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The Stahl Ball

Sarah Tintagyl

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Despite the fact that Stahl was speaking to Jia, his attention was quickly diverted to the entrance Grand Papuans. Curious and with wine in hand, he walked over to the curious group and began to speak. "I wasn't under the impression that this was halloween. Those wierd outfits and those names. Nontsich Himmler, Grecia Göbbels, Retia Adolf, Eisen Manstein, El Rommel, Mikado? Seems like something out of a bad twilight zone alternate universe type novel." Stahl chuckled, "But enough with the charades. What are your real names?"

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Jia held up his hand indicating a pause in his conversation with Stahl, "I apologize, it seems the not yet jack booted are coming to greet us. Lets continue our conversation at dinner so as not to ruin the surprise for them." he joked dryly.

Jia turned to the receiving line, "King Alaric, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope the Baltic States are going well... its not too... icey yet." Jia said searching for words.

He then turned to the Lady Protector of the Cajuns.

"Yes it is good to finally meet. I hope our nations can continue doing business. We appreciate your nation choosing the UFE. We know you have a choice in global arms dealers, and we value your business." he said light heartily as if on a commercial.

Jia turned to Dr. Solo, "Glad to see you guys made it. I hope the flight wasn't too long." he said smiling.

He then turned to see Valerio, "Hey, I am sorry to hear about Ariadne's... incident. I hope that she makes a full recovery, there are still so many idiots not yet !@#$%* slapped." Jia began.

He then heard two disapproving throat clearings, "Oh... hi." he said turning to Xuehua and Wei, both shaking their heads at Jia's incredibly informal language.

"Theresia!" Xuehua said with a broad smile at her sister in law, forgetting the formalness of the event. "I am so happy for you, your palace her is so pretty!" she exclaimed.

Wei followed turning to Theresia and bowed, "Madame Empress, it is good to see you are settling into your role here again. Though we miss you back East. I must say I compliment you also on your music selection, it is a pleasant surprise."

Edited by Triyun
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Mattias shook the Legionnarre Coordinator's hand, impressed at the man's strong grip and obvious military discipline. "He was well when I last met him, friend. I tell you, we must gather together soon; it is one of our main goals to build a strong confederation between your associations and ours. We have a contract about to be put on the market for military fortifications and certain special professions; it would comfort me a great deal if the Legion won the bidding. I'm a good capitalist, but the two Legion's share fraternal bonds, and if we should see a proposal from you...well, I doubt there would be anyone better suited, don't you? Though we must have you in Split at some point in the future, your business would do wonders for our region."

He would wait for the man to respond, finish his conversation, earnestly shake his hand (and secretly pass him a few strips of paper that would give him access to more private lines of communication) and excuse himself, while he went to make an audience with the Empress.

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After listening to Maria Theresia's speech, Emperor Mannerheim went outside to the palace grounds for a breath of fresh air with Samantha. After admiring the stars in the sky, they both walked back into the palace to rejoin the rest of the dignitaries. "[i]You look beautiful this evening,[/i]" commented Emperor Mannerheim, to Samantha, as they slowly walked through the Grand Halls of the Budapest palace towards the Imperial Ballroom. [i]"Thank you your Majesty. You look rather handsome too."[/i] said Samantha as she smiled at the Emperor. [i]"Please Samantha, call me Nikolaus."[/i] said Mannerheim as he smiled and placed his arm around hers. [i]"Now let us enjoy the evening!"[/i]

After many hours of dancing, socializing, and conversation Nikolaus approached Maria Theresia. [i]"What a wonderful evening Empress. Your hospitality has been most pleasant."[/i] The Emperor slightly bowed to the Empress as a sign of respect. [i]"I hope your Empire lasts a 1000 years. In honour of the founding of your new Empire, I offer this."[/i] Nikolaus gestures to his Imperial Guard who holds a large box in his hands. The Imperial Guard gave the box to Nikolaus, and then stood by his side.[i] "As you know a cousin of yours ruled over Bohemia for many years. When he was arrested, this was confiscated from his treasury."[/i] Nikolaus opens the box which reveals a crown inside.


[i]"This crown belonged to the House of Hapsburg and somehow managed to make its way into Frederick's hands, and now we return it to its rightful owners."[/i] The Emperor hands it to Maria.

