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Bye Bob


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This is my third nation and I've been playing CN for right over 3 years now; 3 years and a month almost to the day. I started like any other noob upon getting my piles of recruitment letters I decided to join the Mostly Harmless Alliance because they were the first ones to message me, but after looking back at all of my letters I saw that I had received one from this Christian alliance called the Christian Coalition of Countries, I thought that it sounded cool and I decided to join them instead. So, in noobish fashion, I left the MHA in my 1 day seniority and joined the CCC where I went to and from (I joined some other alliances, but kept coming back to CCC) for a while until February of 2009, when I decided to join GOP after the split from CCC. I believe in April of '09 a friend of mine who no longer plays CN and I founded The Arctic Order; we were a part of the EPIC protectorate agreement with MHA. TAO ended with a minor civil war and part of us merging into The Infinity Alliance, who has since disbanded. In August of '09 I rejoined the CCC and later was elected to Minister of Internal Affairs, a dream of sorts come true (I nearly failed English class because of the burnout, but thats another story haha). In February of 2010, I left CCC and decided to found the Smurf Village with a couple of friends of mine and we joined the Peace and Love Train. It seemed like TSV had a curse on it though, and it just wouldn't grow, and we disbanded in July on 2010, and I decided to join NpO to see how they did things. In my few weeks at NpO I learned volumes and met some of my best CN friends that I still have. I took the knowledge I had obtained and rounded up my friends and founded the Kingdom of Hyrule on August 8th, 2010. KoH has been great fun and has been a great opportunity to better develop my leadership skills as the king of Hyrule and such. The war was a blast and though we've had both hard times and good times I expect great things out of KoH.

I would like to thank the following people for various things:

Statmeister, for recruiting me to the CCC
Ogden Chichester, for being a great mentor, and for putting up with me :P
Mattheus, for being pure win
Clcarte2, for being a great friend and for always giving me great advice
Anton ChenoaII, for giving me a chance as the director of economics, when no one else would
Jelly Doughnut, for being a great leader and role model
Tony from NADC, for being an awesome friend and giving me loads of advice
Kochers, for your encouragement and friendship
Mergerberger, for being an epic adviser and an even more epic friend
Charmander, for your willingness to help the Kingdom of Hyrule
LesPaulSupreme, for your being there to help me, KoH, and all of your words of wisdom
Shergzus, for your seemingly infinite wisdom and all of your help
That's just a handful, but all of my other friends, I thank all of my friends that have been with me and that I've met as I've played CN

I've decided to leave because I need to focus on my priorities - RL and God - and escape this time sucking vacuum that is CN. So, goodbye CN, unless I return one day, otherwise I wish you farewell

Edited by Britishdude
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[quote name='Midas' timestamp='1314395082' post='2788930']
Noooo! Don't go D:

GL in RL though.
Don't worry Midas, I'll make sure he pops in from time to time. ;)

[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1314398921' post='2788955']
I dunno you, but I know a lot of your shout-out list and they're all mostly excellent individuals, so farewell.
I'll count myself in the unknown category, but I'll take the compliment all the same :P

BD, you are one of the finest individuals I've had the pleasure of meeting in CN. I know you will go far in RL, and I wish you the best of luck. :)

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[font="Arial Black"]God bless you my dear dear friend. We have had many amazing chats and I can see that God is using you in a mighty way. Go with his blessings. But don't be a stranger....you are always welcome to pull a Jarkko and return to our forums to chat anytime. Infact....I command you to! haha!

CN won't be the same without you. But we have talked....and I knew this was coming and I can see God's leadership in your life. Have a wonderful senior year.
Keep looking up! [/font] :)

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[quote]I've decided to leave because I need to focus on my priorities - RL and God - and escape this time sucking vacuum that is CN. So, goodbye CN, unless I return one day, otherwise I wish you farewell [/quote]

yeah, its called you being an arrogant fake ....goes rogue on his way out
well now you will see what friends really are cause they on knocking on your door
sorry I was the first to wish you good luck, but then glad I'm not your friend

hint: next time you go rogue have a bigger WC than 30 mil

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