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Crymson AMA


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1) Do you actually like me?  I've never been able to figure this out.


2) In your view, what percent of the blame for Bipolar rests on TOP and what percent rests on Polar?


3) I have absolutely no plans to leave NPO or try and join TOP because I <3 NPO, but would I be welcome in TOP if I tried to apply, or have I burned those bridges more than I realize?


4) Who (persons, not alliances) in CN do you most like or respect that is not in TOP or any ally of TOP?


5) Are you looking forward to Duke beating Michigan State in the Sweet 16? :P


6) Obligatory "Would you vouch for me to join TOP?"

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What's up Crymson? When you going to come out of retirement and takeover TOP? Also, obligatory, would you vouch for me?


But in all seriousness, after this war is over, where do you see TOP going? Where would you like to see TOP going?


Back to joking, does anyone in TOP really like Megamind????


btw <3 u megamind. :P


I will consider coming out of retirement if I am offered at least a $10,000 monthly salary. A vouch? I would consider it, and I'm sure that some others in TOP who know you well would be willing to do it.


I would like to see TOP go wherever our community feels would be funnest and most beneficial to go. I don't really care much anymore beyond that.


Yes, Megamind is a good guy.



How many times?




Your thoughts on Anaheim having the second best record


The Ducks have got a good team, but I don't think it's one to win a championship with. They're a one-trick pony (Perry, Getzlaf, and Ryan), and Beauchemin is their only defenseman worth note. They're doing great in the regular season, but I don't think they'll succeed in the playoffs.


On a related note, the contracts that the team doled out to Perry and Getzlaf were ridiculous and will handcuff the team for some time to come.


Does my posting still irritate you as much as it did when I was in NPO?


Given that I can't remember ever having felt adversarial toward you, I doubt you irritated me as much as you think. No offense.


What made you change your mind about disliking the culture and membership of MK, as well as not wanting any ties with them? Were you against the treaty and do you think TOP still would of done it if they knew it would drive a wedge between you guys and Duckroll+Pillowfort?


After taking a long break following Bipolar in order to detox from this game, I realized that I would have more fun if I stopped letting e-tomfoolery annoy me. There are some unpleasant individuals in MK, but those we interact with are, on the whole, intelligent and reasonable people. I was in favor of the treaty as a means for us to get back onto the political scene and because I respected MK's abilities. I would not go back and change it, as I think we have accomplished a lot together, and---more importantly---we've had a lot of fun together. Besides, that supposed wedge was two years down the line, and there were other factors involved.


Would I vouch for you to join Prototype?


OMG, JC, a bomb!


y so srs?




What is your avatar of?


My avatar is of Corax of Warhammer 40K fame. It's from the cover art of Deliverance Lost.


How impressive is your vocabulary? Do you think you could beat me in Words with Friends? Would you vouch for me to join TOP?


I've been told that I have a superlative vocabulary! This is probably the result of having begun reading books on a regular basis at an early age. With that in mind, I am surprisingly average at Scrabble-type games. 


I [b]have[/b] vouched for you to join TOP.

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1) Do you actually like me?  I've never been able to figure this out.


2) In your view, what percent of the blame for Bipolar rests on TOP and what percent rests on Polar?


I have absolutely no plans to leave NPO or try and join TOP because I
<3 NPO, but would I be welcome in TOP if I tried to apply, or have I
burned those bridges more than I realize?


4) Who (persons, not alliances) in CN do you most like or respect that is not in TOP or any ally of TOP?


5) Are you looking forward to Duke beating Michigan State in the Sweet 16? :P


6) Obligatory "Would you vouch for me to join TOP?"


I don't have any problem with you personally, and I enjoy speaking with you. We have had some IC collisions in the past, but I'm not one to hold grudges, and I'd rather get along with people than not.


