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Joint UPN and CCC Announcement


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Joint UPN and CCC Announcement


It is with great pleasure that I announce the following treaty being signed between the United Purple Nations and Christian Coalition of Countries. We have been friends for a long time, and I am pleased to announce that we will at last be allies within an official capacity.



Purple Holy Water Accords



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 All parties involved in this treaty are to remain sovereign and shall not be governed by the other party. They shall remain separate unless stated in another treaty. This treaty acts to bind the two signatories, the Christian Coalition of Countries and the United Purple Nations, in a state of mutual defense; furthering our alliances commitment to one another.


Article I: Non-Aggression

 Both signatories agree not to attack, or commit and actions of espionage on the other party. Such actions are regarded as a breach of this treaty.


Article II: Intelligence

 Both signatories agree to share any and all relevant information of value. It is agreed that this information shall not be falsified, or changed in any way, to purposely mislead the other party. Such falsifications shall be regarded as a breach of the treaty.


Article III: Defense

 Both signatories agree that should the other come under attack, it is mandatory that all available aid, be it military, financial or diplomatic, will be made available upon request. This clause is not relevant if an undersigned party is the aggressor in a conflict. However, neither signatory is obligated to defend the other when they are countered for aggressive conflict.


Article IV: Aid

 Both signatories shall agree that they will endeavor to contribute financial aid to the other party. Such aid must be within the limits of reason. Requests will be sent through the appropriate diplomatic channels. An acceptable reason must be stated, or the requested aid will not be received. Aid requests may be rejected, though the other party must provide a valid reason.


Article V: Cancellation

 To cancel this treaty at any time, either party must send notification through the proper diplomatic channels. Following cancellation, a 72 hour grace period shall begin during which neither party may breach any of the above listed terms.
Signed for the Christian Coalition of Countries,
Exodus, Chancellor
Yeshua Soloman, Vice Chancellor
Llanowar Elf, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lover of Bacon. And Spam. Spam with Bacon.
Scooby Doo, Minister of Defense and Awesomeness
Jesus Freak, Minister of Internal Affairs
Signed for the United Purple Nations,
SeuwP, Head of State
Robster, Second in Command/Minister of Foreign Affairs
Altheus, Minister of Defence
Underlordgc, Minister of Internal Affairs
Dexomega, Minister of Finance and Trolling
Edited by Robster83
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Good God and to think NG was allied to UPN. Whose dumb idea was that? 


I could retort something about blah blah blah, that could have gone better if the majority of NG didn't already hate us, blah blah blah.


But that would exert too much energy. Instead let's just smile and move on. 

Edited by Dexomega
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