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Advice to Legion


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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310083266' post='2751768']
My advice to Legion is elect me Viceroy of your alliance, I'll ensure that you manage to get on the right track FA wise, and increase your war preparedness, I was Viceroy of TGE and disbanded them, and was Viceroy of Blitzkrieg and removed their nazis, I also was going to be GPA's Viceroy, but we decided against giving them harsh terms, and was going to be NoV's Viceroy but they disbanded too.
You're probably one of the few people that could make Legion worse. Same with your membership in RIA.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310103151' post='2752145']
Thanks for this comprehensive list of people who could help Legion better than you. Seriously, you told TPF they'd be rolled [i]a whole four months[/i] before Karma? Great FA work!
I had left TPF by then, though they were aware of my opinion, I told NPO they'd get rolled if they didn't make major FA changes, like the forced apology during the war, I suggested something along those lines beforehand, as a preemptive PR stunt to try to swing some of the alliances that were on the fence(i.e. the ones that left Q) back to the hegemony side, as well as work towards mending the relations between Pacifica and Polaris, I had numerous ideas for Pacifica to save themselves, they just believed far too much that everyone actually wanted to be allied to them. We all knew Q was going to fall apart, I simply wanted them to take steps to ensure Q breaking up didn't create the one sided war it did, best case scenario was a GW2 style conflict with near even sides.
[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1310103509' post='2752151']
You're probably one of the few people that could make Legion worse. Same with your membership in RIA.
Haters gonna hate, I'm incredibly active and know how to buy spies and build a warchest, that alone would make legion better, also tend to do a decent job getting people active, another thing legion seems to be lacking, but hey, if you'd like to give examples of why I wouldn't be useful, be my guest.
edit: LOL U AMSG! and I THINK YER ANNOYING! are not two reasons I'll count.
[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1310103802' post='2752160']
As if RIA needed the help.
I'm shocked a LUE based alliance and an RIA based alliance don't get along! :v:

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310103976' post='2752167']
I had left TPF by then, though they were aware of my opinion, I told NPO they'd get rolled if they didn't make major FA changes, like the forced apology during the war, I suggested something along those lines beforehand, as a preemptive PR stunt to try to swing some of the alliances that were on the fence(i.e. the ones that left Q) back to the hegemony side, as well as work towards mending the relations between Pacifica and Polaris, I had numerous ideas for Pacifica to save themselves, they just believed far too much that everyone actually wanted to be allied to them. We all knew Q was going to fall apart, I simply wanted them to take steps to ensure Q breaking up didn't create the one sided war it did, best case scenario was a GW2 style conflict with near even sides.
Do you seriously blame the "big boys" in the governments of those alliances for ignoring someone as annoying and clearly talentless as you? Instead of spending your years on this planet working toward earning some level of respect for yourself, you've run around posting "first!! :awesome:" and "make me viceroy of X! :awesome:" There is literally no reason why anyone should listen to you.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310104317' post='2752172']
Do you seriously blame the "big boys" in the governments of those alliances for ignoring someone as annoying and clearly talentless as you? Instead of spending your years on this planet working toward earning some level of respect for yourself, you've run around posting "first!! :awesome:" and "make me viceroy of X! :awesome:" There is literally no reason why anyone should listen to you.
That's the thing, being well known is far more useful than attempting to make everyone think you're tough, it's amazing how open people will be about what they know when they think of you as friendly, as opposed to someone who simply seeks power.

my firsts were simply an amusement considering I tended to be the first to find a new thread and tell the world about it, usually before the OP was even able to, and the Viceroy campaigns were incredibly useful propaganda tactics, at least for NoV and GPA.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310104733' post='2752177']
That's the thing, being well known is far more useful than attempting to make everyone think you're tough, it's amazing how open people will be about what they know when they think of you as friendly, as opposed to someone who simply seeks power.

my firsts were simply an amusement considering I tended to be the first to find a new thread and tell the world about it, usually before the OP was even able to, and the Viceroy campaigns were incredibly useful propaganda tactics, at least for NoV and GPA.
Sure, but where has it gotten you?

