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A Kaskus Annoucement

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Same reason Mogar did, pretty much, although instead of stating *my* one-man AA as the one getting peace, they just used my name instead.


Mogars AA has had more than just him on the AA in the past which is why we included the entire AA whereas you (Jens) has always been on your own (iirc) hence the distinction.

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You guys really need longer titles! We couldn't tell exactly who you are. I think you need a couple more sentences. Whatever happened to just "name, title"? Sheesh!

Nice to see everyone shake hands and call it a day. Good luck with your rebuilds and/or whatever you decide to do next.

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You guys really need longer titles! We couldn't tell exactly who you are. I think you need a couple more sentences. Whatever happened to just "name, title"? Sheesh!

Nice to see everyone shake hands and call it a day. Good luck with your rebuilds and/or whatever you decide to do next.

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Mogars AA has had more than just him on the AA in the past which is why we included the entire AA whereas you (Jens) has always been on your own (iirc) hence the distinction.

My AA is open to all who wish to engage those I am at war with, the Church of Ariana believes in acceptance


You guys really need longer titles! We couldn't tell exactly who you are. I think you need a couple more sentences. Whatever happened to just "name, title"? Sheesh!

Nice to see everyone shake hands and call it a day. Good luck with your rebuilds and/or whatever you decide to do next.

If I were to post my full title, it would have been longer than the rest of the announcement put together.

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Glad to see this war behind us. Good luck to all on your future endeavors. Also I'd like to give a shout out to DL - It was a pleasure fighting beside you, you guys were awesome. I hope we have a chance to work together again in the future. :)

o/ SL o/ DL o/ RIA


You wound me Rayvon. :( Edited by ShadowDragon
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You're making a great case for why people shouldn't offer pure white peace.


Well, o/ Taupe Peace then!


It was agreed to verbatim before posted. SL had the option to propose any changes they wanted. They chose not to.


Well, nevermind all that then.


Congrats to our allies in Kaskus -- this war seemed more fun than the other one, thanks.


A similar tip o' the derby to their worthy foes be they commies, the cactully insane or denizens of some sort of mystical, harmonious valley enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains.



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It was agreed to verbatim before posted. SL had the option to propose any changes they wanted. They chose not to.


Try reading your OP from the perspective of a disinterested bystander and then it should dawn on you why we're all more than happy with it.

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Try reading your OP from the perspective of a disinterested bystander and then it should dawn on you why we're all more than happy with it.


What I meant was that considering you guys don't have a problem with it, I don't understand why others are upset. HoT didn't even fight. He PM'd the first two rounds of war when RIA declared on us then we were too low to hit him afterwards. 


He did fight a STA guy though. 

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What I meant was that considering you guys don't have a problem with it, I don't understand why others are upset. HoT didn't even fight. He PM'd the first two rounds of war when RIA declared on us then we were too low to hit him afterwards. 


He did fight a STA guy though. 

That's funny, my nation says I've been in war mode since 3/21/2013.  Didn't realize that this war was dragging on that long.

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