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Joint Val/NoR/DT/Asgaard/RoK announcement

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1308635159' post='2736897']
If you're going to come to me with "liar liar pants on fire" please be accurate with your posts. I will state that I have been completely honest about what occured between RoK and SF, you may not like the truth but wishing things had gone down differently wont make it so.
RoK has moved on from SF for obvious reasons and wish you boys well.

Edit: Damnit Hoo stop checking my grammar

So you did never try to hide rampage and tauts actions and we didn't have to invade your boards to get even rudimentary informations across to normal Rok members? You're just a liar and it's not worth it going into that argument any longer because everyone who counts knows this already.

Maybe if you could just admit your own faults as well as Tauts we might be able to move on. But as long as you keep pushing this "We moved on and you're just butthurt" line, I doubt your insincere well wishes will make a lot of difference.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1308633276' post='2736825']
And why pray, did I not know of this? I know i tend to doze off due to advanced age and stuff, but still...

Oh mate you missed out ... it was fun dreaming about it even if it never happened.

From memory the NSO war actually was a part in the birthday war never happening as well. The NSO war ended up happening like a month or so before our aniversary... totally unexpected obviously and meant what was meant to be hard core warchesting time turned into rebuilding time and well as Hoo said the whole thing was never a popular idea outside of the "o/war" atmosphere of RoK, in retrospect it was a pretty bad idea to be honest so I'm glad it never happened.

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Congratulations on the block. Wont pretend I have a high opinion on NoR, but this looks like a very good block and fit.

Though I cant escape the going ons in this thread, for the last couple of pages. While one of the rare NPO members that post here, did start off with unrelated comment in general (he is not alone in making such), so hence the entire NPO getting flak, I too am very tired of various clowns continually trying to demean my alliance by the tired phrase of mindless drones. We may be far from our past glory which will not come back, but the membership after going through some rough times in the last years did show character and ride through the storm (many communities didn't show such backbone, and disbanded) and I for one will not let clowns of any color, size, shape or AA taking pot shots on that community via one incident with one of its members. Now, while the crime of lack of imagination is hard enough in this case, some people really need a reality check more so then some others seeing their comments. I dont usually read colorful (literally) posts, as that is for children that seek attention and it usually hurts my eyes, unfortunately this time I did. Certainly for the last time.

My apology to Val/NoR/DT/Asgaard/RoK. My congratulation once more, that is all from me.

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[quote name='Star Gazing' timestamp='1308655937' post='2737129']
While Xiphosis and I may not agree on a lot of things, I, for one, believe that he is the only person who has really played his cards right in this game.
His repeated attempts to force an alliance to disband will end up being disastrous for his alliance. That’s an ego trip that just hasn’t caught up with him yet and when it does I don’t think anyone will be saying he only made the right choices.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1308665273' post='2737229']
His repeated attempts to force an alliance to disband will end up being disastrous for his alliance. That's an ego trip that just hasn't caught up with him yet and when it does I don't think anyone will be saying he only made the right choices.

First and last time I will agree with the ruler of Bog Land.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1308665273' post='2737229']
His repeated attempts to force an alliance to disband will end up being disastrous for his alliance. That’s an ego trip that just hasn’t caught up with him yet and when it does I don’t think anyone will be saying he only made the right choices.
Oh, playing his cards right doesn't neccesarily (sp) means that he made the right choices. Only the right moves in order to survive this long.

Though I have trouble seeing it ending bad for him and his alliance.

Edited by Star Gazing
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[quote name='Leigon' timestamp='1308657404' post='2737141']
So you did never try to hide rampage and tauts actions and we didn't have to invade your boards to get even rudimentary informations across to normal Rok members? You're just a liar and it's not worth it going into that argument any longer because everyone who counts knows this already.

Maybe if you could just admit your own faults as well as Tauts we might be able to move on. But as long as you keep pushing this "We moved on and you're just butthurt" line, I doubt your insincere well wishes will make a lot of difference.

You have several reasons to be angry with Ragnarok, but this is not one of them. The RoK government decided to wait until after the war ended to get into that and the membership agreed. It honestly wasn't your place to come over and force the issue down their throat. Furthermore, it didn't have the desired effect. The RoK membership did indeed get angry, not at RoK government ... but at GOD.

To summarize: The RoK government, as well as their membership, were perfectly content with dealing with the issue after the dust settled. Since you were not in RoK gov or even a member of the alliance, it wasn't your call.

I understand that you guys were frustrated, but that was not your best idea.

Edit: typo.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1308667513' post='2737257']
You have several reasons to be angry with Ragnarok, but this is not one of them. The RoK government decided to wait until after the war ended to get into that and the membership agreed. It honestly wasn't your place to come over and force the issue down their throat. Furthermore, it didn't have the desired effect. The RoK membership did indeed get angry, not at RoK government ... but at GOD.

To summarize: The RoK government, as well as their membership, were perfectly content with dealing with the issue after the dust settled. Since you were not in RoK gov or even a member of the alliance, it wasn't your call.

I understand that you guys were frustrated, but that was not your best idea.