I place the entirety of the blame for Bipolar on Polar. Though others have said that we should never have trusted Polar to begin with, and though the preempt was a big risk (those who ran the enemy coalition have since noted, though, that it would have been a very sound strategic move had we not been backstabbed), Polar's betrayal of us was of the blackest nature and, more importantly, was absolutely unprecedented.


Because you departed the alliance three times already, I do not think that people would respond favorably were you to apply again. This was the reason why your last application was turned down. This is
not to say that you are widely disliked within TOP, but rather that you would only most likely not gain entry.


As for the people I most respect outside of TOP or its circle of allies, I'll need to get back to you on that; questions like this require a good amount of thought, and I've got to leave the PC soon.


For the same reason that you would most likely not gain admission to TOP, no, I would not vouch for you.


Dilber: Best or Bestest?


Bestest NPO Emperor of all time, without a doubt.


Treaty someone you aren't tied to in the opposite coalition, drop an existing treaty, which alliances, why?


I'd advocate that we treaty DT. And though I hate to give you a generic answer, I see no reason to drop any of our treaties at this moment.

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Oh, apparently I forgot to bandwagon with the obligatory inquiry into your willingness to vouch for inquirers. So, yeah, would you?


Interestingly, TOP was on the short list of alliances I considered joining in the past -- after my exit from VE and then briefly when departing Symphony. Others considered were NoR, MK, and FAN. I like quite a few from TOP and have a long history with the likes of Lum, Megamind, SGC, and the recent convert Ardus, among others. So, yeah, I think I'd enjoy it there, but I am happy with my decisions to have helped found Symphony and then later migrate to DT.


One more: What update to game mechanics would you most like to see?


Regarding the vouch (I should really stop answering these, but I'm a completionist), I don't know you well enough.


As for game mechanics, two come to mind: make war less monotonous and less destructive; and make rebuilding easier. Tech bonus-era war can destroy years of nation-building in a month, and rebuilding is slow and arduous. This drives people out of the game, and also disincentivizes alliances from taking political risks.




Also, is it safe to assume you would vouch for me to join TOP? XD


Ask Voodoo instead.

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Why have we always been at odds(well a large part of the time anyhow) in game, and how do you feel about me OOC, and gotta throw in the 'would you vouch for me in TOP' line as my curiosity is peaked regarding the answer.



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Why have we always been at odds(well a large part of the time anyhow) in game, and how do you feel about me OOC, and gotta throw in the 'would you vouch for me in TOP' line as my curiosity is peaked regarding the answer.




We've always gotten along well OOC. I think you're a good-natured person.


As for a vouch, you have (as I'm sure you're aware) been a bit hostile toward TOP in the recent past. And anyway, the second question doesn't really relate to the first, as one regards OOC and the other IC. As you've said, we have at times clashed IC.


Inspired by all of the AMAs that have popped up since you posted: if you could get one CN player on here to do an AMA who isn't you, who would it be and why?


Buller is the first who comes to mind, because he would be hilarious. Unfortunately, he no longer plays.

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Do you think TOP will attack GPA again because of boredom?


You sound like you have the impression that we were responsible for that affair. That is inaccurate. We piggybacked in small part to help NPO, and in much larger part because we (the leadership at the time) judged that involvement in a war would benefit the alliance. There is virtually no chance whatsoever that we would have come into conflict with GPA of our own accord.


Uneducated question FTL.

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If I ever rejoin TOP could I gain your vote for GM or GC?


That would depend upon who else was running for the position.


What makes TOP unique. How would someone know if they would make a good fit in your community?


If they're friendly, civil, likable, stable, and rational, they'd do well. Intelligence is also a plus.

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What makes TOP unique.



We've got a great community. Many who have come from other alliances have said that it's the best they've been in. It is such that our member retention rates are excellent; the vast majority of those we lose either end up coming back or quit because they're leaving the game. Most everyone is civil to each other, and we haven't had any notable drama since September of 2007. The fact that we've got so many intelligent folks in the alliance is nice also.


TOP's community is the primary reason why I remain in the game.

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