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Hooligans starting lineup

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[center][b][i][size="2"]amongst the fearless, tough, rough and bald
you had forfilled your duties when you were called
may your life be good, may your young son's be great
we will all miss you, but its for the better fate
good luck xanth, hopefully soon we will see you around
becuase there are still many nations to smash into the ground[/size][/i][/b][/center]

First up i am sorry to say that xanth is stepping down from his position as Grand master as real life has kicked him in the bum. He had served the alliance well, he lead us to victory on 3 fronts as well as put countless hours of work into the alliance in all area's. the hooligans has never been so efficient and you will be missed.

on that note the hooligans had an astounding elections, after weeks of heated debate (lol) we had found and elected our best government to date, things are going to step up for the hooligans and i must admit there has never been a better time to be a hooligan with all the tech deals and competitions going on. So congratulations guys! it will be my pleasure to work with you all

[b]Grand Master[/b]

[b]Master Hooligans[/b]
Little Azeie

[b]Guardian of foreign Affairs[/b]
king jamie

[b]Guardian of Education[/b]
The lost one

[b]Guardian of Defence[/b]
Walsh the Beloved

[b]Guardian of Internal Affairs[/b]

[center] [size="2"]VIVA LA HOOLIGANS & VIVA LA C&G[/size][/center]

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[quote name='letub' timestamp='1331250161' post='2935655']
Who is this prather guy you mention? And the lack of Xanth makes me sad...

Congrats anywho to my buddies.

[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1331250241' post='2935656']
Me too. brother. Me too.

[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1331252993' post='2935687']
Good luck in RL Xanth! You always seemed like a excellent alliance member to have.

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1331256563' post='2935718']
Aww no Xanth? I is sad panda. :(

Congratulations to the new Gov't line up for our Hooligans allies!

WoW all the love makes me feel special <3
im not gone just mostly inactive. Im still around irc from time to time and i always check my pms ;)

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