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As from now, the Pan National Union has convicted BOSTON BRUINS on counts of Treason, Disobeying Tech Raid laws and just being an overall N00b that will probably never learn. Effective now, he has been sentenced to ZI. Thus, I ask that no one accept him into your respective alliances. Even if you do, he will be more trouble then he is worth. 




Signed by,
President- Rayan Thomas
Vice-President- HelenasArmy
War Minister- SgtInsanity


How many of you morons are going to make butchered, unfunny copies of the sig I made for Rey?

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ZIing someone for being a new player seems a bit harsh to me, at the most take what he owed and leave him be.




Edit: BOSTON has henceforth applied for membership with Kashmir, don't bother replying to my post we'll be conducting talks in private!


Double Edit: He's NSF's problem now! :3

Edited by YOLO SWAG
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I asked him to pay back my friend and he refused... So yeah back that up, I don't wanna cause any alliance issues, I just want him to pay what he owes. And I will not settle for anything less, I had to pay my friend out of my pocket for Boston not paying up! It is completely unacceptable!

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I knew my boy would make it big some day :P


(I posted about him in my blog back in May 2013.  Any alliance that takes him does so at their own risk.  He's not all that smart, just annoying and attempts constantly to cause trouble.  Enjoy.)

Edited by White Chocolate
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I have yet to have any discussion with Bruins other than through messages, so I won't comment on him personally. However I will say that I was suprised to learn that this "debt" that he owes is pretty much nothing. 



To: MasterChief777    From: Drivindeath    Date: 8/12/2013 2:00:14 PM

Subject: RE: Boston Bruins


Message: Was 38 tech to a friend of mine, Arab republic, he is trying to send 150k I told him to send the 38k

also the debt isn't even to a PNU nation. 

Edited by Masterchief777
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