How were those "propaganda tactics" useful in any way other than embarrassing yourself, especially since you were never installed as viceroy? (as brutal a punishment this would be)

I'm also noticing a pattern here, you're living approximately three years in the past. Even NPO has let go of those days.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310103976' post='2752167']
Haters gonna hate, I'm incredibly active and know how to buy spies and build a warchest, that alone would make legion better, also tend to do a decent job getting people active, another thing legion seems to be lacking, but hey, if you'd like to give examples of why I wouldn't be useful, be my guest.
edit: LOL U AMSG! and I THINK YER ANNOYING! are not two reasons I'll count.
Just because you won't count them doesn't mean that they aren't applicable. For all Legion's faults, and for how bad their members tend to represent them when they do post or seek attention, they don't usually [i]try[/i] to be conspicuous in an insufferable and self congratulatory manner. You do.

Edit: grammar

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310105119' post='2752180']
Sure, but where has it gotten you?

How were those "propaganda tactics" useful in any way other than embarrassing yourself, especially since you were never installed as viceroy? (as brutal a punishment this would be)

I'm also noticing a pattern here, you're living approximately three years in the past. Even NPO has let go of those days.
I actually got installed as a viceroy of blitzkrieg by mhawk. GPA it was never serious, we did what amounts to mass tech raiding, further terms would have been a PR disaster, and I didn't want NoV to exist, my only act as Viceroy would have been disbandment. I'm not living in the past, though I miss the era when wars were actually fought by two even sides. My firsts and propaganda got my intelligence sources that allowed me to ensure information got public far quicker than those whose governments were concerned about it wanted it to be, I may never be seen as a tactical genius like Liquidmercury for example, but there's very few people who dont recognize my name and services to the world, not to mention being the more well known person has its perks when it comes to situations such as the IRAN drama that unfolded during Karma war.
[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1310105535' post='2752186']
Just because you won't count them don't mean that they aren't applicable. For all Legion's faults, and for how bad their members tend to represent them when they do post or seek attention, they don't usually [i]try[/i] to be conspicuous in an insufferable and self congratulatory manner. You do.
I'm a shameless self promoter and I've never denied this, playing in back channels have never been amusing to me, now taking what is said in those private channels and making it public information? that brings about much more entertainment.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310105537' post='2752187']
I actually got installed as a viceroy of blitzkrieg by mhawk. GPA it was never serious, we did what amounts to mass tech raiding, further terms would have been a PR disaster, and I didn't want NoV to exist, my only act as Viceroy would have been disbandment. I'm not living in the past, though I miss the era when wars were actually fought by two even sides. My firsts and propaganda got my intelligence sources that allowed me to ensure information got public far quicker than those whose governments were concerned about it wanted it to be, I may never be seen as a tactical genius like Liquidmercury for example, but there's very few people who dont recognize my name and services to the world, not to mention being the more well known person has its perks when it comes to situations such as the IRAN drama that unfolded during Karma war.

I'm a shameless self promoter and I've never denied this, playing in back channels have never been amusing to me, now taking what is said in those private channels and making it public information? that brings about much more entertainment.
Fair, I suppose. You fulfill a purpose, albeit an annoying one. Just stop talking yourself up. (and come up with new examples) I'd like to know when this era when wars were fought by even sides was, though. Seems to me that GWII was the last time this happened (and it only happened on paper, the war was a massacre) and I don't even know if you were around then.

[quote]I may never be seen as a tactical genius like Liquidmercury for example,[/quote]

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310105537' post='2752187']
My firsts and propaganda got my intelligence sources that allowed me to ensure information got public far quicker than those whose governments were concerned about it wanted it to be, I may never be seen as a tactical genius like Liquidmercury for example, but there's very few people who dont recognize my name and services to the world.
Christ, get over yourself Mogar. When people think of 'services to the world', they don't think of spamming links and being an obnoxious little !@#$. It is hardly a great acheivement to put links on IRC that anyone who is slightly active will find right there in Alliance Announcements all by themselves. The role you fill here is akin to the screaming baby on the plane; everyone, probably including those supposed to be nurturing and protecting you, wants to murder you.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310105537' post='2752187']
I'm a shameless self promoter and I've never denied this, playing in back channels have never been amusing to me, now taking what is said in those private channels and making it public information? that brings about much more entertainment.
It also makes lots of people not like you. Legion has enough problems, especially in the PR arena, without having the RIA "we make a big deal about our awful and annoying humor" factor mixed in.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1310106327' post='2752194']
Fair, I suppose. You fulfill a purpose, albeit an annoying one. Just stop talking yourself up. (and come up with new examples) I'd like to know when this era when wars were fought by even sides was, though. Seems to me that GWII was the last time this happened and I don't even know if you were around then.