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[quote name='Margrave' timestamp='1314651735' post='2790614']
Mattias shook the Legionnarre Coordinator's hand, impressed at the man's strong grip and obvious military discipline. "He was well when I last met him, friend. I tell you, we must gather together soon; it is one of our main goals to build a strong confederation between your associations and ours. We have a contract about to be put on the market for military fortifications and certain special professions; it would comfort me a great deal if the Legion won the bidding. I'm a good capitalist, but the two Legion's share fraternal bonds, and if we should see a proposal from you...well, I doubt there would be anyone better suited, don't you? Though we must have you in Split at some point in the future, your business would do wonders for our region."

"I think a visit can be arranged," Dellion says as he shakes Mattias's hand and feels the slips of paper in them. He thinks nothing of them as he slides them into his pocket for later examination. He continues and says, "You know, I haven't had a chance to properly pay my respects to the Empress, how about we both go bother the poor old gel for a moment to be polite and then get out of her hair? I see a full wet bar over there than needs some serious assaulting of the Legionnaire kind."

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The Germanians minded their own business. They let each party go on talking among themselves, and would approach the great Austrian later, when the others were done extending their congratulations. The only moments in which they go out of their way to do anything at all is by nodding towards the Greenlanders when once making eye contact - nodding respectfully. They still hadn't forgotten that this country had not turned their back to them...

Later Dierik and Foch-Glassermann approach the Bohemian...or not. The Emperor seemed to be too busy. It didn't matter. Glassermann stays inside to socialize - eventually - Martens instead decides to take his glass for some fresh air outside.

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With Jia being the center of attention, Mikhail stood exactly four steps behind him at all times. ಠ_ಠ Mikhail stared, focused on what the group was saying (as much as he could, with his minimal knowledge of foreign languages). As soon as he heard a good jumping-in point, he would dive in with a joke or an anecdote.

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Et Violaine watched as the ball went on. The Empress had been practically stormed by a number of foreign dignitaries and leaders, eager to speak to her, while others mingled amongst one another; her attention was drawn briefly to a most unusual group of people, apparently the Grand Papuan entourage, a motley crew who, as Imperial Regent Jorhan Stahl pointed out, seemed more at home at a Halloween party than at a royal ball attracting the premiers of some of the world's most powerful nations. The majority of the attendees were indeed gathered around the group consisting of the Empress of Austria-Hungary and the UFE's Imperator, and their respective entourages, eliciting a minor chuckle, in spite of herself, from the Executive Director, who herself had intended to approach the Empress and introduce herself--if not for the apparent line queuing up to do just that. It didn't seem like the Empress was going to be getting any breathing room at her own ball today.

And so the Executive Director of the Northern Federation remained in the background, content to watch as the people with the true influence--the leaders of the global powerhouses present--interacted with one another. There was not much to do in this setting for the premier of a fledgling nation in its first steps into the international stage except to observe.

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Fleet Admiral of the United Federation of the East, Gao Zhao, arrived at the ball slightly late. Military matters had kept the admiral busy that evening, however fortune shined upon Zhao and he was able to tear himself away in time to avoid being seen as anything other than fashionably late. Middle-aged, the admiral looked far older due to prematuring silver hair and a slight shrapnel induced limp on his left side. Cold, dark obsidian eyes made all the more ominous due to the large scar running across the admiral's right eyebrow scanned the room before the Zhao took his first step - eyes of a man trained to pick out threats. For now, however, the dear admiral sought out his nation's leader. Clothed in his finest uniform sans pistol, but should the guards allow, with ceremonial naval sword Gao Zhao gracefully stepped through the crowd avoiding the other dignitaries as he sought out the August Imperator. Seeing his nation's leader in conversation Zhao would wait until the opportunity presented itself to make his apologies before paying his respects to the ball's hostess.

Edited by Yawoo
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King Geoffrey and Queen Christine arrived. He wore a tux, she wore a beautiful white dress. While they did not dance, they took in the sights of the crowd. Whoever looked to the pair would be greeted with a smile, but Christine was not fond of crowds. They did not dance. Rather, they found a quiet table off to the side to watch the world's leaders twirl before them in their stately decor. He gently rested his hand atop hers upon the table to help some with her nerves and they drank some of the local vintage drinks. They clearly weren't big on parties, but were more than welcome to giving anyone who wished the opportunity to speak to them or to socialize with them.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The young playboyish Himmler was the first to respond. "Well, Regent Stahl, I wish to first congratulate you on behalf of Grand Papua for your achievements which has brought a new peace to Central Europe." After sipping his drink, he continued. "Our names, except for the Mikado which is a title, are just as real as yours, which seems to resemble that of someone from a fictional human race. I'm not quite sure if Stahl meaning "steel" in German, is quite a surname which would be plain enough for it to be unnoticed. But then, names are supposed to be unique, Don't you think so, Regent?"

