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Casualties Are Forever: A Proposal to Quantify a Ruler's Objective Impact on Planet Bob

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In CyberNations, measuring the true impact and engagement of a nation can be challenging. Nation Strength is a meaningful metric but its drawback is its temporality. Its components of infrastructure, military strength, and technological advancements provide valuable insights in a snapshot but often fluctuate and do not always capture the sustained involvement of a nation over time. One metric that stands out for its lasting significance is casualties. 


Yes, casualties...the only pixel that cannot be taken away. Casualties represent the enduring impact of military engagements and are a testament to a nation's participation in wars and raids. Unlike other metrics, casualties remain a permanent record of a nation's history, reflecting both the intensity and frequency of its involvement in conflicts. By analyzing the ratio of casualties to the age of a nation, we can derive a meaningful measure of its true activity that scales. This ratio offers a clear indication of how active a nation has been in terms of military engagements, providing a more stable and long-term perspective compared to the aforementioned fluctuating metrics.


The casualties-to-nation-age ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of casualties by the number of days the nation has existed. This ratio reveals the average number of casualties sustained per day, offering a robust measure of a nation's military activity over its entire existence. By comparing this ratio across different nations, we can gain a deeper understanding of each nation's level of engagement and resilience in the face of conflicts. This metric transcends temporary economic and military fluctuations, providing a consistent and lasting indicator of a nation's true activity in the game.


To ensure the accuracy and relevance of this measure, nations under one year old are excluded from my analysis. This exclusion is necessary because newly founded nations often experience an inconsistent phase of development and may not yet have a significant record of military engagements. By focusing on nations that have existed for at least one year, the casualties-to-nation-age ratio offers a more meaningful insight. In conclusion, this approach ensures that the metric reflects sustained involvement providing a clearer picture of a nation's historical and ongoing participation in Planet Bob's conflicts.


Nation Strength is fleeting; casualties are forever.


Below is the Top 50 Rankings as of 06/04/24.





Disclaimer: The data presented is for informational purposes only and should be taken "as is" and by no means should be interpreted as an endorsement for any ruler, nation, alliance, bloc, or playing style.


Edited by cobwebbyarc6
bad at technology
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Oculus not having a single nation in the top 50, despite having the two biggest alliances in CN by a mile, is crazy to me. Not surprising, necessarily, but still crazy. 

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2 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

Oculus not having a single nation in the top 50, despite having the two biggest alliances in CN by a mile, is crazy to me. Not surprising, necessarily, but still crazy. 


Just think - if you bought soldiers, you'd be higher on this list 🙂

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7 minutes ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

Incorrect, position #48 appears to have one.

Oof, good catch! I swear I read it like 5 times to double check, but I had a feeling I’d end up missing one anyway. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Updated as of 06/13/24

Added Rank Change column that tracks individual rank movement compared to the previous rankings.




Edited by cobwebbyarc6
Corrected mistake (Thanks, FL) and improved readability
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/5/2024 at 8:52 PM, lilweirdward said:

Oculus not having a single nation in the top 50, despite having the two biggest alliances in CN by a mile, is crazy to me. Not surprising, necessarily, but still crazy. 


That's what happens when you turtle and just be a nuke turret all the time. They'll only buy soldiers when they have a clear advantage and even then won't buy them back to defend and wait to go on offense again. This is why they suck at war. They're boring as hell to fight.

Edited by Thrash
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On 6/25/2024 at 11:10 PM, Thrash said:

That's what happens when you turtle and just be a nuke turret all the time. They'll only buy soldiers when they have a clear advantage and even then won't buy them back to defend and wait to go on offense again. This is why they suck at war. They're boring as hell to fight.

TBF they're not even remotely as boring as I am, the newbs.


On that note, yawn.

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