Edit: typo.
It kind of sucked being told how terrible we all were by members of Rok for reasons that Rok gov knew were false. I get wanting to deal with things after the war, but... eh.

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[quote name='gambona' timestamp='1308667317' post='2737248']
Thanks Lanna! You are my favorite he/she. :wub:
Haha! I was about to ask you why you knew about it, but then I remember that you were there when the truth was finally exposed to IRC.

Silly, Gambona. No one needs to know my... sex.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1308668301' post='2737266']
It kind of sucked being told how terrible we all were by members of Rok for reasons that Rok gov knew were false. I get wanting to deal with things after the war, but... eh.

Whoever did that apparently didn't bother to visit the RoK forums and take part in the internal conversation that took place there. Despite all these accusations, the RoK government did not paint SF as the bad guys**. The membership were told that there was a lot of information, most of which we didn't even know about initially, and to reserve judgement. They didn't feel duped, tricked, or lied to even after some members of GOD came to the RoK forums and attempted to stir the pot. Right or wrong, the membership pretty much felt that GOD had attempted to undermine their government.

** Taut, however, did paint SF as the bad guy at one point and continued to do so during the debate with GOD. But, prior to GOD's posts on our forums and after the membership and government agreed to address it all later, Taut had fallen completely silent on the RoK forums. He was no longer in government at the time though and has since departed this world as he wished to do when he stepped down.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308623544' post='2736410']
Interesting concept, problem is that a lot of people don't seem to care and don't like RoK regardless.
A lot of people dont like NPO regardles. See what i did there. This isnt about you this isnt about NPO please leave the thread as your betters have already told you to stfu once.

[quote name='Star Gazing' timestamp='1308655937' post='2737129']
While Xiphosis and I may not agree on a lot of things, I, for one, believe that he is the only person who has really played his cards right in this game. I have seen alliance leaders thrive and fall, but he remains. And he's done so with close allies whom he had went to great lengths to help.

On a different note, I learned long ago in the game that if people are too stubborn to listen, no need to waste your energy.

P.S. Asgaard sucks.
I :wub: you Lanna
You are correct Xiph has played his cards right and hes always had the out card up his sleeve, eventually though everyones time runs out if they are unwilling and unbending in this world. He himself taught me that when he got to the illuminati.

Edited by Buds The Man
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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1308669783' post='2737290']
A lot of people dont like NPO regardles. See what i did there. This isnt about you this isnt about NPO please leave the thread as your betters have already told you to stfu once.

Excuse me but I believe I am entitled to air my grievances regardless, but I guess if you can't handle the heat then you should stay out of the kitchen.

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1308667513' post='2737257']
You have several reasons to be angry with Ragnarok, but this is not one of them. The RoK government decided to wait until after the war ended to get into that and the membership agreed. It honestly wasn't your place to come over and force the issue down their throat. Furthermore, it didn't have the desired effect. The RoK membership did indeed get angry, not at RoK government ... but at GOD.

To summarize: The RoK government, as well as their membership, were perfectly content with dealing with the issue after the dust settled. Since you were not in RoK gov or even a member of the alliance, it wasn't your call.

I understand that you guys were frustrated, but that was not your best idea.

Edit: typo.

I can understand you not wanting to deal with the issue at the time, because a lot of things happened and I'm not even trying to advocate the invasion as the right move on our side. But you gotta understand our position too.

We had been sitting there on the OWF getting smeared by Rok members who definitely didn't know what their government had actually done during the start of the war. We kept it bottled up on the big boards so as not to embarass you and waited for a while for things to settle down. But noone ever came and actually started a discussion on any of this with any of the members who took all those insults. Yes, maybe your war took precendence for you, but honestly after the first few days a war doesn't need much attention. We needed some closure on this after all the things that had already occured and when nothing happened for a month or so, someone lost it. Not the best choice maybe, but at that point we had been exspecting a clarifying statement from you for weeks. And while the way you keep your members informed of your government actions is certainly your internal prerogative, if it starts affecting your allies as it did in this case it stops being your call alone.

Well no sense in crying over spilt milk anymore. Still I can't see Kaits decisions as beneficial to the SF relationship. Maybe she made the right choices for Rok in that time, but exspecting the relationships with her old allies to be just peachy after the way she handled the split seems a little naive of her.

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[quote name='Star Gazing' timestamp='1308655937' post='2737129']
While Xiphosis and I may not agree on a lot of things, I, for one, believe that he is the only person who has really played his cards right in this game. I have seen alliance leaders thrive and fall, but he remains. And he's done so with close allies whom he had went to great lengths to help.

Weasels tend to survive longer.

