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The Amazing Sanction Race


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June 7, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [661] (+3) Sparta : 47.36 --> 47.42 (+0.06)

top.png 2 [211] (-1) The Order of the Paradox : 45.65 --> 45.69 (+0.04)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [708] (+3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.89 --> 45.09 (+0.20)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [396] (-6) New Polar Order : 37.64 --> 37.65 (+0.01)

sanctionodnto4.png 5 [409] (-1) Orange Defense Network : 32.93 --> 32.99 (+0.06)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 6 [666] (-14) The Democratic Order : 32.94 --> 32.55 (-0.39)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 7 [737] (-2) New Pacific Order : 31.01 --> 30.90 (-0.11)

gpa.png 8 [235] (-2) Green Protection Agency : 28.17 --> 28.20 (+0.03)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 9 [342] (-3) Fark : 27.73 --> 27.71 (-0.02)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [259] (+1) FOK : 26.70 --> 26.73 (+0.03)

11 [529] (-1) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 24.86 --> 25.08 (+0.22)

12 [287] (+3) The Order of Light : 24.79 --> 24.85 (+0.06)


13 [408] (-2) Ragnarok : 23.60 --> 23.39 (-0.21)

{94} (-1) The Grämlins : 23.54 --> 23.39 (-0.15)

14 [307] (-1) Viridian Entente : 23.26 --> 23.26 (+0.00)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 22.84 --> 21.70 (-1.14) Nuclear Winter starts begetting Nuclear Spring!

{159} (-1) World Task Force : 20.79 --> 20.81 (+0.02)

[392] (-7) The Legion : 19.82 --> 19.26 (-0.56)

{145} (-5) Mushroom Kingdom : 17.30 --> 16.96 (-0.34)

[280] (-3) United Purple Nations : 16.94 --> 16.88 (-0.06)

{163} (-1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.36 --> 16.38 (+0.02)

{188} (+0) Nueva Vida : 16.00 --> 16.05 (+0.05)

[282] (+3) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.64 --> 15.86 (+0.22)

[251] (-1) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.73 --> 15.62 (-0.11)

[225] (-1) Monos Archein : 15.42 --> 15.34 (-0.08)

{143} (-2) M*A*S*H : 15.31 --> 15.27 (-0.04)

{176} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.51 --> 14.50 (-0.01)

{166} (+1) Invicta : 13.24 --> 13.29 (+0.05)

{82} (+2) Umbrella : 12.96 --> 13.22 (+0.26)

{152} (-1) RnR : 12.81 --> 12.77 (-0.04)

{177} (-1) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 12.74 --> 12.65 (-0.09)

{187} (+0) The Dark Evolution : 12.56 --> 12.60 (+0.04)

{166} (-3) Greenland Republic : 12.88 --> 12.57 (-0.31)

{161} (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.49 --> 12.49 (+0.00)

{122} (+1) The Templar Knights : 12.43 --> 12.47 (+0.04)

---------- Add Line : 12.40 --> 12.43 (+0.03)

{184} (-2) New Sith Order : 12.23 --> 12.24 (+0.01)

---------- Drop Line: 12.10 --> 12.13 (+0.03)

Biggest Gainer:

Umbrella : 12.96 --> 13.22 (+0.26)

Biggest Loser:

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 22.84 --> 21.70 (-1.14)

For alliance-folk...

The Legion : 19.82 --> 19.26 (-0.56)


sanctionodnto4.png Orange Defense Network passes Tdoflagv401-1.jpgThe Democratic Order

The Grämlins ties Ragnarok

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance passes Global Alliance And Treaty Organization

RnR passes Greenland Republic

Siberian Tiger Alliance passes Greenland Republic

The Dark Evolution passes Greenland Republic


A couple huge losses today, what happened guys? Ragnarok, Greenland Republic, The Democratic Order, The Legion, and Mushroom Kingdom all lost over a fifth of a point, with the latter three losing over a third. In addition, The Democratic Order lost 14 members. Rough day. This prompted a rare pass in the sanctioned alliances, putting Orange Defense Network in 5th place. Congratulations.

On further inspection, the reason for The Democratic Order's loss becomes clear. By ejecting 14 of their members and slipping below the Orange Defense Network they have secured 6th place with 666 members. If ever there was a casus belli for attacking the neutral menace, it is surely here.

On the other end of the extreme there were a few significant gains today, namely the Mostly Harmless Alliance, the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, and Umbrella who all gained over a fifth of a point, with Umbrella capturing the Biggest Gainer title.

The New Pacific Order seems to be stemming their losses, only losing 2 members and .11 score, perhaps we're nearing their bottoming out point where they just can't lose anymore unless their peace moders come out.

Today's shoutout goes to Umbrella for going from Biggest Loser to Biggest Gainer in one day. Nice job guys.

Whew, that took quite a while.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

Edited by Shodemofi
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 [color="#ff8c00"][b]Orange Defense Network[/b] in 5th place. Congratulations.

On the other end of the extreme there were a few significant gains today, namely the [color="#00ffff"][b]Mostly Harmless Alliance[/b][/color]

You missed a [/color].

Nice update, good to see TOOL gaining.

EDIT: Apparently you corrected it before I posted. Oh well.

Edited by OVERLORD Ikaru
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On top of our 7th strongest member leaving yesterday our 4th strongest member left to form a new alliance today aswell and we happen to be ZIing our 8th strongest "member" right now. (hes a ghost/been banned from our alliance)

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Really the sixth order in the race. The third founded by Ivan though. :P

Ivan is not allowed to quit CN until he has founded every single alliance with a sanction.

Re: Gremlins. It's strange, but ever since TOG, they've been way down in member count. And since the war, I feel like they've bled about ten more. Any particular reason why, other than war? Start up alliances, giving TOP sanction, other nefarious practices?

And congrats on the latest resurgence Umbrella.

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On top of our 7th strongest member leaving yesterday our 4th strongest member left to form a new alliance today aswell and we happen to be ZIing our 8th strongest "member" right now. (hes a ghost/been banned from our alliance)

That's tough, we had a similar situation a while ago. Nonethless that doesn't exuse you from your heresy! You are all blasphemetic Satanists!

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Ivan is not allowed to quit CN until he has founded every single alliance with a sanction.

Re: Gremlins. It's strange, but ever since TOG, they've been way down in member count. And since the war, I feel like they've bled about ten more. Any particular reason why, other than war? Start up alliances, giving TOP sanction, other nefarious practices?

And congrats on the latest resurgence Umbrella.


There slowly being absorbed my the MHA, it's easier to change one AA to "The Härmlins" than ask Admin to combine both into one.

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