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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1323135684' post='2864715']
Guru Order, where is your DoW? Don't betray Fark! etc etc. :v:
This. I demand individual callout threads for GOD, MHA, Sparta, R&R, GO, CSN, and RIA (just because you're fighting already doesn't excuse you you cowards*). Otherwise all of CN will know you as a hypocrite Jaiar.

*yes sarcasm

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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1323135684' post='2864715']
But if the OP thinks it's acceptable:

Guru Order, where is your DoW? Don't betray Fark! etc etc. :v:
Apply any points in the OP to Guru Order. You cannot.

You cannot even find Guru Order calling out alliances the way Bob Ilyani was doing with ARES allies.

You cannot read, neither can you Varianz.

Edited by Jaiar
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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1323135979' post='2864722']
Apply any points in the OP to Guru Order. You cannot.

Your OP is a pointless callout, GO have an MDoAP with Fark as well as RoK.

So with an early callout, GO should also be called out.

Also, RoKs allies where attacked before Fark was, so if RoK should go in, they should defend their other allies first.

Also, did Fark tell RoK that they where going to start an aggreessive war?

Also, do you think one member speaks on behalf of an entire alliance?

Also, when are NPL going to defend Fark?

Also, hello?

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You do know that instead of defending an ally FARK just up and attacked a random alliance right? Nothing that happens from this point on with any treaty can reach that level of stupid. You do not know how treaties work. You do not know how Planet Bob works. Wait a sec, are you the one telling FARK what to do?

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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1323136358' post='2864730']
Your OP is a pointless callout, GO have an MDoAP with Fark as well as RoK.

This is not even close to being anywhere near the OP. If an alliance allied to GO declared war on Farkistan then you would have a point and I would have the same questions for GO. You're no where near the ballpark. Don't try again. You cannot read.

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1323136583' post='2864740']
This is not even close to being anywhere near the OP. If an alliance allied to GO declared war on Farkistan then you would have a point and I would have the same questions for GO. You're no where near the ballpark. Don't try again. You cannot read.
You don't seem to get what a callout is. That's what you did. You failed horribly.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1323136431' post='2864731']
You do know that instead of defending an ally FARK just up and attacked a random alliance right? Nothing that happens from this point on with any treaty can reach that level of stupid. You do not know how treaties work. You do not know how Planet Bob works. Wait a sec, are you the one telling FARK what to do?
Fark's Grudge War really has nothing to do here. It is the Intelligence and Aid section of the Fark-RoK MDoAP that I am questioning in my OP. I know you're allied to Pacifica and that you're a solid thinker. I am not demanding RoK attack NPO. I am not demanding that RoK defend Fark tonight. I really don't care if it takes RoK 10 days to defend Fark. I just don't want Bob Ilyani to be a hypocrite. I want him to ignore non-chaining clauses the way he wanted ARES' allies to ignore non-chaining clauses in their treaties with ARES. I want Bob Ilyani to be consistent and get RoK to defend Fark from the attacks that took place today.

Plus, I want to know if RoK gave the go ahead to Nordreich to attack Fark...Or if they knew Nordreich was attacking and did not bother to tell Fark...Or if Nordreich simply did not tell them that they were attacking Fark.


Today, Nordreich declared war on Farkistan, a Ragnarok ally...

Did you give the go ahead for Nordreich to attack Fark?

If you did, it seems similar to how Grub gave the go for TOP to hit MK. It's not nice to okay attacks on your ally.

It's equally horrible if you did know and just didn't bother to tell Fark.

Or did Nordreich just not tell you at all?

Whatever the case may be, there's treaty violations all over this.

Final question: Will Ragnarok defend Fark from those that attacked with optional clauses?

Bob Ilyani, you were all over crying out for ARES allies to come to their defense. Please don't be a hypocrite. Please don't betray Fark. [/spoiler]

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1323136433' post='2864732']
As we saw exemplified with their firm, formalistic, and unwavering stance in regards to the Polaris treaty last war, I have absolutely no doubt the magnificent folks Ragnarok will be honoring their treaty with Fark very shortly.

