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A Resignation and a Civil War


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I, Winner12345, Minister of Military and Defence of the Social Democratic Union, am hereby resigning from the Alliance`s Government. My time was considereably shortened by the war against the IAFG and a Few Members of Oceania. I wish the IAFG best of luck in there endeavours, they have a great leader who will grow there allaince.

The Reasons for my resignation are clear. Our Emporer wishes to focus on spreading his radical ideas of Socialism in another game, which i cannot say because it censors it. The President resigned as well yesterday, he disagreed with the Descision to declare war on the IAFG.

I will remain a member of the Alliance. An active one as well. But I will be organizing nations to fight a Civil War against the Tyranny of the SDU Government.

The Tides of Socialism shall end today, on Thanksgivng Day, 2012.

The Alliance is sacred to our members and if it means the destruction of it to keep it in the right hands, then it shall be.

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[quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1353605719' post='3056260']

I think I speak for everyone when I say we are saddened to hear of this. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
[/quote]Oh thanks for the correction.

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So you say this on a public forum that everyone can see...

However on another forum you say these things (screenshots can be provided):

"He was consulted in the war idea and agreed. Ofter the War declarration, we where somehow crushed. He blamed himself for the downfall of the allaince because he did not stop me from declaring war on the IAFG. It was my idea but he ultimately resigned over it."

"And anothet thing, the wat was not my descision nor my idea. The Emporer imself ordered me to declare the war. I had no say. i only messaged the members of the SDU."[/quote]

You really have no class do you? Letting someone else take the fall for your actions? If any alliance accepts you... I hope for their sake they make you undergo the strictest rules.


Edited by chaosclanlord
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If the President stepped down, and there is a power vacuum, why do you not just step in and take over? Seems like an added step to resign your own government position and assemble forces for a hostile takeover of the government when there is no government. Just assume the presidency and halt all the tyranny and socialist tides and whatnot immediately.

It will both save lives AND threads.

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1353606829' post='3056270']
If the President stepped down, and there is a power vacuum, why do you not just step in and take over? Seems like an added step to resign your own government position and assemble forces for a hostile takeover of the government when there is no government. Just assume the presidency and halt all the tyranny and socialist tides and whatnot immediately.

It will both save lives AND threads.
[/quote]Well the President is only a figurehead, he has no power. The Emporer has all the power. I thoguht about your idea but people are leaving our alliance every other minute. We are down to 11 members.

Anyways the goal of this is to either destroy the alliance or refound it after the war.

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[quote name='JohnGulager' timestamp='1353607574' post='3056278']
Looks like you have a few more deserters to burn.
[/quote]No i don`t. There fine as long as they don`t threaten us. And if they did i would just leave them alone for now.

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[quote name='Winner12345' timestamp='1353606981' post='3056272']
Well the President is only a figurehead, he has no power. The Emporer has all the power. I thoguht about your idea but people are leaving our alliance every other minute. We are down to 11 members.

Anyways the goal of this is to either destroy the alliance or refound it after the war.

So you still have the power of 11 nations at your military disposal burn them all

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1353606829' post='3056270']
If the [s]President stepped down[/s] [b][color=#ff0000]emperor moved on to another game[/color][/b], and there is a power vacuum, why do you not just step in and take over? Seems like an added step to resign your own government position and assemble forces for a hostile takeover of the government when there is no government. Just assume the [s]presidency[/s] [b][color=#ff0000]emperorship[/color][/b] and halt all the tyranny and socialist tides and whatnot immediately.

It will [b][color=#ff0000]still[/color][/b] both save lives AND threads.

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You know what, hit me up n my nation and maybe I can talk to you and try to salvage something here.

We need more active people and you've proven that you are one to.a harmful degree but Mayne we can change that

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Millions shocked as SDU doesn't last longer than a couple weeks.

Edit: Seriously man, just join an alliance. You'll be able to learn how successful alliances function and then take that knowledge away with you to start again.

Edited by Gloin
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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1353613895' post='3056321']
You know what, hit me up n my nation and maybe I can talk to you and try to salvage something here.

We need more active people and you've proven that you are one to.a harmful degree but Mayne we can change that

Many have tried bro... This dude will just leave and create his own AA and make more threads...

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