My first nation was created july 6th, 2006, fighting for CGS for GW1 and CDS for GW2/3 were the most enjoyable wars I have fought in, even if I ended up getting ZI'd for the CoLUEition and Aegis, not knowing the final outcome the second war was declared was thrilling. not being egotistical is never going to happen, I have done literally every single government job you can do in the cyberverse, I've won and lost wars, but most importantly, I will never be forgotten, how many others can say the same?

He [i]is[/i] seen as one in public opinion, whether or not that is your own opinion isn't really my point.
[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1310106490' post='2752198']
Christ, get over yourself Mogar. When people think of 'services to the world', they don't think of spamming links and being an obnoxious little !@#$. It is hardly a great acheivement to put links on IRC that anyone who is slightly active will find right there in Alliance Announcements all by themselves. The role you fill here is akin to the screaming baby on the plane; everyone, probably including those supposed to be nurturing and protecting you, wants to murder you.
Get over myself? the fact I have literally gotten you all to post paragraphs in reply to my post about wanting to be Viceroy proves my point. You're correct people can find the threads themselves, but I remove people having to bother reading the forums, which during wars where there's 20 new threads posted a day for a week or longer, can be incredibly useful, I don't claim MoG[News] as my greatest achievement, but tell me, how many others have made such a permanent mark on the game to my level of name recognition? I would bet their number is few.
[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1310106533' post='2752200']
It also makes lots of people not like you. Legion has enough problems, especially in the PR arena, without having the RIA "we make a big deal about our awful and annoying humor" factor mixed in.
If I was seriously their Viceroy I would be my old personality while in CDS gov, and actually take the job seriously, Recruitment doesn't require anywhere near the level of seriousness as FA or milcom work does.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310107058' post='2752215']
I have done literally every single government job you can do in the cyberverse, I've won and lost wars, but most importantly, I will never be forgotten, how many others can say the same?[/quote]
Having a government position doesn't mean that you are good at it.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1310109451' post='2752238']
Having a government position doesn't mean that you are good at it.
I didn't claim I was perfect at every job, excellent job picking out a small section of the post to debate though, especially one that wasn't really the point.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310107058' post='2752215']
Get over myself? the fact I have literally gotten you all to post paragraphs in reply to my post about wanting to be Viceroy proves my point. You're correct people can find the threads themselves, but I remove people having to bother reading the forums, which during wars where there's 20 new threads posted a day for a week or longer, can be incredibly useful, I don't claim MoG[News] as my greatest achievement, but tell me, how many others have made such a permanent mark on the game to my level of name recognition? I would bet their number is few.
The fact that a few of us older members remember your earlier stint as chief irritant does not prove that you are known and beloved by all. In fact, it proves our point that those who remember it, do not look upon you fondly. People celebrated when you disappeared. And I'm not sure that encouraging general ignorance in the community by pointing them to one thread and disregarding all others, is really something you should be proud of. The fact is that you count MoG[News] as [i]an[/i] acheivement, when it's really not. In fact, the way you tout it shows a level of desperation for gaining attention and recognition here that is quite sad and/or funny, depending on your perspective.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1310109876' post='2752241']
The fact that a few of us older members remember your earlier stint as chief irritant does not prove that you are known and beloved by all. In fact, it proves our point that those who remember it, do not look upon you fondly. People celebrated when you disappeared. And I'm not sure that encouraging general ignorance in the community by pointing them to one thread and disregarding all others, is really something you should be proud of. The fact is that you count MoG[News] as [i]an[/i] acheivement, when it's really not. In fact, the way you tout it shows a level of desperation for gaining attention and recognition here that is quite sad and/or funny, depending on your perspective.
I'm certain plenty celebrated my departure, but plenty others were saddened and some even protested it. I tend to post every newsworthy thread, most notably decelerations of war, so I am not sure how you are attempting to spin that into promoting ignorance. I came up with the unique idea of becoming the newscaster of the cyberverse, and managed to make public information that was more trustworthy than what we have now, like CNtel for example, but whether you hate or love the newscasting, are you going to forget that it occurred? I don't think so.

I dont have to be desperate for attention obviously, I seem to get plenty simply by posting my opinions, each one has gotten multiple replies in this thread for example. What all of you replying to me don't seem to grasp, is the fact you hate me, or whatever emotion you may feel, proves I've accomplished what I was seeking to do, the majority of the cyberverse goes through their entire existence without becoming anything, I've become one of the most well known figures in existence, perhaps not for the same reasons as most are known for, but I've made my own path and it has worked better than I could have ever imagined, which is why since I have returned I haven't needed to get a first in every thread, or resume my old level of activity, there aren't many people left that I haven't gotten to have an opinion about me, whether that opinion good or bad, it doesn't change the fact that I am Mogar, and the world knows my name.
[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1310110838' post='2752248']
Mogar who?