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1314673887' post='2790789']
The Germanians minded their own business. They let each party go on talking among themselves, and would approach the great Austrian later, when the others were done extending their congratulations. The only moments in which they go out of their way to do anything at all is by nodding towards the Greenlanders when once making eye contact - nodding respectfully. They still hadn't forgotten that this country had not turned their back to them...

Later Dierik and Foch-Glassermann approach the Bohemian...or not. The Emperor seemed to be too busy. It didn't matter. Glassermann stays inside to socialize - eventually - Martens instead decides to take his glass for some fresh air outside.

After speaking with various guests, the Emperor approached the German visitors. [i]"Guten Tag, herr Glasserman. I believe I did not have the pleasure of meeting you before. How is grand old Germany doing in these recent rough times? I trust everything is stable, and prospering?"[/i] said the Emperor as he took a sip from his glass filled with Austrian wine.

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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Grand Chancellor of the State Sergei Aleksandrov arrived a bit late, something he did not like to do. He had been busied with the handling of the incident between the United Socialist Republic of Siberia and the Magadan Oblast. With his leaving, any further developments in that incident would lie in the hands of his Cabinet. Sergei was happy to leave for a pleasant occasion away from the urgent conflict that awaited him after his last engagement. After his plane trip, he arrived in a car he himself drove, a white one befitting a normal civilian.

The man was comparatively young for a head of state, in only his mid-twenties. His jet black hair and youthful features, coupled with his nice suit and warm smile, made for an inviting presence. He seemed perfectly fit for a party, though he rarely if ever attended them. He first went to find the Empress and introduced himself. He thanked her for their newly signed treaty, and then went to take a look at the rest of the party and its guests.

He had no one to dance with and thus did not do so. He simply ordered a soft drink and went to sit for a little while at the table just next to the Angevin monarchs. He saw they seemed a bit uncomfortable, and felt bad. He didn't like to see people unhappy at a party, and so introduced himself and made some friendly conversation with them to lighten the mood.

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As was polite, His Royal Majesty, Arsene Moreau made his way slowly towards the hosts. Unfortunately he had allowed himself to become entranced in the music, the livery and the scenery that had followed the speech. It was only the disruptive entrance of the Papuans that returned him to his senses. It was his first time in Europe and it certainly did not disappoint. He felt as though he was a savage amongst the highest nobles as nothing in his realm inspired such grandeur as the site of this ballroom.

Eventually he made it through the impromptu queue that reminded him more of an awkwardly polite scrummage than anything that belonged in such a regal environment. Having awaited his turn, he finally began got his chance.
"Bonsoir Mademoiselle, it is a pleasure to finally meet with the famed Empress Theresia, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Arséne Moreau, His Royal Majesty, King of la Royaume de la Lumière. I must confess however that I am not one for titles so much and feel a little out of place in the grandeur of Europe." He said with a chuckle. "However Austria really is a beautiful nation, you must be very proud." Pausing to allow her to respond, he then continued "Anyway, congratulations on this monumental achievement, but it seems the crowd behind me is growing restless and I have taken up too much time already. I would very much like to talk with you again however soon, perhaps in a more appropriate setting."

a little unsure as to local protocol, he mimicked one of the other guests and gently kissed her hand before departing
"Au revoir et bon chance, it seems you have many more guests eager to greet you." he gestured at the other guests crowding around the Empress.

Pleased to be departing from the crowd he felt a lot calmer and went and found a drink. Once the Athenian delegation was free he would wonder over to them.

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In the back of Dellion's head he's beginning to think that the close proximity of so many world leaders is going to incite a mutual orgy of oral self-gratification to appease the egos. He suddenly regrets not bringing a pair of ear plugs, or perhaps even a rain-coat, but he's pretty sure it's not likely to turn into that kind of party.

Not that he'd be opposed to it and all.

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The Greenland delegation had been one of the last parties to arrive at the palace, though they had arrived well before Theresia had given her speech. After a round of polite applause the delicate atmosphere seemed to be immediately broken at once as music began to play and Theresia herself was swarmed by the delegations from around the world. The Greenlanders gave their brief thanks to the hosts as well as Stahl in passing, as they were not going to involve themselves in the impromptu line that been formed. If the Austrian Empress was less crowded later they would perhaps return, but for now they decided to mingle with the other guests.

