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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Sorry, I had some connection issues yesterday/early today that made it impossible to post. So here's the month update. I may add commentary later, but I likely won't do the passes because they are going to be pages long... If someone does either passes or commentary I'll add it in.


May 1st, 2009 to June 1, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [653] (-1) Sparta : 49.61 --> 47.28 (-2.33)

top.png 2 [211] (+2) The Order of the Paradox : 45.23 --> 44.84 (-0.39)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [695] (+58) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.43 --> 44.24 (-0.19)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [400] (+22) New Polar Order : 34.72 --> 37.04 (+2.32)

sanctionodnto4.png 5 [406] (-47) Orange Defense Network : 33.76 --> 32.57 (-1.19)

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 6 [763] (-189) New Pacific Order : 60.81 --> 32.43 (-28.38)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 7 [679] (+73) The Democratic Order : 29.59 --> 32.08 (+2.49)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 36.56 --> 30.68 (-5.88) I swear I had fewer arms than this in April...

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 8 [351] (-33) Fark : 34.41 --> 28.12 (-6.29)

gpa.png 9 [238] (+28) Green Protection Agency : 25.88 --> 28.02 (+2.14)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [260] (-3) FOK : 28.36 --> 26.59 (-1.77)

11 [286] (-35) The Order of Light : 24.58 --> 24.97 (+0.39)

sanctionrokyt0.png 12 [416] (-38) Ragnarok : 29.50 --> 24.84 (-4.66)


13 [548] (-190) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 52.35 --> 24.43 (-27.92)

{94} (-9) The Grämlins : 24.81 --> 23.38 (-1.43)

14 [317] (-69) Viridian Entente : 28.76 --> 23.31 (-5.45)

{157} (+6) World Task Force : 19.07 --> 20.34 (+1.27)

[402] (+33) The Legion : 17.87 --> 19.62 (+1.75)

[280] (-1) United Purple Nations : 16.17 --> 16.70 (+0.53)

{151} (-5) Mushroom Kingdom : 19.08 --> 16.64 (-2.44)

{158} (-2) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.23 --> 16.47 (+0.24)

{190} (-4) Nueva Vida : 17.14 --> 16.12 (-1.02)

[286] (-153) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 26.24 --> 15.60 (-10.64)

[254] (???) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : ??? --> 15.59 (+???)

[231] (+2) Monos Archein : 16.62 --> 15.53 (-1.09)

{147} (-2) M*A*S*H : 15.43 --> 15.28 (-0.15)

{180} (+11) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.81 --> 14.57 (+0.73)

{82} (+4) Umbrella : 13.63 --> 13.17 (-0.46)

{160} (???) Invicta : ??? --> 13.11 (???)

{169} (-20) Greenland Republic : 15.87 --> 13.03 (-1.84)

{165} (-17) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.32 --> 12.83 (-1.49)

{156} (???) RnR : ??? --> 12.74 (???)

{185} (???) Siberian Tiger Alliance : ??? --> 12.72 (???)

{62} (???) The Sweet Oblivion : ??? --> 12.68 (???)

{192} (-23) The Dark Evolution : 14.32 --> 12.62 (-1.70)

---------- Add Line : 14.18 --> 12.42 (-1.76)

---------- Drop Line: 13.88 --> 12.12 (-1.76)

Biggest Gainers

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 7 [679] (+73) The Democratic Order : 29.59 --> 32.08 (+2.49)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [400] (+22) New Polar Order : 34.72 --> 37.04 (+2.32)

gpa.png 9 [238] (+28) Green Protection Agency : 25.88 --> 28.02 (+2.14)

Biggest Losers

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 6 [763] (-189) New Pacific Order : 60.81 --> 32.43 (-28.38)

13 [548] (-190) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 52.35 --> 24.43 (-27.92)

[286] (-153) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 26.24 --> 15.60 (-10.64)




Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


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Well, regardless of where GATO started, we went up.

Thats why I made you're change +??? and green because you would have had to have gained to get were you we're. All the other additions to the race currently are below the old add line and therefore may have stayed still while the line fell below them.

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QUOTE (Arcadian Empire @ Jun 3 2009, 09:57 AM) *

{120} (+0) The Templar Knights : 12.37 --> 12.37 (+0.00)

Congrats with being added TTK!

Another day at the TOP, good to see :). MHA, we'll give you a good run hehe.

TTK, glad to see your addition.

Thanks Dr.Dan and ProdigyNL. I wasn't aware of this fact until someone handly pointed it out to me.

Congratulations also to the New Sith Order in joining us there. Heres to remaining in there for a long time to come.

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For some reason, I didn't realize that the NPO and IRON had both lost that many members. When you only lose a couple members a day, it doesn't seem like a lot. Little by little they are bleeding dry. Well not so much IRON any more but certainly the NPO.

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Is it too late to have the alliances that were dropped added to the one month thing?

--> GDA? GGA? TPF? Valhalla?

I'll add them in if you guys want. I have the May 1st numbers, but nothing for June first, which is why I left them out at first.

What numbers should I use? Just putting ??? Would be pointless.

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For some reason, I didn't realize that the NPO and IRON had both lost that many members. When you only lose a couple members a day, it doesn't seem like a lot. Little by little they are bleeding dry. Well not so much IRON any more but certainly the NPO.

The numbers presented here are actually lower than they actually are. Go sort NPO's nations by seniority and take out the small nations that joined since the war began, the true number is over 300.

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