Good luck to SF and Mj in keeping peaceful relations here. I don't want to see RoK and SF at their throats after such a long history of friendship.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308670061' post='2737296']
Excuse me but I believe I am entitled to air my grievances regardless, but I guess if you can't handle the heat then you should stay out of the kitchen.
I can handle any heat thrown at me, but generally when my superior which would be CJ tells me to STFU i do. I believe Brehon has come in and said this already, perhaps you should learn to listen. You have done nothing but attempted to derail this thread. We get it people dont like RoK. I happen to love Kait and RoK. THere are always two sides to a story you have RoKs side and SFs side and then somewhere in the midddle lies the truth. Its a matter of perspective and take on what was said and intentions. Personally I dont give a rats ass what happened with SF. Ive known most of RoKs leadership since i started the game and there for have a huge amount of trust in them, there for I was extreamly pleased when the signed on to this new bloc. All your crying and whining is giving me a headache and as Im an active party involved in this thread I dont have the option to leave so Im kindly showing you the door as your no longer welcome at this party.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1308621548' post='2736380']
First, I am pretty sick of the NPO drone !@#$%^&* just because a member talks and someone doesn't agree. So just end that !@#$%^&*.

Second, Bonny walk away from this.

Third, this thread is for the new bloc...if you got other crap to spew, move to another thread and leave this announcement to the alliance/bloc that posted it.
Just in case you missed it

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1308631279' post='2736751']
I'm not real keen on the way RoK handled the VE/Polar issue nor am I a fan of the way the SF departure was handled ... but the "4th anniversary" war was actually going to be our third anniversary and the alliance was Invicta. It was on my watch that we considered hitting an alliance just for the Hell of it. It didn't gain much support (in SF anyway ... heh) and the idea faded. I'm not sure what that has to do with any of this though ...

Okay fair enough the anniversary thing didn't happen so i wont mention it again, my point still stands though, someone !@#$%*ed about RoK being fed up with fighting silly wars for others in SF. SF has fought many wars, for allies, for great reasons and for less noble reasons but NOONE in SF currently or in the past (including RoK) has any right to blame others for this, we all had each others back at multiple times where we ourselves would probably have acted differently. The final call has always been with the alliance that brought up an issue, it's both the freedom and obligation that comes with being an SF member to have that final call and to support it when another signatory makes that final call. The obligation stands, if someone uses the freedom it brings is up to themselves.

So Xiph had as much the right to act when someone made an OOC attack on him as RoK had when NSO disregarded your warning and send 6M in aid and seeing someone forgetting all the times SF has had RoK's back pisses me off and frankly is a huge slap in the face.

[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1308668301' post='2737266']
It kind of sucked being told how terrible we all were by members of Rok for reasons that Rok gov knew were false. I get wanting to deal with things after the war, but... eh.

This, so much this.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308670061' post='2737296']
Excuse me but I believe I am entitled to air my grievances regardless, but I guess if you can't handle the heat then you should stay out of the kitchen.
[/quote]you missed the point. He is saying you are judging RoK like others judge pacifica, kinda hypocritical but w/e...your beef not mine.

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1308669241' post='2737283']
Whoever did that apparently didn't bother to visit the RoK forums and take part in the internal conversation that took place there. Despite all these accusations, the RoK government did not paint SF as the bad guys**. The membership were told that there was a lot of information, most of which we didn't even know about initially, and to reserve judgement. They didn't feel duped, tricked, or lied to even after some members of GOD came to the RoK forums and attempted to stir the pot. Right or wrong, the membership pretty much felt that GOD had attempted to undermine their government.

** Taut, however, did paint SF as the bad guy at one point and continued to do so during the debate with GOD. But, prior to GOD's posts on our forums and after the membership and government agreed to address it all later, Taut had fallen completely silent on the RoK forums. He was no longer in government at the time though and has since departed this world as he wished to do when he stepped down.

i had multiple queries (started by RoK members mind you) that went into detail about how they were sorry for the way they treated my alliance because their government failed to tell them the truth. Won't name names because that's in bad taste.

Also what delta said. It's so hard watching your allies ridicule you for something you know you didn't do wrong.

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[quote name='SF Austin' timestamp='1308675785' post='2737404']
This thread is severely lacking in NoR hate. :ph34r:

I am truly ashamed of you all. Maybe we need more light :nuke: to see through the Darkness. :awesome:
I think NoR should go around randomly nuking alliances, that would probably get you the hate you crave. :awesome:

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1308671610' post='2737316']
I can handle any heat thrown at me, but generally when my superior which would be CJ tells me to STFU i do. I believe Brehon has come in and said this already, perhaps you should learn to listen. You have done nothing but attempted to derail this thread. We get it people dont like RoK. I happen to love Kait and RoK. THere are always two sides to a story you have RoKs side and SFs side and then somewhere in the midddle lies the truth. Its a matter of perspective and take on what was said and intentions. Personally I dont give a rats ass what happened with SF. Ive known most of RoKs leadership since i started the game and there for have a huge amount of trust in them, there for I was extreamly pleased when the signed on to this new bloc. All your crying and whining is giving me a headache and as Im an active party involved in this thread I dont have the option to leave so Im kindly showing you the door as your no longer welcome at this party.
I never said anything about what happened with sf friend since they don't concern me, but hey that's just me.

[quote]you missed the point. He is saying you are judging RoK like others judge pacifica, kinda hypocritical but w/e...your beef not mine[/quote]

Oh no I got the point entirely.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1308679918' post='2737484']

Oh no I got the point entirely.
[/quote]if you got the point then you are as guilty as those who judge your alliance and make about as much sense...

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