Ohhhhhh that boxxy guy


ever since she sold out I have not liked her.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1310110878' post='2752249']
I'm certain plenty celebrated my departure, but plenty others were saddened and some even protested it. I tend to post every newsworthy thread, most notably decelerations of war, so I am not sure how you are attempting to spin that into promoting ignorance. I came up with the unique idea of becoming the newscaster of the cyberverse, and managed to make public information that was more trustworthy than what we have now, like CNtel for example, but whether you hate or love the newscasting, are you going to forget that it occurred? I don't think so.

I dont have to be desperate for attention obviously, I seem to get plenty simply by posting my opinions, each one has gotten multiple replies in this thread for example. What all of you replying to me don't seem to grasp, is the fact you hate me, or whatever emotion you may feel, proves I've accomplished what I was seeking to do, the majority of the cyberverse goes through their entire existence without becoming anything, I've become one of the most well known figures in existence, perhaps not for the same reasons as most are known for, but I've made my own path and it has worked better than I could have ever imagined, which is why since I have returned I haven't needed to get a first in every thread, or resume my old level of activity, there aren't many people left that I haven't gotten to have an opinion about me, whether that opinion good or bad, it doesn't change the fact that I am Mogar, and the world knows my name.

1. MoG[news] isn't anything new: it's been done numerous times before. You're also not bringing anything new since you only spread announcements: no explanation, no news, no breaking story, no background... Nothing but a link.
2. CNTel and the likes is nothing but a joke people use to spread fake information and mock eachother. Being better than those isn't an achievement.
3. Your sources aren't anything extraordinary. Anyone who has been here for more than 3 days has "sources". You don't even have to have been gov't for that.
4. Trying to show you your errors doesn't make you important in anyone's eyes.
5. I wouldn't put you in the most well known figures in existence. And yes, a lot more people have made more contributions than you and aren't seeking attention/recognition like are.
6. I guess, in your eyes, any PR is good PR so heh. You're wrong, Snookie.
7. This is about Legion's ways, not "Mogar is an attention whore 101".

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1310117383' post='2752285']
1. MoG[news] isn't anything new: it's been done numerous times before. You're also not bringing anything new since you only spread announcements: no explanation, no news, no breaking story, no background... Nothing but a link.
2. CNTel and the likes is nothing but a joke people use to spread fake information and mock eachother. Being better than those isn't an achievement.
3. Your sources aren't anything extraordinary. Anyone who has been here for more than 3 days has "sources". You don't even have to have been gov't for that.
4. Trying to show you your errors doesn't make you important in anyone's eyes.
5. I wouldn't put you in the most well known figures in existence. And yes, a lot more people have made more contributions than you and aren't seeking attention/recognition like are.
6. I guess, in your eyes, any PR is good PR so heh. You're wrong, Snookie.
7. This is about Legion's ways, not "Mogar is an attention whore 101".
1) I'm the only person who had done it regularly, and I dont spread just a link, it'd be stupid to do that since then nobody would know what it was, I summarize what the announcement is, and occasionally provide my own insight.
2) it at least shows I can provide accurate information, and not rumors and conjecture.
3) not anymore I admit, being gone has removed most of my connections to current governments, not to mention it was a lot of effort to be actively gathering intelligence like I once did, too lazy.
4) All I did was nominate myself for viceroy, after looking over the thread, a few others made similar posts, but I dont see every MK member jumping on them.
5) It's rarer for me to find someone who doesn't know me than someone who does, I'm no Moldavi or Archon, nor would I claim to be.
6) PR is PR, I acknowledge it can be good or bad, but for my own purposes they both serve me well enough. I certainly wont be losing sleep over MK not liking me.
7) And had you all not wanted to try to... shame was the word I believe, me into not posting, perhaps I would have ended this debate sooner. I would certainly be of great assistance to help legion back into a somewhat decent state, perhaps not as well as Zha did, but I would certainly be better than their current state, if you disagree, that's your opinion, I didn't make this thread about me, you lot decided to make this into "bawww Mogar is horrible person", are you upset I actually defended myself over letting people make false accusations about myself? You guys do better insulting me in your IRC channel, on the forums I get to retort.

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