale be the War time scale. A unified time scale for just war.

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Alright, I've got two issues.

1: How the hell did they manage to mobilize a million man army in under twelve hours. That takes weeks, to months to do usually

2: Vince Sixx's nation is new, and he has RPed no military, let alone have time to build one. He should have no military until he actually RPs it

Oops, here's a third:

3: How are the Dragon Empire troops getting there so fast. You can't move a massive army by plane and have it there in a half hour.

1. Nobody RPs logistics. It would take days of RPing movements, which few to none of us have time for.

2. So he lacks one post saying "We're recruiting X thousand men." Big deal.

3. See 1

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1. Nobody RPs logistics. It would take days of RPing movements, which few to none of us have time for.

2. So he lacks one post saying "We're recruiting X thousand men." Big deal.

3. See 1

1. Its more of a simple matter of even a small post saying that you are preparing to get to war; mobilization. And a simple paint-type map of where troops are being deployed to.

2. True. It's more of an accidental overlook than anything else, methinks.

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Alright, I've got two issues.

1: How the hell did they manage to mobilize a million man army in under twelve hours. That takes weeks, to months to do usually

2: Vince Sixx's nation is new, and he has RPed no military, let alone have time to build one. He should have no military until he actually RPs it

Oops, here's a third:

3: How are the Dragon Empire troops getting there so fast. You can't move a massive army by plane and have it there in a half hour.

1. Wait a second; this has always been the case with RP and you all fully accepted it when it was your side that was doing it. During the GNR war lynneth moved his entire 800k of troops from Singapore to Greece in under two days of RL time. Moreover we have been moving troops for awhile ever since the original war post went up which was several days ago. If needed I can link to where I posted my original troop movement orders to bring troops into europe.

2. You get to have what your nation already has; thats has been the case for awhile as well. No one has to start from nothing and RP the creation of everything. Moreover I can't even remember the last time someone actually did that.

3. No response.

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In the Dranagg in the Netherlands thread (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67055) how did everyone know about the invasion so soon when President van Slingelandt was last seen in private at gunpoint being given a secret ultimatum? There are replies starting long before anyone outside of the room could find out about it.

Edited by Generalissimo
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1. Wait a second; this has always been the case with RP and you all fully accepted it when it was your side that was doing it. During the GNR war lynneth moved his entire 800k of troops from Singapore to Greece in under two days of RL time. Moreover we have been moving troops for awhile ever since the original war post went up which was several days ago. If needed I can link to where I posted my original troop movement orders to bring troops into europe.

2 days? Thats about 4 weeks at the 1 month = 1 year method.

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In the Dranagg in the Netherlands thread (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67055) how did everyone know about the invasion so soon when President van Slingelandt was last seen in private at gunpoint being given a secret ultimatum? There are replies starting long before anyone outside of the room could find out about it.
a few minor questions about the Dranagg-Dutch War
The United Netherlands declares war on Drainage and is asking it's Allies for help.
At this time it was a secret ultimatum, who declared war and how did they know?
The Republic is just as surprised as the Empire is. We have given express order to open fire on all Dranagg soldiers.

And we call upon our Allies to assist us. This is an attack on our sovereignty by a nation declaring to be a friend.

See previous question.
UPDATE: All Norman forces that were still in the Netherlands have been re-armed and placed under Dutch command. The Republic will fight.
At this time most Dutch units were compromised by Dranagg and the President was being given an ultimatum at gunpoint - how exactly were these unit placed back under Dutch command?

Message from the Eurasian Union

When the Eurasian Union was signed and ratified, we made it clear that the EU stands for peace and prosperity throughout Europe and Asia. We shall not tolerate foreign colonialism and invasions without just cause. The Republic of Dranagg has 24 hours to leave the Republic of the United Netherlands as of now. Failure to comply with this will result in your forces being escorted out of Europe by force.

How were any of the early international declarations of war possible when many of them seemed to have been made before Dranagg’s treachery could have been known? How did these nations come across knowledge of the Dranagg coup?
Colonel Ester and his men were arrested at the Binnenhof and taken outside and shot by firing squad. The Republic of the United Netherlands will not surrender and this is our answer. We will fight.
We last saw President van Slingelandt given an ultimatum at gunpoint by Colonel Ester and his men, how did the tables turn? It was never actually played out and it seemed Slingelandt was surrounded without support immediately available.
Power in the Republic of the United Netherlands is not in the hands of one man. The procedure is here that the Raadspensionaris of the Province of Holland &Westfriesland or of the Province of Brabant (third in line) takes over when the Federal President and Raadspensionaris of the Republic are incapacitated.
How did they know about the secret ultimatum before Dranagg sprang his trap?
To Sargun: This is one of those situations that you get to see some Republic secrets, Sargun. Don't you think that at Binnenhof everyone hears anything ? The message was put out by a coffee lady that heard the exchange.
Dranagg commando’s could secure the room from a coffee lady, that sounds really intense – and unlikely. I would like the see some character role-play for the retroactive continuity, it would be interesting to see how a single minor staffer thwarts Dranagg’s (I assume) carefully crafted plan. Edited by Generalissimo
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Also that war is riduculous and should be eh, re-started. How the $%&@ did EU know when the Netherlands leader is eh captured and word couldn't have gone to the parliament unless he RP'ed it.

Mustard Gas Is more of a Crime then moving citizens against their will.

Everyone went off of one post that Raad made. Everyone's having fun, so there isn't a need to complain. At worst it can be declared non-canon.

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Flevoland doesn't exist because it was created and finished after 1986. Thats why.


EDIT: daRaad lives in the Netherlands, so I would trust his judgement on most of this XD

In reality is was already formed in 1986, Tristan just RP's that is has been flooded and abandoned. I don't know if there are any dikes left though, one would suspect that at least Urk survived these floodings as it was an island before Flevoland was formed.

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Kweshtun... lol you like how I spelled that? It's probably something people have asked 100 times, but I’m too lazy to look through any threads.

Q: Do you have to have the exact same ships in rp as you have ingame? For instance Landing ships are pretty useless, I wanted to make them subs. Also battleships not really used in modern navies, I thought about rping my battleships as Destroyers. What's the rule? Just wondering.

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Kweshtun... lol you like how I spelled that? It's probably something people have asked 100 times, but I'm too lazy to look through any threads.

Q: Do you have to have the exact same ships in rp as you have ingame? For instance Landing ships are pretty useless, I wanted to make them subs. Also battleships not really used in modern navies, I thought about rping my battleships as Destroyers. What's the rule? Just wondering.

Err...I don't think that topic has ever come up. Time for a community discussion, I think.

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Cent once told me that its the number of in game ships, not the type, that matters. Which sounds logical since navy is not tied to any tech level in CN, so it really doesn't matter what somebody buys.

Actually...Navy is very much tied to tech level...you can't even get the weakest ships until 200 tech, I believe, and Aircraft Carriers you can't get until you reach 1000 tech.

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Also that war is riduculous and should be eh, re-started. How the $%&@ did EU know when the Netherlands leader is eh captured and word couldn't have gone to the parliament unless he RP'ed it.

I pointed out everything wrong with the Dranagg-Dutch War thread last page, if we correct these continuity and rules issues it woun't need to be re-started, merely fixed with a few minor post edits. Edited by Generalissimo
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