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WAPA and the Warriors go to WAR!


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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1324609384' post='2884462']
Honestly, this is Steve. Say we completely obliterate you this war - it doesn't matter. Next round you could come back with double our strength and jump us on the second or third day of the round. [u][b]We don't care[/b][/u]. We expect you back at some point. We're not worried about you coming back for us, whether it be later in this round, next round, or seven rounds from now. We're hitting you now because we believed that later in this round you would come for us, and you would use overwhelming force to get it done. We decided to fight this war on our terms. What happens later will be dealt with later.

Seems your gov got all hot and bothered by them hitting a completely different AA from your on day 3..

Why do I not believe you?

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[quote name='ADude' timestamp='1324610310' post='2884473']
Seems your gov got all hot and bothered by them hitting a completely different AA from your on day 3..

Why do I not believe you?
You seem to have reading comprehension issues. The post means we don't care that DR will come looking for revenge. We didn't go into this war thinking we can wipe them out and never have to worry about it again. Best case scenario is we completely dominate them here, and they come back in a later round and hit us. This isn't Bob. You can't dominate someone to the point where they're never a threat again. We'll be expecting them.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1324610793' post='2884476']
You seem to have reading comprehension issues. The post means we don't care that DR will come looking for revenge. We didn't go into this war thinking we can wipe them out and never have to worry about it again. Best case scenario is we completely dominate them here, and they come back in a later round and hit us. This isn't Bob. You can't dominate someone to the point where they're never a threat again. We'll be expecting them.

[quote]Next round you could come back with double our strength and jump us on the second or third day of the round. We don't care. [/quote]

Nope, I don't think I have any issues with reading that line..

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1324604658' post='2884392']
We knew nations would spring up out of nowhere to fight, hell that was easily expected.
You have to plan that in when fighting confusion, it happens nearly every time.

After all your crap over the rounds, after confusions threats this round, and the spy crap, and roguing us nearly every round no matter what war we are involved in and everything else - why the hell should we EVER believe this? Confusion just this round said he doesn't give a crap about fighting fair, the LE war was just the latest and easiest to give example. I just don't believe you and I don't know why any long-time follower of TE would. Steve, I remember a round where DR under you nuclear rogued us TWICE with the same nation during wars you had nothing to do with. Your past actions give you no credibility.
First off, I dont have to explain our recent recruits to you. You attempted to have us stomped, and we are calling on reinforcements.

How many rounds ago was that Clash? That was like DRs first flag chase attempt when we thought a few of your nations were shooting to far ahead of us for our liking. I concede now that they were never a intentional threat, but in our first attempt we were still learning.

[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1324607090' post='2884425']
I think what is important to understand is that, considering recent events, we had reason to believe when DR did eventually come knocking, that it would not be on the fairest of terms. When you exhibit the sort of behavior that DR has recently, people will come to expect that from you in the future.

If you insist on acting like a child, there should be no [s]confusion[/s] uncertainty as to why people treat you like a child, and your insults are most certainly what I would refer to as childish, but honestly, we didn't expect anything better from you.

For things to be true, you have to prove them to be that way, not just say it. Then again, throughout history there have been many instances of you being alot of talk and little substance. For you to call tW an "inept alliance" is a display of what many would refer to as "being mad".

I have no doubts in saying that the Warriors are home to some of planet steve's most talented and most dedicated individuals, and while we have had (and still have, to an extent) some deficiencies in certian aspects, we have never had a lack of talent or dedication.
First point, fair enough. You are still attemting to stomp us into the ground.

And yeah, Con is just calling you names and stuff, I wouldnt take it too personally. This is a game, and there are friends and enemies who you fight and kill. We cant all be friends in a war game can we?

[quote name='NeoGandalf' timestamp='1324608664' post='2884448']
Friends can be rogues too :)

Lazarus, if he wants to bring in these "reinforcements" to "even up the stats," then DR never should have complained about this "stomp" in the first place. Unless, of course, those are just rogues meant to look like "reinforcements.". You can't have the cake and eat it too.

No they arent rouges, and they werent set up to rouge as we arent flag chasing. We are defending our AA, and quite frankly Im surprised that you lined up with tW here against us.
Maybe we were playing mind games? Or just proving that it was a unnecessary move to bring in WAPA.

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Stevie, I joined Warriors with no knowledge of tW's intentions to hit you. But it's my fight now as well. I think you're a fine individual, it's just Confusion I'm wary of. I'm surprised you let him become the face of DR, even though you left Anonymous behind in an attempt to steer clear of his image.

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Classic confusion punk move. Complain about a down declare and have 40K NS hiding to jump in after you get declared on. You guys always have your little guys who avoid war and pop in like their good builders when their just punks.

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324620513' post='2884649']
Classic confusion punk move. Complain about a down declare and have 40K NS hiding to jump in after you get declared on. You guys always have your little guys who avoid war and pop in like their good builders when their just punks.

you have our sincere apologies for not laying down and dying like our opponents want, what were we thinking trying to win?

