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Chasing Windmills and Shadows

Ome Harry

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Never figured to see PB so split in a war.

NG/UMB/GOONS on one side.

FOK on the other.

VE neutral but putting lots of behind the scenes effort in to keep GOD reasonably safe.

At least you guys are active...

And a o/ to Non-Grata just for the sheer volume of wars you've been in over the last month.

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[quote name='Simms' timestamp='1323718572' post='2875457']
Sorry but its just hypocritical to accuse R&R of being cowards for not hitting more people when so many people on the other side of things are doing the same thing. Its strategy. Don't get mad just because R&R isn't stupid enough to hit 5 different alliances without thinking about the consequences of the counters they'll receive :P

Accept that and just enjoy the war, I know I am.
Perhaps you don't know, but your side is outnumbered 200M NS to 90M NS. Our side can afford to deploy against weaker targets. Your side cannot.

I mean, I'm not dissing FOK or anything. They're honoring their treaties as they should, but with SF and XX being absolutely hammered, outnumbered 3 to 1 or more, who is R&R attacking? Asg and LoSS? It just seems that R&R can take a heavier load than 1-1 (even better when you consider LoSS is attacking RIA and Asgaard is attacking GOD), especially when they know that any counter will be taken by FOK.

Edit: Clarification.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1323737905' post='2875818']
Perhaps you don't know, but your side is outnumbered 200M NS to 90M NS. Our side can afford to deploy against weaker targets. Your side cannot.

I mean, I'm not dissing FOK or anything. They're honoring their treaties as they should, but with SF and XX being absolutely hammered, outnumbered 3 to 1 or more, who are they attacking? [b] Asg and LoSS?[/b] It just seems that R&R can take a heavier load than 1-1 (even better when you consider LoSS is attacking RIA and Asgaard is attacking GOD), especially when they know that any counter will be taken by FOK.

TO be fair, if I were fighting Asgaard I would want a huge advantage too. :smug:

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1323737905' post='2875818']
Perhaps you don't know, but your side is outnumbered 200M NS to 90M NS. Our side can afford to deploy against weaker targets. Your side cannot.

I mean, I'm not dissing FOK or anything. They're honoring their treaties as they should, but with SF and XX being absolutely hammered, outnumbered 3 to 1 or more, who are they attacking? Asg and LoSS? It just seems that R&R can take a heavier load than 1-1 (even better when you consider LoSS is attacking RIA and Asgaard is attacking GOD), especially when they know that any counter will be taken by FOK.

We have no treaty with FOK, they are under no obligation to defend us.
I am glad that FOK can help take some of the pressure off R&R though :)
I've always liked FOK, but it's unfortunate to watch R&R and FOK fighting TSA, I like all 3 of you and TSA and R&R are allies of ours :/
I guess good luck to everyone.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1323737905' post='2875818']
Perhaps you don't know, but your side is outnumbered 200M NS to 90M NS. Our side can afford to deploy against weaker targets. Your side cannot.

I mean, I'm not dissing FOK or anything. They're honoring their treaties as they should, but with SF and XX being absolutely hammered, outnumbered 3 to 1 or more, who are they attacking? Asg and LoSS? It just seems that R&R can take a heavier load than 1-1 (even better when you consider LoSS is attacking RIA and Asgaard is attacking GOD), especially when they know that any counter will be taken by FOK.

His side? He's in Olympus you know..

Also, yes you are correct, but to be fair, with most of the world against our side we kinda expected a bit bigger counter.. You're basically blaming us for no one daring to do what has been don to the other SF/XX alliances. Or do you really imply we could have known that attacking a mjolnir alliance would result in them rather preempting one of our allies then to defend their ally? :/

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[quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1323740497' post='2875884']
yes, yes. someone big attack fok pls. don't check their treaties just do it.

