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UCR Declaration of War

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9 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

I'm not clear on this? Are you just sharing the options Red Alert has? 


I hope this is not telling me that anyone will force a white peace to me, because Id like to see anyone tell me when to do anything :) This is my show, none of my allies are fighting so I will not be forced or persuaded to do anything haha


Al Bundy

White peace? lol

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17 minutes ago, Wobblies said:

I've learned enough to know the side with the loudest mouths are loosing

Hahaha I've learned how to spell losing hahaha.... 


Sorry had to... I'm no one to correct grammar but had to laugh.... 



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4 hours ago, Wobblies said:

I've learned enough to know the side with the loudest mouths are loosing 


Last time I checked your casuality rate is #540 noob, you barely even have the right to talk to me.


You'd think you'd be better at war with all that practice. 


P.S. I do believe Bundy suggested the name CLAWS. 
P.P.S. Buddy is drunk checking my nation and sending me DMs for some reason. I've won.

Edited by CrinkledStraw
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4 hours ago, Wobblies said:

I've learned enough to know the side with the loudest mouths are loosing


Last time I checked your casuality rate is #540 noob, you barely even have the right to talk to me.


Your nation is older than mine. Guess who has more casualties. Not you. Guess who else has a nation younger than yours yet has more casualties? Firing Line. So  does that mean you can't talk to him anymore either?


@firingline he said it himself, you are better than him. 

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4 hours ago, Wobblies said:

I've learned enough to know the side with the loudest mouths are loosing 


Last time I checked your casuality rate is #540 noob, you barely even have the right to talk to me.

Yet with all the experience you have, and all the advantages your nation has over mine (i.e. double the age, way more wonders) you barely managed to win with a meager 1k damage difference last time we fought.

I'd expect at least a 3-4k damage difference from someone who, on paper, had all on their favor. But even so you failed to deliver.

Narcissist, arrogant and delusional; typical commie mindset

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19 hours ago, Kapleo said:

UCR is to either surrender to TW, start fighting again or a white peace will be enforced by the allies of the sides involved. 

Heh, we must be doing well if we're being asked to surrender :)

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also, for an alliance who I thought were in to the warz for the lolz, you sure come across as a bunch of spreadsheet nerds obsessing about useless stats...

Edited by shwampy
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2 hours ago, shwampy said:

also, for an alliance who I thought were in to the warz for the lolz, you sure come across as a bunch of spreadsheet nerds obsessing about useless stats...

I love a good excel spreadsheet! 



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7 minutes ago, mmansfield68 said:

Liz Lemon 30rock GIF - Liz Lemon 30rock Yes GIFs


Spreadsheets are hot.  🔥

You should see my movie spreadsheet.... yes I have that many I need a spreadsheet.... and yes it has a column for rating and populates with how many stars I give it haha



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58 minutes ago, CrinkledStraw said:

Being good at spreadsheets literally makes you good at CN, so another commie self burn.


(Also, is this movie rating spreadsheet public? I work overnights. I always need something to watch)

hahaha currently no haha ill have to do some work to make it public haha... 



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1 hour ago, CrinkledStraw said:

Being good at spreadsheets literally makes you good at CN, so another commie self burn.


(Also, is this movie rating spreadsheet public? I work overnights. I always need something to watch)

Nice strawman!


Plus we're anarchists!

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25 minutes ago, Piejonk said:

Someone please start a more interesting war than this one

hahaha sometime you have to create your own fun... haha Id suggest messaging Lyanna haha



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