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A small UE announcement

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[size=24pt][color=maroon]An Announcement from United Equestria[/color][/size][/center]

Hello, folks.

I come to you in a trying time.

You all probably know of United Equestria. You should, given that it was once the greatest community that this world ever knew, and likely ever will.

Grave things have happened in recent times that have seen it decay, and we do not find this acceptable.

We have attempted to rectify the issues that plague our great and noble home, but these attempts have fallen on deaf ears, and instead, parties that wish to run our home into the ground in the name of their personal power, parties both foreign and domestic, have decided to block any chance of our alliance ever recovering from it's decadence.

We, the undersigned, do not find this acceptable.

We, the undersigned, have come to terms with the sealed fate of United Equestria. And we do hereby declare that this noble alliance does not deserve to exist as a rotting shell of it's former glory, slowly expiring in squalor and decay.

We, the undersigned, in noting the inadequacy of a certain ruler of our lands, do hereby declare him to stand incompetent to rule, and hereby depose him where he refused to stand aside.

We, the undersigned, do hereby note the role that a certain pony offshoot has had in furthering this state of decay, and we likewise note a litany of offenses including spying, poaching, theft of intellectual materials, and general asshattery committed by said offshoot.

We, the undersigned, do hereby issue a decree of crackin' heads on the above mentioned party.

We, the undersigned, do hereby make our final run on this world, into the flames of glory. But at the same moment, we recognize the right of the other members to exist as they will, and as such, we resolve ourselves to finding them a proper home away from decadence, where they may be safe and protected from harm. While we take command of this noble alliance in order to see it off to a noble and rightful peace, we have no expectation of the participation of the other members thereof in our little crusade.

Our time is at an end in this world, but we are going to see to it that those we leave behind are taken care of. before our final departure.


Princess Celly, Founder, Former Princess Regnant and Chancellor, Changeling Queen of United Equestria

Lord Benzene "Donut Steel," Shadow King and Grand High Boopwizard of United Equestria

PS: Our old alliance forums, [url=http://www.unitedequestria.com]www.unitedequestria.com[/url] (we got a shiny new domain name while you weren't looking), are no longer an alliance forum. A number of diplomats have been confused as to where their embassies went, etc. It's quite a long story, but, essentially, we are detaching our community from this world, so that we may be free of the ugly reprecussions of petty political squabbles. So now you officially know.

United Equestria does not die. It ascends to a higher plane of being.

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[quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We, the undersigned, do hereby note the role that a certain pony offshoot has had in furthering this state of decay, and we likewise note a litany of offenses including spying, poaching, theft of intellectual materials, and general asshattery committed by said offshoot.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]We, the undersigned, do hereby issue a decree of crackin' heads on the above mentioned party.[/font][/color][/quote]

I wonder who that is :ehm: Well You are back in your alliance HoT, I really do hope you are enjoying every minute of it(no sarcasm, all sincerity) :)

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[quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1352776358' post='3051663']
Oh Magicman is gonna love this announcement
[/quote]If he ever figures out it's here. My suspicion is he is too inactive to pick up on it right away, but when he does, he will likely try to put up another fight. We've accepted that fact, but we cannot let one man with a quest for power to continue to let the alliance fall apart. We are doing what we must, but it isn't something we take joy in.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1352777686' post='3051672']
As much as bronies offend my delicate sensibilities I find myself pleased that you're actually doing something, even if I'm not 100% what that is (other than going rogue?).
[/quote]This is not a rogue event. We are the current, acting leadership of United Equestria.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1352782024' post='3051710']
I warned you...
[/quote]Oh no, the person who rewarded 5+ years of my steadfast loyalty with knives in my back is going to do... something or other. Oh no.

I'm quitting CN because it has devastated my IRL life. I'm moving on and not looking back. You have maybe 48 hours to make me "feel" whatever it is you intend on raining down on me, so just make it quick, alright? Because after that, I'm gone.

I'm only here to make sure the rest of UE, the innocent folks, have a good home they can rely on. $%&@ if I care whatever you're going to do to me.

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In other words, stay tuned for JudgeX to log dump all sorts of personal !@#$, like any true ally would. What is he going to dump? I haven't a clue, all I know is 1) It's going to be cherry picked to cast me in the worst possible light and 2) I still don't give a !@#$, because this game has been miserable for me for the past year and I'm quitting because that's the signal that it's time to quit. After I see the innocent membership off to a proper and stable home that they deserve.

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LOL. A Small announcement from a Small boy wishing he were a Man. Your not even worth the effort. Your posts in paranoia only confirm what the rest of Bob already knows about you.

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