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Peace in Our Time!

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So VE demand a surrender?

Not that this thread has anything to do with VE, but the alliances fighting NoR are expecting a surrender, just as the alliances fighting NSO are expecting one, NG, etc, etc. Some alliances decided to not request that term from specific people, as is their prerogative.


You guys don't even have an issue with surrender. You've said you'd be fine surrendering to the coalition, or admitting defeat to specific alliances, or surrendering to a more broad description of your front. But you decided to be petty and say that you won't surrender to DoD. I hate to inform you, but that's a pretty basic request to make of a victorious alliance, to simply have the defeated to surrender to end the war. People end up being successful negotiating on a lot of things, but when surrender is the absolute floor, there is nowhere to negotiate but up, and I hope for your own sakes you decide to end your front.

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Then why keep saying we are holding up the whole shebang? Exaggerate much?

NPO awaits the side fronts closing. They have made the decision to continue to be at war until everything wraps up. No terms are being asked of NoR besides surrender, a basic form of admission of defeat. You choose to haggle over language, meanwhile NPO is stuck in war.


The funniest (saddest?) part of this is that your refusal to accept that will end up pushing NPO's PM guys into that 1.2-1.3x range (with the added days they wait for you), instead of the 1.1x they spent so much time negotiating it down to. So thank you for imposing our terms for us.

Edited by Goldie
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but the alliances fighting NoR are expecting a surrender, just as the alliances fighting NSO are expecting one

Well so far, only 1 of 3 is looking for an admission of defeat. None of the three of have asked for a surrender -- unless you want to argue semantics of 'admission of defeat' versus 'surrender' to make your point.
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Well so far, only 1 of 3 is looking for an admission of defeat. None of the three of have asked for a surrender -- unless you want to argue semantics of 'admission of defeat' versus 'surrender' to make your point.

Every single alliance on that front is looking for a basic surrender to end the front. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. "Admission of defeat" was rejected out of hand.

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With "amicable peace"

I dunno about your own preferences, but admitting defeat/surrendering, would be agreeable to me, it isnt like bassman is demanding the entire alliance change their flag to Ariana Grande or anything.


You don't all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet.

Goldie would be an official party line, mine is that of an outside observer(albeit one with far far more resources and information than the average though.)

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Every single alliance on that front is looking for a basic surrender to end the front. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. "Admission of defeat" was rejected out of hand.

I have two agreements already in place. One is for White Peace, one is for an Admission of Defeat. The third, I'm still waiting for the desired vernacular.


I wasn't trying to make any point except to correct an oversight, but I suppose if you want to find a point in there somewhere - it's that you are wrong, again.

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Think Snowden with no valuable information...noone wants to touch that.

what does that make me then?


Looks like RageQuitassman is holding VE and Co. by the balls. Everyone else is getting white peace and admission of defeat.

You know, this whole public bitchfit you guys have been having for the past few days isnt exactly going to win you any fans in VE and co, and more than likely just get them to support bassman asking for whatever the fuck he wants, simply to spite you.

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what does that make me then?


You know, this whole public !@#$%*fit you guys have been having for the past few days isnt exactly going to win you any fans in VE and co, and more than likely just get them to support bassman asking for whatever the $%&@ he wants, simply to spite you.


If RageQuitassman holds their balls that tight, so be it.

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