Hence the lack of balls. No one would dare attack an alliance politically connected to the winning side. I understand why it needs to be that way, I just disagree with it and would attack them for opposing the coalition. This is why you should never make me dictator of an alliance that cares about its infra or political capital. :P

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1323740463' post='2875882']His side? He's in Olympus you know..

Also, yes you are correct, but to be fair, with most of the world against our side we kinda expected a bit bigger counter.. You're basically blaming us for no one daring to do what has been don to the other SF/XX alliances. Or do you really imply we could have known that attacking a mjolnir alliance would result in them rather preempting one of our allies then to defend their ally? :/[/quote]
Why would you expect a bigger counter? The coalition is already taking out your blocs of XX and SF. Attacking R&R brings in FOK of PB too. It's unfortunate that Asg and LoSS are taking a beating because they got a bad draw, but it's dumb to try to make this war larger, which could very well put several allies (Umb, VE, NG) of main members of the coalition on both sides of the war.

For strategy's sake and the larger war effort, R&R takes minimal damage while Asg and LoSS have to absorb a large amount of it. Unfortunate, but for the best.

[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1323740297' post='2875876']We have no treaty with FOK, they are under no obligation to defend us.
I am glad that FOK can help take some of the pressure off R&R though :)
I've always liked FOK, but it's unfortunate to watch R&R and FOK fighting TSA, I like all 3 of you and TSA and R&R are allies of ours :/
I guess good luck to everyone.[/quote]
It wasn't clear, but I was talking about R&R. FOK is doing what they should.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1323740989' post='2875896']
The other side should be named "The Whining Coalition", they are never happy with anything.
Hm, yes, the [i]other[/i] side. Have you listened to SF?

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1323740908' post='2875895']
Hence the lack of balls. No one would dare attack an alliance politically connected to the winning side. I understand why it needs to be that way, I just disagree with it and would attack them for opposing the coalition. This is why you should never make me dictator of an alliance that cares about its infra or political capital. :P
Gotta say I agree with you. No big surprise given the rampant opportunism this war, though. I'm sure someone will wait two years for FOK to be politically isolated enough to attack them.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1323741550' post='2875918']
Why would you expect a bigger counter? The coalition is already taking out your blocs of XX and SF. Attacking R&R brings in FOK of PB too. It's unfortunate that Asg and LoSS are taking a beating because they got a bad draw, but it's dumb to try to make this war larger, which could very well put several allies (Umb, VE, NG) of main members of the coalition on both sides of the war.

For strategy's sake and the larger war effort, R&R takes minimal damage while Asg and LoSS have to absorb a large amount of it. Unfortunate, but for the best.

Hm, yes, the [i]other[/i] side. Have you listened to SF?

Why we expected a larger counter ? It cold be how MJ talks a big game, yet when we directly attack a member of their bloc, they choose to to preempt a weaker more isolated ally who just recieved peace.

They whined about others not defending, or being fast enough, yet have no problem leaving one of their own it to dry.

I guess you're right, why would we expect a counter ...

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[quote name='Wilfried' timestamp='1323744148' post='2875972']
Hey guy I'm fighting. Do you like nukes?

Hey guy I am fighting sure do! Its a great way to lower bills, that and the money you are giving me from your failed attacks are also great!

Edited by dvdcchn
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[quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1323744085' post='2875970']
Why we expected a larger counter ? It cold be how MJ talks a big game, yet when we directly attack a member of their bloc, they choose to to preempt a weaker more isolated ally who just recieved peace.[/quote]
No !@#$, it's strategy. Ever heard of it?

[quote]They whined about others not defending, or being fast enough, yet have no problem leaving one of their own it to dry. [/quote]
Yeah, because instead of beating up on their main target and letting one member of their alliance be in a tough (but not curbstomped) position, they should all just be curbstomped by PB via the obvious FOK connection.


Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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[quote]They whined about others not defending, or being fast enough, yet have no problem leaving one of their own it to dry.[/quote]

Asgaard has us to defend them, silly little boy. We will provide more than enough defense for them.

Edited by Wilfried
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