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16 minutes ago, Cydonian Knight said:

How's that second day of war, non-nuclear, anarchy going on for you?

105748 casualties so far, one of the best counts I've ever had before the nukes start flying. I'm chipper mate, thanks for asking. 

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In 1972, a crack Wolf unit was sent to prison by a military court for a cry they did commit. These men promptly escaped from a minimum security stockade to the Cryoto underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as criers of fortune. If you have a problem, If no one else can help and if you can find them. Maybe you can hire, The Cry-Team.

Well well well, it appears as though my screenshot was even more accurate than I thought possible.




Thankfully, FiringLine, you've rushed to your 'betters' as you seem to be in favour of calling them, and cry-begged Al Bundy into creating an OWF thread to defend your honour, which you don't seem to realise you lack.


In conclusion, everything I said was true, everything you said was wrong, and you're still a loser.


Go team.


P.S. It's OK to admit you're wrong sometimes, and I await your apology you snivelling buffoon.

Edited by SoloRocket
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5 hours ago, firingline said:


There is no such thing as "resigning" a war. You surrender to withdraw from a war. Just as was required of the TW nation who joined CLAWS. A surrender. That has been the standard for decades. It was clearly communicated that this was the expectation, including in the surrender thread itself by high gov of a mutual ally. A post that was ignored by Sabcat and, apparently, the rest of PGS gov.


PGS then accepted a nation that was still at war with TW into their alliance - a clear violation of international norms and decades of precedent.


When a Wolf continued the ongoing war with Sabcat - who even PGS gov admitted hadn't surrendered - PGS government immediately, with no conversation declared war on a member of The Wolves.


You talk about avoiding the situation. The clear way to do this is to require a surrender before admitting a member at war into your alliance, and verifying that The Wolves accept the surrender. By admitting a member at war, and refusing to force him to issue an honest surrender even against the wishes of your ally, you made conflict inevitable. 

Don't go talking about established norms when this whole war was because Al broke established norms, clearly violating an agreement with HIS name written on it then playing dumb and claiming its null because of a name change smh

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4 hours ago, SoloRocket said:

Well well well, it appears as though my screenshot was even more accurate than I thought possible.




Thankfully, FiringLine, you've rushed to your 'betters' as you seem to be in favour of calling them, and cry-begged Al Bundy into creating an OWF thread to defend your honour, which you don't seem to realise you lack.


In conclusion, everything I said was true, everything you said was wrong, and you're still a loser.


Go team.


P.S. It's OK to admit you're wrong sometimes, and I await your apology you snivelling buffoon.


See, I'm sure you can understand my confusion, since:

1) he posted in the surrender thread, which is a super weird thing to do if you aren't surrendering, especially in the context of being told you must... surrender;

2) it's an act of war to admit a member who is at war with another alliance. And certainly PGSG wouldn't do that in general, much less to a treaty partner of one of their allies!


That being said - still crushing the Commies erry day.

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2 minutes ago, firingline said:

Dear SoloRocket,

Sorry for telling you to go to your 'betters', I can see now that the word 'Surrender' does not appear in any of Sabcat's posts in the Resignations/Surrenders thread regarding his war with The Wolves.

Sorry for calling the former Kashmir leadership 'poor', and for suggesting Sabcat 'bowed knee'. I now am able to see that he hasn't surrendered, hence the whole point of this thread.


I have learned the errors of my ways and intend to both do and be better in future.

Yours Sincerely,


I accept your apology wholeheartedly.

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2 minutes ago, SoloRocket said:

I accept your apology wholeheartedly.


Oh dear, he's delusional.


Your guy surrendered, just so poorly that it doesn't count. Which is hilarious, btw, because now your entire alliance is dangerously close to getting rolled for it.

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4 hours ago, Sabcat said:

I mean, I think it was also clear from my post that I'd turn up back on the LSF or other AA if there was a Wolves target. All Al had to do was drop me a message saying "Hi, we have someone new for you to play with" and I'd have come out to play. Getting all upset because he wanted a surrender - a ludicrous demand given there was no one even able to attack me, what was he wanting me to surrender to, boredom? - seems like a man grasping for any kind of consolation in a  self created mess. Here we are though. 

Yeah but that’s just not a thing. I mean, you have every right to not surrender, but that means the alliance you remain at war with has every right to continue attacking you. 

Also, for what it’s worth, UCR have already demanded surrender from a TW nation who wished to resign and leave for a different alliance not at war, so it’s not like TW created this idea out of thin air. Your allies set the precedent, and it was reasonable for TW to follow it. 

At any rate, you seem to have just wanted to continue fighting this whole time, and don’t seem upset to have been attacked, so I don’t understand 1) why you tried to leave LSF in the first place, 2) why PGS accepted you, clearly knowing you were still at war and still wanted to fight, and 3) why Jason attacked TW over you getting what you wanted anyway. I mean, I have one pretty obvious theory, but…surely not, right?