Consul-General Alejandro Californian was wearing the ceremonial robes of his position over a purple tunic. He looked like a Roman senator of old, and perhaps more like the Athenians, than most of the other representatives present. He personally valued its comfort and symbolic value over the much stiffer outfits worn by many, and besides, he was here to have a good time. Eyvindsson would have to be the one interacting with the other guests and Californian knew that Kristjan would probably give him a hard time over it afterwards. Alejandro chuckled at the thought before delicately extending his hand for his wife Emily and making his way to the dance floor.

Eyvindsson rolled his eyes as the Californians broke away to dance, slightly annoyed but more humored by his good friend's ability to ignore all the other people in the ballroom. Looks like he would be doing much of the talking tonight, something he reasoned was probably better. He had just been elected as president of Greenland and outside of the C.A.N. nations, his interaction with other leaders on a personal level was minimal. Wearing a highly ornate white suit with a purple cloak and a laurel on his head, Eyvindsson stopped at the bar to pick up a scotch before mingling with the other guests.

Walking back, he smiled and nodded at the German delegation who seemed indifferent to all the pomp and circumstance taking place. Martens looked to be heading outside for some time alone and fresh air so Eyvindsson decided not to bother him, but he hopes the two men would get to speak before the night was over. Germany was still regarded as one of the, if not the, strongest allies to the Greenlandic people.

Hmm, he thought as he scanned the crowd. It seemed while some were in small groups talking amongst one another a good portion of the guests were awkwardly standing and sitting near the tables. He decided to introduce himself to some of these guests to help liven the party. He approached Et Violaine who had been noticeably absorbed in watching the others. [i]"Ms. et Violaine, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. Please, feel free to call me Kristjan, I do hope that our nations as well as ourselves can soon call each other allies and I must say, the Greenland people are quite enthused to see your nascent nation already hosting elections and enjoying your sovereignty. Anyways, please forgive my manners, do tell me how are you enjoying yourself so far this evening?"[/i]

Edited by Californian
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General Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces would arrive at the Ball representing the Kingdom of Cochin. Obviously late, he would seek to not be conspicuous and it would help that he is wearing a single yet elegant business suit albeit with his medals in miniature attached to the lapel.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1314721723' post='2791038']
General Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces would arrive at the Ball representing the Kingdom of Cochin. Obviously late, he would seek to not be conspicuous and it would help that he is wearing a single yet elegant business suit albeit with his medals in miniature attached to the lapel.

While Californian and his wife were dancing he caught the Cochin commander enter the ballroom out of the corner of his eye. It looked like the man was trying to stay in the shadows, for what reason Alejandro could not decipher. He smiled, and motioned for his wife to follow him, wanting to have a bit of harmless fun. With the recent agreement signed between President Eyvindsson and King Varma, Greenland and Cochin were once again on friendly terms and Californian enjoyed the Cochin people's odd sense of humor.

"Greetings Commander, I don't believe we've ever met. I am Alejandro Californian, Consul-General of Greenland, and this is my wife Emily. It's a pleasure to meet you, how are King Varma and Minister KP Varma doing these days?"

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"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Californian and greetings to you Ma'am," General Varma said before bowing to the couple. "The King and his Foreign Minister are both well, Sir. His Highness Kerala Varma has embarked upon a unique journey to review our space stations and Kumar, well, he is quite too wound up on diplomatic issues, hence the reason why I get to enjoy this fine party."

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1314725842' post='2791087']
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Californian and greetings to you Ma'am," General Varma said before bowing to the couple. "The King and his Foreign Minister are both well, Sir. His Highness Kerala Varma has embarked upon a unique journey to review our space stations and Kumar, well, he is quite too wound up on diplomatic issues, hence the reason why I get to enjoy this fine party."

Californian chuckled, knowing the leaders of Cochin were slaving away at their work, as always seemed to be the case. "It's truly a shame for them to have missed a reception as lovely as this, though it's a pleasure you were still able to make it. I couldn't help but notice you arrived alone and have seemed to sink into the shadows, and that simply won't do at a party as fine as this. It will not at all. Tell me General, do you like to dance?"

