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Never bring an Umbrella to a gun fight


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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1358708576' post='3081094']
Yes and...? All of those shipments are from yesterday, after war were declared. Through declaring war, AI has put Umbrella and that rogue on the same side.
[color=#0000ff]Try and break this thought into smaller sentences, please. I believe that this concept might be a bit too advanced for AI to understand.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1358712418' post='3081142']

[color=#0000ff]Try and break this thought into smaller sentences, please. I believe that this concept might be a bit too advanced for AI to understand.[/color]
Perhaps you could try to kiss ass a little harder in public you've only started to tickle his brain from the posterior.

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[quote name='MadScotII' timestamp='1358712369' post='3081141']
Tell me, how although you might be right, not sure, don't care what the Tri did in that regard, how it doesn't make it a solid CB. Ai. felt it was a slight on her sovereign right makes it a valid CB. You do know what CB stands for right?

Whatever man.

Where's the consistency? Why didn't this happen a week or two back when Timmeh, Vesp and AuiNur "stole your slots" on Mo9P?

I'll explain why - it's because you lot saw this as an opportunity, whereas the previous scenario was a bit messy and inconvenient.

e: It's all cool man, everybody wants a war. Just don't peddle all this !@#$%^&*, thanks.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1358712580' post='3081144']
Perhaps you could try to kiss ass a little harder in public you've only started to tickle his brain from the posterior.

Here, have this comma.


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I don't really care about the ~validity of a casus belli~ but it's always lovely to see the original reasoning completely fall apart. The war is not two days old and already the eloquently typed arguments in the DoW have made way for the real reason of "idk I want a war".

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358713010' post='3081146']
Here, have this comma.


Really Mo9P? You're better than that. Attacking someone's grammar on a forum. How tripe mate.

Anyway, I have not seen a single debunk of the CB or the reasons for the CB that has actually managed to stand up. Keep trying though, although we could go back and look at the last 6 months where we had "do something about it", then the last 2 months of "you're too chicken to do something about it" to now, which is "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you did something about it how dare you, it's not fair, picking on us"

Edited by MadScotII
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[quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1358713030' post='3081147']
I don't really care about the ~validity of a casus belli~ but it's always lovely to see the original reasoning completely fall apart. The war is not two days old and already the eloquently typed arguments in the DoW have made way for the real reason of "idk I want a war".
Sorry this isn't as rock solid as, 'Everything. Must. Die.' Or 'Dave93', but I javent seen anybody digress into, "idk, I want a war". I am pretty sure that's loose interpretation of the whole thing in a, "spin it however I like" kinda way. Drink the KOOL-AID much?

Edited by Judge X
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[quote name='MadScotII' timestamp='1358713225' post='3081150']
Anyway, I have not seen a single debunk of the CB that has actually managed to stand up.

Look, you can't "debunk" someone's reason for doing something. Showing how that reasoning is inconsistently applied is fair play, I would've thought?

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358713446' post='3081153']
The fact that after 67 pages, some members of DH are still complaining about the CB asking why consistency and diplomacy weren't used is hypocritical beyond any scale of measurement.

Nobody's complaining dude, just pointing out the !@#$%^&*. I'd prefer an honest "I don't like you, we're going to war" but that's just me I suppose.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='MadScotII' timestamp='1358712369' post='3081141']
Tell me, how although you might be right, not sure, don't care what the Tri did in that regard, how it doesn't make it a solid CB. Ai. felt it was a slight on her sovereign right makes it a valid CB. You do know what CB stands for right?

The inconsistency was that you didn't declare on the alliances who previously "slot filled" his war slots. By doing so you sent out the message it was ok to do it at the very least.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1358713548' post='3081158']

The inconsistency was that you didn't declare on the alliances who previously "slot filled" his war slots. By doing so you sent out the message it was ok to do it at the very least.
Was he a rogue from those alliances or a rogue from umbrella?

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1358713611' post='3081159']
Was he a rogue from those alliances or a rogue from umbrella?
Oh god. Stop trying. Really.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1358713611' post='3081159']
Was he a rogue from those alliances or a rogue from umbrella?

What does the rogue origin have to do with anything? Do you mean if MK was the one raiding his slots we wouldn't be where we are?