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3 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

Yeah but that’s just not a thing. I mean, you have every right to not surrender, but that means the alliance you remain at war with has every right to continue attacking you. 

Also, for what it’s worth, UCR have already demanded surrender from a TW nation who wished to resign and leave for a different alliance not at war, so it’s not like TW created this idea out of thin air. Your allies set the precedent, and it was reasonable for TW to follow it. 

At any rate, you seem to have just wanted to continue fighting this whole time, and don’t seem upset to have been attacked, so I don’t understand 1) why you tried to leave LSF in the first place, 2) why PGS accepted you, clearly knowing you were still at war and still wanted to fight, and 3) why Jason attacked TW over you getting what you wanted anyway. I mean, I have one pretty obvious theory, but…surely not, right?



The alliance I was at war with hasn't continued attacking me. The alliance I was at war with has cried and moaned about the way that horrid, nasty Sabcat mocked them and their feeble performance in war, so feeble in fact they couldn't attack me - well they could but  their only in range nation is in PM and won't come out.  This hardly seems like a position from which someone can demand a surrender, but you know, Al's got his pride, if nothing else I guess. 

What they have done, with all their crying and moaning is got someone else to attack me, presumably someone who values casualties as much as me, I salute them. I did ponder selling down 7k infra so I could get back in the fight, pure waste of cash though, now, a couple of rounds with shiny new wolf boy, I lose the infra but get casualties and I should have some more targets in range to introduce myself to, maybe even Al, if he can avoid getting smashed up some more while I shed NS.  

So,  yeah, you're right, I'm more than cool with the situation, as it affects me personally. Why Jason has declared on the new wolf is pretty straight forward, I'm on the PGS AA. He's not got much choice, really. Especially considering Al doesn't have the stones to make an approach about my status directly.  As I said in previous post, all Al needed to do was get his ringer on the AA and invite me, but again, he lacks the gumption. 

I imagine the easiest solution to this new dilemma Al's created for himself is for me to go back onto the LSF AA, or maybe I'll join UCR. That's up to others to decide though, I've made my position perfectly clear both privately and publicly. I just want casualties. 

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21 minutes ago, firingline said:


Oh dear, he's delusional.


Your guy surrendered, just so poorly that it doesn't count. Which is hilarious, btw, because now your entire alliance is dangerously close to getting rolled for it.

Ooooh you're hard, couldn't find anyone to fight Sabcat or force your one dude within range to come out of hiding in peace mode to fight.

What's a boy to do if you can't field an opponent?
As Al Bundy (the 4 touchdown hero) will tell you, if you can't field an opponent, you get a bye. And Sabcat said bye and came back to PGS.


Good luck continuing to struggle fending off UCR & Allies, who are doing a magnificent job of bashing you up.

In response to your threat, and very much on-brand... 


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13 minutes ago, SoloRocket said:

 And Sabcat said bye and came back to PGS.


Unfortunately for PGSG, that isn't how this works. Playing dumb won't save you here.



Good luck continuing to struggle fending off UCR & Allies, who are doing a magnificent job of bashing you up.


You can continue to stick your head in the sand if you want, I suppose. We're outnumbered and still dismantling the Commies right now, even with all the aid PGSG can muster. Really seems to be on your mind a lot, too. 

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4 minutes ago, firingline said:

Unfortunately for PGSG, that isn't how this works. Playing dumb won't save you here.

Completely lacking humour too I see. 


You can continue to stick your head in the sand if you want, I suppose. We're outnumbered and still dismantling the Commies right now, even with all the aid PGSG can muster.

Your performance has been less than admirable, but I'm sure it's not the first time you've heard that.



Really seems to be on your mind a lot, too. 

I'm not sure what you think this thread is about if it's not your war with UCR, LSF and SWF?
Well, that and my incredible Discord postings (see post 3).

Here's another for ya...

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8 hours ago, Van Hoo X said:

I have no idea what is going on, do not grasp the situation, and refuse to read anything over 1.5 lines of text ... which, historically speaking, makes me the perfect person to weigh in here. What I have to say is this:


Nukes for everyone.



After a thorough examination of about 4 posts in this topic, I concur.

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10 hours ago, AL Bundy said:



In times of war on Bob, there exists an accepted protocol for surrendering. When a nation desires to surrender, it is required to post a formal surrender in the appropriate thread on the OWF. Upon acceptance, peace is granted based on the agreed-upon terms and conditions. This procedure has been previously recognized during a conflict when a nation from The Wolves sought to move to Claws from TW and a surrender was required.


However, The Wolves cannot accept the disrespectful and inflammatory posts made by Sabcat as a genuine surrender. As a result, The Wolves consider themselves to be in a continued state of war with Sabcat of Sabcat Island until a formal peace or surrender is agreed upon.


Moreover, the actions of accepting a member who was at war without surrendering and subsequently attacking TW (The Wolves) when they continue the war with that nation are considered multiple acts of aggression.


