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GOD Declaration of War

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340642053' post='2995945']
GOD isn't only honoring a MDP clause here. He's preaching and trying to indict a world he massively helped create.
We have been isolated and sidelined for years now, we haven't had any real influence on anything since before the BiPolar war. Xiphosis makes an excellent boogeyman for MK but this world is their making, not ours.

[quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1340642239' post='2995950']
Don't be silly. GOD/Xiph clearly spoke to more than simply defending RIA. I'm no expert on politics and I don't claim to know everything that's gone down, but whether or not people can point to times when RIA abused their power, I'm sure that people can point to times when GOD has abused power given to them by the backing RIA always offers; essentially, they abuse your power so you don't have to? Just saying...
We have always been very vocal within SF about our views, and we often disagree with our allies, sometimes (such as the DT reps issue) we heatedly and loudly disagree with our allies. We don't agree with abuses of power or bully tactics when it's our own allies or anybody else.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340642460' post='2995953']
We have been isolated and sidelined for years now, we haven't had any real influence on anything since before the BiPolar war. Xiphosis makes an excellent boogeyman for MK but this world is their making, not ours.


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[quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1340642859' post='2995960']
I understand why you would say that, but if anything is a demonstration of how SF had very little influence in the world was how easy it was for you guys to build a coalition to get revenge.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1340642053' post='2995945']
GOD isn't only honoring a MDP clause here. He's preaching and trying to indict a world he massively helped create.

So this is being repeated throughout the thread here, about GOD being just as guilty as MK. And people just keep repeating this line.

But I'm not familiar of what goes on in the back channels, so could you or someone else please list down GOD's crimes so that it the discussion here becomes a little more than 'no u'.


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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340642460' post='2995953']
We have been isolated and sidelined for years now, we haven't had any real influence on anything since before the BiPolar war. [b] Xiphosis makes an excellent boogeyman for MK[/b] but this world is their making, not ours.


haha ... Thought's of Bin Laden running through my head, the only difference though Xiphosis is more dangerous here than Bin Laden ever was, Now Non-Grata's Seal Team 6 has to dispose the body.

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[quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1340643489' post='2995972']
haha ... Thought's of Bin Laden running through my head, the only difference though Xiphosis is more dangerous here than Bin Laden ever was, Now Non-Grata's Seal Team 6 has to dispose the body.
Weren't you the ones who wanted to impose a litany of absurd surrender terms on GATO, and got angry when we said no?

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340643629' post='2995975']
Weren't you the ones who wanted to impose a litany of absurd surrender terms on GATO, and got angry when we said no?

What ?? I personally have never engaged a GATO nation EVER, nor has the alliance I stand with, we just so happen to have an ODP with them if that makes any difference.

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[quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1340643873' post='2995981']
What ?? I personally have never engaged a GATO nation EVER, nor has the alliance I stand with, we just so happen to have an ODP with them if that makes any difference.
Oh that's right that was LoSS not GATO, though it was in the same negotiations.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340643998' post='2995983']
Oh that's right that was LoSS not GATO

Though we were the ones that refused to help muster a 40k extortion scheme compliments of Chestnut, sort of made us a little famous for a brief time. I can see the confusion. I'm a spectator watching this one, that's it.

Xiphosis "Anticipation of death is worse than death itself"

You'll be a better man when its all over :)

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[quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1340644238' post='2995988']
Though we were the ones that refused to help muster a 40k extortion scheme compliments of Chestnut, sort of made us a little famous for a brief time. I can see the confusion. I'm a spectator watching this one, that's it.

Xiphosis "Anticipation of death is worse than death itself"

You'll be a better man when its all over :)
Instead of helping us convince CSN to drop the reps demand for DT you instead made your own peace deal, posted a big "F U Maroon" and left for Black. [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/FacePalm.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340644801' post='2995993']
Instead of helping us convince CSN to drop the reps demand for DT you instead made your own peace deal, posted a big "F U Maroon" and left for Black. [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/FacePalm.gif[/img]

Yah, they were the smart ones.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340644801' post='2995993']
Instead of helping us convince CSN to drop the reps demand for DT you instead made your own peace deal, posted a big "F U Maroon" and left for Black. [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/FacePalm.gif[/img]


You're blaming your own misfortunes on someone else because they didn't hold your hand and walk across the street to help you prevent getting hit by a car, no, I mean a Semi? That's priceless.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340645015' post='2995998']
You obviously don't know the Brain very well

hahaha, our deed's of the past have no relevance on the present, as for trying to convince CSN, we did and unlike most alliances we made a decision in less than 1 hour our path for the future, hell we had the deal signed and delivered in less than 3... Say what you will ... were efficient when we want to be and in most cases Nostradamus.. We predicted this a year and 1/2 go and like all things in the world everything comes to an end. Eventually !

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Obviously we are but pawns of the mighty kingdom and didn't have issues with SF from our parent alliances...

I wonder of you remember what we said to you when you first came over to the NG forums Xiphosis?

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1340644801' post='2995993']
Instead of helping us convince CSN to drop the reps demand for DT you instead made your own peace deal, posted a big "F U Maroon" and left for Black. [img]http://rialliance.net/Smileys/default/FacePalm.gif[/img]

Man, good job everything since then proved them wrong eh?!

Oh? Wait... Oh, this is awkward.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1340648249' post='2996043']
It's just odd seeing him preach against the sins of the Kingdom but attack NG instead.

Well, when he heard BJ and I would be leading the peace talks in the event of such an attack, he obviously got scared.


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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1340648411' post='2996045']
Man, good job everything since then proved them wrong eh?!

Oh? Wait... Oh, this is awkward.
Unlike GATO we don't just bail and abandon an ally to be devoured by wolves when they make a mistake.

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[quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1340621575' post='2995712']
Just gotta wade through the liquid goo that is RIA and TTK at this point and I'll get right on it.
I'd wish you luck but you really won't need it. Have fun tearing them apart Scandalous.

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This is the same alliance and same alliance leader that pre-emptively declared a lopsided war on Christian Coalition of Countries in an obnoxious manner because they couldn't wait for the alliance to decide if they even wanted to defend New Polar Order. Part of the reason the War of the Coalition got its popular nickname, the "NoCB War".

And now you've come out here to complain after you've fallen from grace~!?

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