I don't see how this is much different than OP's low ANS plan, same principal, look weaker than you are so that when somebody down-declares against you, you reveal yourself as a super nuclear land-mine.

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324620513' post='2884649']
Classic confusion punk move. Complain about a down declare and have 40K NS hiding to jump in after you get declared on. You guys always have your little guys who avoid war and pop in like their good builders when their just punks.

The Warriors blatantly attempted to curbstomp, not only was the nuke advantage not enough for them, but they also had to bring in WAPA. Did you really expect us to sit here and take it like it's all good?

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324620513' post='2884649']
Classic confusion punk move. Complain about a down declare and have 40K NS hiding to jump in after you get declared on. You guys always have your little guys who avoid war and pop in like their good builders when their just punks.

[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1324581924' post='2884165']
If we have the resources, why not use them? Whether we need them or not is irrelevant. We have them, so we will use them.

This is fun!

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324620513' post='2884649']
Classic confusion punk move. Complain about a down declare and have 40K NS hiding to jump in after you get declared on. You guys always have your little guys who avoid war and pop in like their good builders when their just punks.
You know what, Im just gonna tell you even though I shouldnt.

These nations were our trade mules for temping various resources in an attempt to increase our cash levels. Once we got attacked we realised many of these nations were inactive long long times :P So we went about recruiting them to come help us out.

So, long collection = monies, = 5% = SDI. Guts

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1324620890' post='2884660']
The Warriors blatantly attempted to curbstomp, not only was the nuke advantage not enough for them, but they also had to bring in WAPA. Did you really expect us to sit here and take it like it's all good?
Yeah im sure these guys would have just sat back if the stats would have been slightly different. You pull this every single round. You have your guys sit off your AA so they can avoid war and then bring them in after you get declared on or you declare on someone else. You did it to us when you dec'd us and you had the advantage. And having guys sit off your AA to avoid war is completely different than having you members hold of on unnecessary military purchases as to not prematurely inflate NS and build up your WC. Or do you think that one having a decent WC is a dirty tactic?

Edit: Spelling

Edited by Mark8240
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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324624502' post='2884700']
Yeah im sure these guys would have just sat back if the stats would have been slightly different. You pull this every single round. You have your guys sit off your AA so they can avoid war and then bring them in after you get declared on or you declare on someone else. You did it to us when you dec'd us and you had the advantage. And having guys sit of your AA to avoid war is completely different than having you members hold of on unnecessary military purchases as to not prematurely inflate NS and build up your WC. Or do you think that one having a decent WC is a dirty tactic?

Fun Fact: Seraph's main membership is made up of 2 TC's, that's 12 members, (some of whom are not on the AA yet)The idea of bringing them in too was considered, we could have easily boosted them all to about 4K NS and had them join the fight which would have added another 50K NS all with at least $5 mil WC's (6 days inactive), we didn't, we don't want/need to, the only one from Seraph who joined is me and that's because i left DR just before the war started, we've shown a lot more restraint in this war than tW have, they added nations to try guarantee a win, we only added what we need for an even fight, now we have just that, and i for one can't see why anyone would take issue with that.

Edited by lazaraus45
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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1324625836' post='2884710']
Fun Fact: Seraph's main membership is made up of 2 TC's, that's 12 members, (some of whom are not on the AA yet)The idea of bringing them in too was considered, we could have easily boosted them all to about 4K NS and had them join the fight which would have added another 50K NS all with at least $5 mil WC's (6 days inactive), we didn't, we don't want/need to, the only one from Seraph who joined is me and that's because i left DR just before the war started, we've shown a lot more restraint in this war than tW have, they added nations to try guarantee a win, we only added what we need for an even fight, now we have just that, and i for one can't see why anyone would take issue with that.
The fact that you have nations that sit off your AA that you can "add" at will only proves my point. And you left DR why? Ill answer that one for you.

"I left DR because con told me to so if DR was ever in a disadvantage in a war (whether that war started off completely fair or not) I and other nations who did the same thing me or nations that have stayed off of DR's AA tag from the start of the round (under con's orders) could jump in unfairly and turn the tables."

Id believe that this was a one time thing because of the "down declare" but ive seen Con and friends do it a thousand times.