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1358713489' post='3081157']
Nobody's complaining dude, just pointing out the !@#$%^&*. I'd prefer an honest "I don't like you, we're going to war" tbqh.

To me looks like a complain, smells like a complain and walks like a complain, should be a complain.

This was the most solid CB we had in years and based in the wars started by DH and the lack of CBs I don't know why the CB is even a point to discuss in this whole war, I've be criticizing DH (lack of) CBs since ever and I always got replies saying "We don't need CBs" or "CB are so 2009". So now I finally understood what DH leaders were saying "We don't need CBs if we're the ones starting the wars, but if someone attack us, we will whine a lot because the CB."

Oh and you say you would prefer the lack of CB and the "I don't like you, we're going to war", but everyone here know that if NPO/AI had started a war without a CB saying just that we could have 67 pages of DH members saying "See, they don't even have a CB against us, they're so evil!!!".

Edited by D34th
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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1358626967' post='3080186']
Umbrella made its desires quite clear[b] the second time they filled Mo9P's slots,[/b]

Look, all you have to do to see whether this is true (it's not) is look at Mo9P's war history. It boggles the mind at the sort of falsehoods that people think they can peddle here.

It's quite a simple request: be honest.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358714160' post='3081163']
To me looks like a complain, smells like a complain and walks like a complain, should be a complain.

Looks like someone else can't recognise honesty when they see it either. Whatever dude, you keep on keeping on, and best of luck to you.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1358714241' post='3081164']
Look, all you have to do to see whether this is true (it's not) is look at Mo9P's war history. It boggles the mind at the sort of falsehoods that people think they can peddle here.

It's quite a simple request: be honest.


Looks like someone else can't recognise honesty when they see it either. Whatever dude, you keep on keeping on, and best of luck to you.

What credibility a member of DH has to ask from honesty from someone else? Go take a look at the wars launched by DH and then tell me if there are any honesty coming from them.

Now I really wonder why you don't think DR/NPO isn't being honest about this war, everybody, I mean, everybody knew that DR/NPO dislike DH and wanted to fight them, Brehon even said that all he was waiting for was for a CB and Umbrella was stupid enough to give one to them, so if you have someone to blame, blame Umbrella for being stupid and giving to the enemy exactly what they wanted.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1358713407' post='3081152']
Sorry this isn't as rock solid as, 'Everything. Must. Die.' Or 'Dave93', but I javent seen anybody digress into, "idk, I want a war". I am pretty sure that's loose interpretation of the whole thing in a, "spin it however I like" kinda way. Drink the KOOL-AID much?
[/quote]Ah, you know, almost all CBs have been dressed up as something allegedly more beautiful than they really were. MK's done that, everyone's done that, AI's doing taht and I maintain it's fun watching them fall apart. EMD would've been a great one had it only been that, but eh, CN norms and whatnot.

Carry on stumbling and fumbling for the sake of silly CN traditions.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1358631319' post='3080234']
The DT nation that moved to fill a defensive slot on puppets cooperated fully with AI.

Ah yes, that would be the DT nation who blew the stagger on puppets, said that he thinks you guys suck and was glad that he stole your slot :D

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='MadScotII' timestamp='1358713225' post='3081150']
Really Mo9P? You're better than that. Attacking someone's grammar on a forum. How tripe mate.

It was more of a jest than an attack, I was just unnaturally confused by the wording- could be the midday smoke :v

[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1358713611' post='3081159']
Was he a rogue from those alliances or a rogue from umbrella?

If you [i]really[/i] want to try playing that card, I have been both a DT and an MK member- so yes. But you probably shouldn't play that card because it's bad.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1358714880' post='3081169']
What credibility a member of DH has to ask from honesty from someone else? Go take a look at the wars launched by DH and then tell me if there are any honesty coming from them.
[/quote]Haha, you really know everything's going splendidly when the coalition supposedly representing all things good emulates the one that's the embodiment of evil.

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[quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1358715418' post='3081175']
Haha, you really know everything's going splendidly when the coalition supposedly representing all things good emulates the one that's the embodiment of evil.

So the the argument you'll be using is "They are as bad as we."?

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