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The Amazing Sanction Race


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Well, somehow we didn't gain a nation bigger than 5k NS, yet we gained 0.14 score?

Must be that massive newbie spamming effort you guys have been putting in. :D

Back on the right side of the Add Line. I feel like a sailing boat out in the middle of the ocean.

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Must be that massive newbie spamming effort you guys have been putting in. :D

Back on the right side of the Add Line. I feel like a sailing boat out in the middle of the ocean.

We only gained 2 nations though, that doesn't equate to anywhere near 14 score.

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Dear Sparta......Slow Down



p.s go go gadget gre

Dear MHA,

Received your communication. Didn't understand. You are too far away. Perhaps you could speed up a bit so that it's easier to hear you?



Luv you!

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expect VE member growth to start up again in the next few days, forums being down really make it hard to go over applications.

edit, also lol at my profile pic being messed up and showing as TFH.

Edited by im317
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24th March, 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [949] (-9) New Pacific Order : 84.06 --> 83.95 (-0.11)

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [791] (+2) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.44 --> 73.63 (+0.19)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [628] (+0) Sparta : 47.04 --> 46.93 (-0.11)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 4 [608] (+3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.45 --> 44.40 (-0.05)

sanctionmcxapl4.png 5 [608] (-6) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 42.84 --> 42.85 (+0.01)

{191} (+0) The Order of the Paradox : 40.79 --> 40.82 (+0.03)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [344] (-6) Fark : 37.05 --> 36.60 (-0.45)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days)

sanctionodnto4.png 7 [540] (+0) Orange Defense Network : 34.67 --> 34.71 (+0.04)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 8 [381] (+2) New Polar Order : 33.51 --> 33.65 (+0.14)

sanctionrokyt0.png 9 [477] (-7) Ragnarok : 33.21 --> 33.17 (-0.04)

{119} (+0) The Grämlins : 30.94 --> 31.03 (+0.09)

TOOLminiflag.jpg 10 [341] (+0) The Order of Light : 29.76 --> 29.83 (+0.09)

sanctionvedj7.png 11 [396] (+2) Viridian Entente : 29.38 --> 29.49 (+0.11)

sanctiontpfhq1.png 12 [239] (+0) The Phoenix Federation : 27.96 --> 28.16 (+0.20)


13 [266] (-3) FOK : 27.95 --> 27.91 (-0.04)

14 [572] (+0) The Democratic Order : 25.93 --> 25.99 (+0.06)

[216] (-2) Green Protection Agency : 24.78 --> 24.56 (-0.22)

[325] (+0) Grand Global Alliance : 22.35 --> 22.37 (+0.02)

[206] (+0) Greenland Republic : 18.96 --> 19.00 (+0.04)

{138} (-1) Valhalla : 19.00 --> 18.97 (-0.03)

[291] (-3) The Dark Evolution : 18.56 --> 18.56 (+0.00)

[357] (-6) The Legion : 18.59 --> 18.52 (-0.07)

[240] (+1) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.13 --> 18.34 (+0.21)

{142} (+2) Mushroom Kingdom : 18.08 --> 18.25 (+0.17)

{132} (+0) Echelon : 18.17 --> 18.23 (+0.06)

[265] (+3) United Purple Nations : 17.10 --> 17.17 (+0.07)

{196} (+1) Nueva Vida : 16.38 --> 16.58 (+0.20)

{134} (+0) World Task Force : 16.54 --> 16.57 (+0.03)

[235] (+2) Monos Archein : 16.15 --> 16.22 (+0.07)

{161} (-2) M*A*S*H : 15.79 --> 15.80 (+0.01)

{84} (+1) Umbrella : 15.23 --> 15.30 (+0.07)

{172} (+3) RnR : 14.97 --> 15.09 (+0.12)

{184} (+0) LoSS : 15.01 --> 14.92 (-0.09)

{192} (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.39 --> 14.42 (+0.03)

---------- Add Line: 13.98 --> 14.08 (+0.10)

{175} (-3) Invicta : 14.03 --> 13.99 (-0.04)

{176} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.92 --> 13.88 (-0.04)

---------- Drop Line: 13.68 --> 13.78 (+0.10)

Biggest Gainer

[240] (+1) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.13 --> 18.34 (+0.21)

Biggest Loser

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [344] (-6) Fark : 37.05 --> 36.60 (-0.45)


Greenland Republic passes Valhalla

The Dark Evolution passes The Legion

Global Democratic Alliance passes Echelon

Mushroom Kingdom passes Echelon

Nueva Vida passes World Task Force

RnR passes LoSS

Add Line passes Invicta


The Global Democratic Alliance barely beat out The Phoenix Federation for biggest gainer today, with just over a fifth of a point. The Independent Republic of Orange Nations came in just under The Phoenix Federation.

Fark loses a massive .45 score today. The Green Protection Agency also lost a significant amount of score, with just over a fifth of a point.

Lots of passes today, with The Dark Evolution passing The Legion standing still, and the Global Democratic Alliance and Mushroom Kingdom jumping past Echelon. Also, the Add Line continues its march up the rankings. Fear the Add Line.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

End of line.

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