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324626439' post='2884716']
The fact that you have nations that sit off your AA that you can "add" at will only proves my point. And you left DR why? Ill answer that one for you.
Id believe that this was a one time thing because of the "down declare" but ive seen Con and friends do it a thousand times.
What laz chooses to do with his Alliance is not ours to question. We asked him to rejoin the fight since he was with us from the start. Seeing that we actually need him (as he was one of our top nations before the hit by tW) to try to muster a fight back, and not get stomped, he accepted.

tW did not need WAPA, by any stretch of the imagination, and now you are criticizing us pulling in players who created nations only to help us with our trades. They answered the call we gave them, because we are trying to avoid a stomp.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1324633636' post='2884744']
What laz chooses to do with his Alliance is not ours to question. We asked him to rejoin the fight since he was with us from the start. Seeing that we actually need him (as he was one of our top nations before the hit by tW) to try to muster a fight back, and not get stomped, he accepted.

tW did not need WAPA, by any stretch of the imagination, and now you are criticizing us pulling in players who created nations only to help us with our trades. They answered the call we gave them, because we are trying to avoid a stomp.
I highly doubt that it is Laz's alliance. It's just away for you to hide guys and avoid war. For all the stomps you guys put on people and all the touting about not caring about stats you guys really throw them around when they can help you gain an inch or two politically. If tW is the awful alliance that so many in DR seem to think and if DR is as great as you guys seem to think you should be fine. As for nuke count goes im guessing they had you 65ish to 10ish RE had us 75 to 2. If your as great as you say you guys should be fine.

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[quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1324634541' post='2884749']
I highly doubt that it is Laz's alliance. It's just away for you to hide guys

Reasons to have guys on Seraph:

[s]As a counter for when main AA is hit[/s] We can rule that one out

[s]The guys on Seraph are flag running[/s] not likely with them being 10 days late

[s][url="http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm201/lazaraus45/Untitled.png"]NPL aiming to improve it's future war performance by training in TE[/url][/s] ABSURD, TE FOR TRAINING!!??

clearly the only answer left is:


any other baseless claims you'd like to make while we're here?

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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1324639853' post='2884778']

clearly the only answer left is:


Confirmed the answer is Aliens

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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1324639853' post='2884778']
Reasons to have guys on Seraph:

[s]As a counter for when main AA is hit[/s] We can rule that one out

[s]The guys on Seraph are flag running[/s] not likely with them being 10 days late

[s][url="http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm201/lazaraus45/Untitled.png"]NPL aiming to improve it's future war performance by training in TE[/url][/s] ABSURD, TE FOR TRAINING!!??

clearly the only answer left is:


any other baseless claims you'd like to make while we're here?

I loved how you, exceeding twice my NS, attacked me and failed to anarchy me.

Thought you DR guys were good at war, but once again you've proven yourself to be merely pathetic at everything you attempt.

By the way, Duckroll's not the only people with cards up their sleeves that they may or may not be willing to play down.

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1324625836' post='2884710']
Fun Fact: Seraph's main membership is made up of 2 TC's, that's 12 members, (some of whom are not on the AA yet)The idea of bringing them in too was considered, we could have easily boosted them all to about 4K NS and had them join the fight which would have added another 50K NS all with at least $5 mil WC's (6 days inactive), we didn't, we don't want/need to, the only one from Seraph who joined is me and that's because i left DR just before the war started, we've shown a lot more restraint in this war than tW have, they added nations to try guarantee a win, we only added what we need for an even fight, now we have just that, and i for one can't see why anyone would take issue with that.
Just no more funny business during the truce.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1324655430' post='2884876']
I loved how you, exceeding twice my NS, attacked me and failed to anarchy me.

Thought you DR guys were good at war, but once again you've proven yourself to be merely pathetic at everything you attempt.

lolwut, do you have a basic concept of the game mechanics?

no worries, i'm happy to help, Anarchy is caused when a nations troop count is low enough, the main factor in killing enemy troops is the type of attack and the amount of attacking tanks, you took 4 aggressive GA's each with maxed out tanks, all of which i won :D no more could be done to anarchy you, short of missing out CM's and Bombing runs or having someone else finish you off, 100 infra damage is worth more than anarchy and there was no need to call someone else in just for the sake of anarchying you, (what can you do now that you're not in anarchy? declare wars and get beatdown faster? oh noeeesss)

If any other tW nations need help understanding strategy and the limitations of an attacking nation then shoot me a PM, noobs gotta learn sometime :smug:

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[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1324656277' post='2884886']
lolwut, do you have a basic concept of the game mechanics?

no worries, i'm happy to help, Anarchy is caused when a nations troop count is low enough, the main factor in killing enemy troops is the type of attack and the amount of attacking tanks, you took 4 aggressive GA's each with maxed out tanks, all of which i won :D no more could be done to anarchy you, short of missing out CM's and Bombing runs or having someone else finish you off, 100 infra damage is worth more than anarchy and there was no need to call someone else in just for the sake of anarchying you, (what can you do now that you're not in anarchy? declare wars and get beatdown faster? oh noeeesss)

If any other tW nations need help understanding strategy and the limitations of an attacking nation then shoot me a PM, noobs gotta learn sometime :smug:

I have a very comprehensive understanding of game mechanics.

I was just very surprised as to how you failed to anarchy me, considering the very sizable advantage you hold, you know, fighting somebody who is 1/2 your strength, who isn't presently capable of being online at update, etc.

Don't take this as whining, as I don't mind, but considering your failure to anarchy my nation (although I must admit, you did come very close), I can understand why you didn't attack targets closer to your own size.

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