At that Californian walked to one of the many female Austrian royalty which were in the ballroom. They were bunched in a group so he walked up to the most voluptuous and boisterous woman and mentioned that his friend was too shy to ask her to dance. A sly smile appearing across her face, she walked back to where the General and Emily were standing and introduced her to the General. After introductions, Californian interjected, "well, shall we head to the dance floor now?" as he began leading his wife.

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[quote name='Californian' timestamp='1314726670' post='2791097']
Californian chuckled, knowing the leaders of Cochin were slaving away at their work, as always seemed to be the case. "It's truly a shame for them to have missed a reception as lovely as this, though it's a pleasure you were still able to make it. I couldn't help but notice you arrived alone and have seemed to sink into the shadows, and that simply won't do at a party as fine as this. It will not at all. Tell me General, do you like to dance?"

At that Californian walked to one of the many female Austrian royalty which were in the ballroom. They were bunched in a group so he walked up to the most voluptuous and boisterous woman and mentioned that his friend was too shy to ask her to dance. A sly smile appearing across her face, she walked back to where the General and Emily were standing and introduced her to the General. After introductions, Californian interjected, "well, shall we head to the dance floor now?" as he began leading his wife.

"Parties like these are more Kumar's cup of tea, to be honest and I am sure the King is having the time of his life vacationing in space. And dance? Oh no, I dont.." General Varma watched on with shock and apprehension as Californian walked over and brought a rather ravishing young woman.

While shaking hands with her the 65 year old General stammered, "Hello there dear. I hope you are having a good time?"

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After a while of mingling with the other guests, Amyante headed over to Empress Theresia, seeing a small opening where she could talk without interrupting anyone.

- "Good evening Empress, and congratulations to you and your nation. I've had the pleasure of seeing a bit of the city before the ball commenced, and if it is doing half as well as it seems to be it bodes well for the future, wouldn't you agree?"

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OOC: CP, since you're giving a gift, I'll respond to you later in the night.

Swarmed as usual from the line of dignitaries and leaders, Theresia could feel her corset sucking the very oxygen from her breath and whatever air was left around her was taking by the legions of men and women around her. They tried their hardest to get words and phrases in, though everything came at once. The Empress, however, after traveling through the villages and hamlets of central China, she had become used to swarms of people coming to speak with her and the Chinese were much more violent in pushing through the lines. At least here in Budapest, the foreign leaders minded the men and women next to them.

Already in conversation with the King of Kurland and the Lady Protector of the Cajun Federation, it wasn't especially difficult to add more to the entourage. Especially considering that as Valerio passed through the crowd of people, Theresia got glimpse of Magdalena and immediately broke away from the present conversation, wrapping her eldest sister in her arms. "Magda! Oh I'm so happy you were able to make it! How has Italy been for you? With all this talk about Athens and Germany hating each other, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to attend. More so," she put her hands up to her lips in horror. "The Revolutions in the East."

Magdalena, ever the goddess of reason, daintily smiled and placed a soft hand on the Empress' shoulder. "You're fitting well into that crown and dress. I can assure you, I wouldn't miss something like this for the world. But please, let's talk about pleasant things tonight, I don't want to disturb you ball with Athenian tears."

As she finished, Valerio had a chance to interject himself, [i]"Your highness, it is a pleasure to see you again. Congratulations on the addition of Hungary to your empire." [/i]

"Oh the pleasure is mine, Valerio, and please, there's no need for formalities." She smiled, "But the person who you should be thanking and congratulating on Hungary, is Herr Stahl here, he's responsible for the concession. I owe all my thanks to him. Though I can't hide my happiness to see Austria-Hungary finally alive and well again after so many hundreds of yea-." The Empress, however, wasn't able to even finish the sentence as she felt a sudden force, nearly knock her off her feet as porcelain arms and hands wrapped around her frame.

[i]"Theresia! I am so happy for you, your palace her is so pretty!"[/i] Xuehua said happily, finally unclinging herself from Theresia at Wei Hei's nod and his smile towards the Empress herself.

[i]"Madame Empress, it is good to see you are settling into your role here again. Though we miss you back East. I must say I compliment you also on your music selection, it is a pleasant surprise." [/i]

"It's good to see you both here, I was hoping that Jia wouldn't come alone because then he'll be begging me to go back to China on the return trip and I simply don't have the time right now. Especially with the recent problems in Africa. Though my venture in the United States of the Island is going extraordinarily well, I was hoping that the Viceroys would be able to make it tonight, Lady Tyrannia is quite the person and you must meet her."