Thus, The Wolves formally request PGSG to declare an immediate peace with our nation. We also request the freedom to take appropriate measures against the nation that declared war on us, until a formal peace agreement is reached and mutually accepted by our parties.


The Wolves:

Al Bundy

Why you imagined I was surrendering is beyond me. I left the LSF AA because you had no one to fight, because you're all rubbish. You cried that I shouldn't be able to leave without posting in the resignation/surrender thread, so I did, and made it clear I was going back to PGS because you had no one left to fight but if you found someone, I'd come back. You did, I have. Let's play some more. I'm telling you now though, if we end up in this situation again in another couple of rounds where no one's in my range, I'll be leaving again and still won't be surrendering. 

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4 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

 I'm telling you now though, if we end up in this situation again in another couple of rounds where no one's in my range, I'll be leaving again and still won't be surrendering. 


I'm telling you right now, you won't be.


Edit: If you want to leave the war without personally surrendering, I suggest you talk to Commie gov about asking for peace terms at an alliance level. When the overall war ends, you can go back to PGS without individually surrendering.

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27 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

The alliance I was at war with hasn't continued attacking me. The alliance I was at war with has cried and moaned about the way that horrid, nasty Sabcat mocked them and their feeble performance in war, so feeble in fact they couldn't attack me - well they could but  their only in range nation is in PM and won't come out.  This hardly seems like a position from which someone can demand a surrender, but you know, Al's got his pride, if nothing else I guess. 

Well, I don’t think TW “demanded your surrender” because they thought you’d been soundly defeated lol. It seems like they were under the impression that you wanted to leave the war, and followed the precedent set in this war of requiring a surrender in order for that to happen. Honestly, if one of the NG nations who left to fight with TW suddenly decided to leave and go back to NG, I would expect the exact same thing from them, and I would expect RED ALERT to consider them to still be at war until they surrendered. 

Anyway, this is why, from your perspective at least, I don’t understand why you left LSF at all. You’re not the first person to have all of their targets in peace mode, and I’m sure you won’t be the last, but there are lots of ways to goad those nations into fighting without leaving to an alliance not at war. 

33 minutes ago, Sabcat said:

Why Jason has declared on the new wolf is pretty straight forward, I'm on the PGS AA. He's not got much choice, really.

Framing it this way is awfully disingenuous. You were still at war with TW, and they attacked you, as they’ve been doing to most of the commies still in their range for the past few weeks. The AA you were on makes no difference, and the government for that AA had tons of choices that didn’t include attacking TW. 

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6 minutes ago, lilweirdward said:

Well, I don’t think TW “demanded your surrender” because they thought you’d been soundly defeated lol. It seems like they were under the impression that you wanted to leave the war, and followed the precedent set in this war of requiring a surrender in order for that to happen. Honestly, if one of the NG nations who left to fight with TW suddenly decided to leave and go back to NG, I would expect the exact same thing from them, and I would expect RED ALERT to consider them to still be at war until they surrendered. 

Anyway, this is why, from your perspective at least, I don’t understand why you left LSF at all. You’re not the first person to have all of their targets in peace mode, and I’m sure you won’t be the last, but there are lots of ways to goad those nations into fighting without leaving to an alliance not at war. 

Framing it this way is awfully disingenuous. You were still at war with TW, and they attacked you, as they’ve been doing to most of the commies still in their range for the past few weeks. The AA you were on makes no difference, and the government for that AA had tons of choices that didn’t include attacking TW. 

I see it as the war had left me, Crowncowboy is never coming out of PM, he's got $450mil and won't reply to messages.  I'm not sure why anyone cares, especially The Wolves. I'd have thought they'd be glad to see the back of me but apparently not. Here I am back on the LSF and probably won't even need to sell infra to hit some of their actual members.  A major victory for them, I'm sure. 

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This is all very pathetic... to leave a war early you surrender.... If I resigned today, join ODN for a week and next week jump back in when a guy leaves peace mode to hit him I am sure PGS and UCR and the rest of BUTT would be up my butt about how unfair and horrible I am being..... 


Also I don't have to reach out to anyone. I have TWO allies.... those are the people I need to communicate with..... though we I guess need to work through some communication but the point being.....I don't have to please or communicate with PGS or anyone else...



5 hours ago, Resurrected USSR said:

Don't go talking about established norms when this whole war was because Al broke established norms, clearly violating an agreement with HIS name written on it then playing dumb and claiming its null because of a name change smh

I raided two alliances who are loosely protected....nothing last forever....peace agreements end, otherwise no one could hit anyone in CN....When you are ready to surrender i will make sure to put a timeline in this one, clearly stating when I can raid again hahaha



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2 hours ago, mmansfield68 said:

The greatest high school player ever.  Just sayin... 5 touchdowns in one high school football game. 🏈


Also, PGS ftw.

It was 4 touchdowns.... though the other should have been but these refs suck hahahaha

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