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The Price Is Fark

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We're always coming up with new and creative ways to force people into serving on the TotalFark council. It's a thankless job filled with hours of arguing, angry drinking, and endless complaints from grouchy Farkers. This month, we present...

Farkers and Farkettes, COME ON DOWN! You're the next contestants on The Price is FARK! The gameshow where there are no cash prizes and your only reward is escaping from this hellhole with your sanity in tact! Let's take a look at this month's big losers!

Randomly Jim looks surprisingly feminine as he watches the game of cliffhanger in dismay. He lost by estimating the new changes to CN would take more than 30 weeks to scare away the remaning nations. The penalty? Council service.

Plinko is a long-time favorite of Beachrat, who crapped out by hitting the secret score.

From the Punch-A-Bunch board, we see lostindenver's hopes built up and dashed by that weasel, Drew Carey. Drew will NEVER be as good as Bob Barker. EVER. Also, Lid is apparently an old asian woman.

P3 Shows off the Admin Prize of The Day bonus she won by spinning exactly $1.00. Hopefully it will make the days go faster for her!

Over-bidding is the worst thing you can do in The Price is FARK. one_eighty_two earned a spot as Speaker of the Council by failing on the easiest showcase showdown we've had in years.

Don't forget to stop by the Farkistan forums at www.farkistan.org to participate in the online version of The Price is FARK. (no seriously, hobo has been working on some Price Is Right themed forum games)
That's all the time we have for this month. Please remember to help control the troll population: have your OWF troll spayed or neutered (again).

New TotalFark Council:
one_eighty_two (SoTC)
lostindenver (LiD)
Randomly Jim

Edited by Happy The Hobo
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Nice line-up there, Farkers. Plus to make it even better, I'm drunk enough right now to find it amusing!

(no, but really, I chuckled at the announcement. You can blame my love for old-school, Bob Barker-led Price is Right for that)

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