A few more guest by that time had come forward with their own greetings and bows. By this time, Theresia could feel her back beginning to wet from the intensity of the crowd and the conversation that went along with it. She could understand why Magdalena and her grandfather had given up ruling in their lives, if this happened everyday, she would die of heat exhaustion in just a few more minutes. Still, thought, she pressed on, even with the curls falling out of her hair as the blonde strands began to straighten, sticking to her back. It was a French accent that stuck out however, and when the Empress turned, she did not see anyone from the French states but someone completely different and foreign.

[i]"Bonsoir Mademoiselle, it is a pleasure to finally meet with the famed Empress Theresia, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Arséne Moreau, His Royal Majesty, King of la Royaume de la Lumière. I must confess however that I am not one for titles so much and feel a little out of place in the grandeur of Europe." He said with a chuckle. "However Austria really is a beautiful nation, you must be very proud."[/i]

Theresia clasped her hands arounds Moreau's fingers and bowed her head, then taking a deep breath. "Famed? Please, Monsieur, I can assure you I am no more famous than anyone in the world. This line," she laughed, "Well I for one don't even know where it came from. Though I do know, if this is fame. Fame is exhausting and at times might be able to kill a person. But please, I assure you that if you travel out of Budapest or Vienna, the rest of the country will be to your liking, away from the aristocracy and the palaces. I can agree with you, I've always been one for the green hills of the country than the stone walls of the cities. However, I am definitely proud of both."

[i]He then continued and kissed her hand. "But it seems the crowd behind me is growing restless and I have taken up too much time already. I would very much like to talk with you again however soon, perhaps in a more appropriate setting."[/i]

"Of course, there is a lot of time tonight, Monsieur. I'll make myself available."

Nearly after Moreau had disappeared, a young woman with surprisingly Celtic features walked up to her. Theresia was confused until the woman introduced herself as the Queen of Zargathia and having paid attention in recent times to Zargathia's history, it made better sense.

[i]"Good evening Empress, and congratulations to you and your nation. I've had the pleasure of seeing a bit of the city before the ball commenced, and if it is doing half as well as it seems to be it bodes well for the future, wouldn't you agree?" [/i]

"Budapest is a wonderful city, Highness, and I hope you can see the rest of the country while you're still in Europe. I'm not one for cities myself, but Budapest does have a magical quality that I feel is different from Vienna. Trust me when I say this, I'm still thinking I'm going to run into Dracula one of these days in the palace and my, that would be an awkward moment. Albeit," she put her arm on Amy's shoulder. "Not as awkward if I collapsed from heat exhaustion right now. If you would excuse me for just a moment." Said the Empress as she pushed herself out of the swarm of guests and into one of the private rooms in the back. She sat down on one of the benches and had a maid bring her over a glass of water.

"Are you going to be okay, Your Highness?" The maid said as she watched Theresia dump the water over her head.

"I'll be fine, I just need to rest for a moment. I think I'm going to die in this corset. But if you could tell the Maestro to begin the waltz, maybe that will disperse everyone to the floor."

"Of course Your Majesty."

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foHeA4u8zW8"]The Emperor's Waltz[/url]

When Theresia finally heard the waltz beginning, she smiled and leaned her head back against the wall. After a few more minutes she could head back into the ballroom and enjoy herself. But for now, it was nice just to relax.


Meanwhile Angelika's eyes sparkled as Thomas took her hands and his devilish smile ensnared her close in his arms. "Well I was very alone, Thomas, not that I minded, but it is nice to have someone to dance with, who also is willing to whisper the sweet nothings into my ear. I'm hoping you can do that the rest of the night." As she spoke, the Princess heard the Waltz begin to play as she took Thomas' hands. She looked at his smile and returned her own and as they moved out onto the dance floor and she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him whisk her away into another world.


Furthermore, in the center of the room, another romance was beginning to shape up as Margareta Salis, the dashing aristocrat who the Cochin general had wrapped in his hands. Though it would be more appropriate to say that it was Margareta who had taken Varma into her arms and body. She was taller than him, seemed more muscular in her dress and much more fluid with her movements as they moved onto the dance floor.

[i]"Hello there dear. I hope you are having a good time?"[/i] Said the general as she took his hand.

"My dear General, we haven't even begun. It is only nine o'clock and I can assure you that if you're with me, this good time won't be ending for another eight hours or so." She said and they lost themselves in the musical wilderness.

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