I would hope so, but that was a bit of a mess too.

Edited by Jaiar
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I'd imagine the nature of the bloc itself (regardless of the bloc) means that it supersedes any stand-alone MDP or MDoAP, but that's just how things were the past 6 years more or less.

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[quote name='NeCoHo' timestamp='1323138364' post='2864775']
I'd imagine the nature of the bloc itself (regardless of the bloc) means that it supersedes any stand-alone MDP or MDoAP, but that's just how things were the past 6 years more or less.
The Fark-RoK MDoAP says nothing about if one is in a bloc, that the bloc treaty supercedes their MDoAP.

[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1323138550' post='2864782']
And do you know if Fark told RoK they where going to attack NPO?

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Ragnarok doesn't betray their allies. They stand by them, until the very end, no matter what happens. That's just the way they are. They signed that treaty, so you know that they'll honor it. They'll even go against other allies to honor it. But they may cancel on you once the war's over, Fark, just a head's up.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1323135052' post='2864707']
Yes, because DT and NV had requested their aid.

Thanks for playing, don't let the door hit you on your way out. NoR knows where DT stood, and we know where they stood. That's the bottom line there. DT wouldn't still be treatied to them if we felt that they had left us to burn.

In terms of this op, you show a clear lack of knowledge about the nature of the treaties involved. Please continue though.

Ummm yes they did.... If not then what the hell is [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97755"]this.[/url]

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1323138671' post='2864785']
The Fark-RoK MDoAP says nothing about if one is in a bloc, that the bloc treaty supercedes their MDoAP.

Do you have any idea how treaties work?

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[quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1323139119' post='2864803']
NPL knew. If we knew what do you think Rok knew?

No idea, but NPL don't have ties to the other side, RoK do and if they did discuss it, we aren't going to know the outcome unless either one of those parties shares it to the public.

Regadless, this still didn't warrent a topic, if you want answers from RoK, you should have gone to them, as someone already said.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1323139430' post='2864813']
Ummm yes they did.... If not then what the hell is [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97755"]this.[/url]
I fail to see how that at all proves your point. I misspoke, I will admit to that (I was thinking of Sparta, not wf apologies), but I fail to see how that at all shows that DT requested their aid, or that NV requested their aid against anyone other than Sparta/WF, which NoR obviously couldn't do due to treaty obligations @ the first one. NoR honored their treaties there to the letter from what I can tell.

Beyond the letter and into what actually mattered, DT and NV and NoR were close til NV disbanded, and DT and NoR are still close. that should show that what happened there really didn't hurt any one of our feelings..

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1323133049' post='2864671']

Fark have only just been countered.

[b]Also, Fark are the aggressor, it would be intresting to know if they communicated their plans for war to RoK before hand and if RoK said at the time if they would be willing to defend this or not.[/b]

But we don't have accsess to private discussions.

Also, if you care so much for the safety of Fark, why didn't you hold your cards before going in for RIA first? Don't be mad because you went all in before seeing the flop.

I bet they didn't.

RoK should have rid themselves of FARK, when they left SF.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1323139968' post='2864827']
I fail to see how that at all proves your point. I misspoke, I will admit to that (I was thinking of Sparta, not wf apologies), but I fail to see how that at all shows that DT requested their aid, or that NV requested their aid against anyone other than Sparta/WF, which NoR obviously couldn't do due to treaty obligations @ the first one. NoR honored their treaties there to the letter from what I can tell.

So you agree NoR went in for NV on wF? Cool. I just brought up that they left that conflict and did not enter for their other allies in DT. They then went and fought next to FAN. NoR claimed they and FAN had a gentleman's agreement which was highly important to them.

Now that FAN is in a tough spot they're no where helping them at all. They are also actively hurting FAN's coalition. Why is that?

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