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[center][size=5][b]An Official GPF Announcement[/b][/size][/center]

As many of you members of Planet Bob understand, it has been a January of Coups. Now GPF's wasn't the biggest or most fancy you will ever see, yet it was still one of the most treacherous. A complete breach of trust was made and destabilized a alliance which has been just getting back to it's feet after a very tricky 6 months.

This statement is to simply clarify the situation with the ringleader of the operation, Bernkastel of the nation "Country of Miracles", this statement attempts to clarify why the actions taken below were made after some serious consideration by many.

After a period of negotiation we thought we had sealed a very solid deal for all, as many of you understand that i was offering mercy, yet some among us understandably wanted more.

Now I must say something :

BFF have assisted us with diffusing the situation and helped in the negotiation processes. We are very thankful for their help but it seems that some are beyond helping. We asked for a simple 15 million in aid to be sent to some of our smaller nations in exchange for a peaceful resolution.

Unfortunately such a simple solution could not be found with Bernkastel and as such negotiations fell through. I would like to take this time to once again thank BFF for their assistance but now comes time that we must punish those who have wronged us even after giving them a way out.

Now what do we do next, well due to Bernkastel lack of negotiation skills and blatant lack of manners and honour, i am forced to do what i have never done before and condemn Bernkastel to ................................... [size=6] [/size][size=6]ZI.[/size]

With regards


Secretary General of GPF.

Edited by markfrancos
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[center]Bernkastel was a well-respected, long standing member of Europa. He served as our Minister of Defense and assisted heavily with the transition into BFF. He left BFF and I was approached by GPF gov asking about him before admitting him. I gave him a very high recommendation, and GPF took my word on it.[/center]

[center]When I heard about the coup, I immediately moved to protect my friend and former government member. I told him to get on our AA for protection until we could figure out how to handle the situation. GPF had granted him amnesty, but understandably some government members were very frustrated with this. I approached GPF's government and negotiated very fair terms with them. In fact, I was overly-generous on account of the extreme level of decorum, respect and kindness they extended to me. However, Bernkastel refused these extremely fair terms, and as such BFF has asked him to vacate our AA. We cannot protect him if he is not willing to compromise and admit his wrongdoings in the coup attempt, and I feel we have done all we can for our former friend. We hold no ill-will toward him, but we cannot condone a coup attempt and would personally ZI somebody who did the same thing to us.[/center]

[center][b]Signed for BFF,[/b][/center]


[center][i]The Neapolitan Council[/i][/center]

Edited by Ernesto Che Guevara
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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1357769700' post='3073366']
This PZI business is not going to go well for you.

not gunna happen Hereno :P

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For any alliance to come and talk of PZI amazes me. Clearly you have a situation to wit that may appear to be justifiable, but you are going to have to trust me on this, PZI is something that will come back and bite. ZI, ZT sure, PZI, you are making a very very large political mistake no matter how justified you are, no matter how wrong that nation is.

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Greetings and salutations to all.

I did not accept the terms forwarded to me because I saw no need to accept the extortion being placed upon me and I did not allow my good family in BFF to be extorted by the the GPF government. I was granted amnesty and was given Secretary-General MarkFrancos' word that if I ended it peacefully that I would walk away with no problems in the future. It's a shame to see he is not a man of his word and his alliance isn't a dignified and honorable place. I guess you can be wrong about people as I was wrong about Mark and the Triumvirate of GPF.

[b]You will get nothing.[/b]

Deal with it.

- Bernkastel

Edited by Bernkastel
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Upon further discussion with GPF, Perma-ZI will not be happening. It was a rash overstatement, but it wasn't meant to be taken in the way of a traditional perma-ZI. BFF will not condone perma-ZI, and GPF is aware of this. Rest assured, we are both committed to preventing that.

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[quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1357770132' post='3073372']
Greetings and salutations to all.

I did not accept the terms forwarded to me because I saw no need to accept the extortion being placed upon me and I did not allow my good family in BFF to be extorted by the the GPF government. I was granted amnesty and was given Secretary-General MarkFrancos' word that if I ended it peacefully that I would walk away with no problems in the future. It's a shame to see he is not a man of his word and his alliance isn't a dignified and honorable place. I guess you can be wrong about people as I was wrong about Mark and the Triumvirate of GPF.

[b]You will get nothing.[/b]

Deal with it.

- Bernkastel

Why try and turn this on me, i am simply here to do my duty to my alliance, i didn't try and coup a democratically elected gov did i ?

I will not be dragged into a pointless argument with a traitor to my alliance.

Edited by markfrancos
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Well it looked like it was changed to ZI.

Extortion Bernkastel? I highly doubt if GPF and BFF feel that they were being overly generous and kind that the terms you got were extortion. Instead of just ending it you are now just dragging this on. In the end you will be ZIed and this will be mostly forgotten. But go ahead, prove your oh so important point.

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Yeah, by perma-zi he meant ZI until Bern is willing to compromise or admit wrongdoing. He didn't mean "hold you at ZI until you leave". Misunderstanding, we decided to put ZI in huge letters to clear up any confusion.

GPF doesn't normally have issues like this, but via proxy BFF drags their intelligence down to the level of a mouthbreather. That's our bad.

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1357597440' post='3072551']
[center][b]An official pardon is being offered to the members involved in the coup, b[/b][b]oth parties in this situation have been in communication in private to come to see what and why things happened how they did. The Conclusion was that the members involved were only involved for the good of the people.[/b]

[center][i][b]markfrancos - Secretary General[/b][/i][/center]

[/quote][quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1357770612' post='3073382']
I said you would walk away without punishment if you agreed to the simply repatriations which were demanded by the Government of GPF. Understandably they were not happy. I kept my word, i let you go free and expected you to take it like a man, dont try and turn this on me, logs and backing from several sources show that you  blatantly deny that you should pay for this. We were willing to let you walk away, but without anything REALLY ??? Even i'm not that nice.....

I'm not sure or what to believe. I accepted the unconditional pardon and now you intend to extort money out of me. Please, tell me I am missing something.

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1357770977' post='3073388']
The terms offered were to pay only 1 round of aid. 5 slots of 3m to a select 5 nations which would be counted as repatriations. Then he could walk free.

Very nice reps in my opinion.

Well that and a hilarious comic of a failed coup with penises everywhere, but that was my idea. ;)

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Traditionally ... If Im reading my scripts right we are meant to wait till GPF is fully engaged in war and then Bernkastel is to join MK. A MK nation will then demand attacks stop imedietly, a few attacks will continue regardless and we should FINALY get a nice global war.

Proceed onward people!

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1357771246' post='3073392']
This was due to the backlash i received from an unhappy membership. Surely you understand this and now just want to cause us a load of un needed stress. And also where does it say unconditional :P
It didn't have any conditions or strings attached to it to obtain the pardon as far as I can tell or read, nor did our private conversation have any strings attached before the handover. I handed over everything peacefully and in tact and left to join BFF.

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1357771246' post='3073392']
This was due to the backlash i received from an unhappy membership. Surely you understand this and now just want to cause us a load of un needed stress. And also where does it say unconditional :P

I'm generally not one to agree with Bern, but are you really admitting to going back on your word because your membership was unhappy? I only ask because that is really what it sounds like here.

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