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Shameless Self-Congratulation

Ernesto Che Guevara

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[/center][center]Well, I've made it to 5 years with you all. It's been an interesting ride, I'll say that much. For those who don't know (or stalk my CN account), I started my days off being recruited into the Commonwealth of New England by the long-departed Andrew W.K. for the whopping prize of 20k dongs. It meant so much in those days, which seem so far off. [/center][center]
[/center][center]Anyway, from CNE I helped found The Commonwealth (TCW), and from there we went into the merger as UCN. I served in various forms of government for most of my time there, and finally helped found my pride and joy, Europa. It's been fun, and I hope it continues to be that way. For all those criticizing lately, saying our world is dying or whatever...sure, our numbers aren't as big as they once were, but it's still fun at the end of the day, otherwise why would we still be here? [/center][center]
[/center][center]Special thanks to all my allies and friends over the years, and a very special thank you to all my alliance mates. I wouldn't be the same person without you guys, as lame as that sounds. I don't know where I'd be without you all, from CN problems to late-night IRC !@#$%*-sessions, you guys have been with me through thick and thin, and I will continue to do the same for you. Life wouldn't be the same without CN as the one stable factor, that's for sure.[/center][center]
[/center][center]Well, it'd be more like this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJpfK7l404I&ob=av3n"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJpfK7l404I&ob=av3n[/url][/center][center]
[/center][center]Anyway, thanks everybody. Here's to hoping we're still here in 5 years, eh? [/center][center]
[/center][center]</shamelesspromotion> [/center]

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A shameless self-congratulations thread? Ooh! My favorite.

Well, first I'd like to congratulate, obviously, me. For being awesome. But most just for being here. No, really, think about it; if I weren't here to witness these deeds, well, they wouldn't exist.

<Pulls neck-collar> Shoo, is it solipsistical in here or is it just me?


Jokes aside, that's awesome. Glad to have you here, bud. And let's toast to five more.


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Thanks everybody, you're all pretty awesome yourselves. And yeah Gibs, I didn't realize it'd been so long myself. Time flies when...I don't even know. It seems like nothing is really the same IRL from 5 years back, and CN has consistently been the same for me. Sorta nice to count on something for once.

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I'm not really sure if there is anything in here worth congratulating yourself for, but congrats on feeling as if there was all the same. Enjoy your thread, but end of the world happens this year. So there will be no next 5 years.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1332065145' post='2939592']
I'm not really sure if there is anything in here worth congratulating yourself for, but congrats on feeling as if there was all the same. Enjoy your thread, but end of the world happens this year. So there will be no next 5 years.

I feel like dealing with the idiocy of the OWF for more than a year is a worthy achievement, don't you?

At any rate, I suppose you're correct. To the final year. o/

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