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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1304444755' post='2705289']
Our allies had the decency to honor theirs, to the best of their ability. For which I am personally grateful, in this world of "come help us while we sit in peace mode and then burden you with our terms as well". These guys can pay off 2 billion no problem. a hundred or so Doomhouse nations were dropping that much in a week on us.[/quote]

Yes they were.

The total reparations amount to what a large nation in a warrior alliance should have on hand in their warchest. It's not the amount, it's the principle. Your allies spent billions on you. You have to have token reparations at the end? Really? If you had any shame, you'd re-route the money to MK and Umbrella.

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1304439237' post='2705245']
Can you be anymore bitter? Seems like it was a heart filled apology that you gave in the terms, Shatman.
I figured at least one hypersensitive shroom would misunderstand my post. Read it again until you get it, or, have someone explain it to you. I'll give you a hint, MK has had two very distinct ages, which come with two very distinct _____________.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1304446164' post='2705305']
I figured at least one hypersensitive shroom would misunderstand my post. Read it again until you get it, or, have someone explain it to you. I'll give you a hint, MK has had two very distinct ages, which come with two very distinct _____________.

I quoted that post so you would know I was speaking to you, my statement was for this whole thread. You have done nothing but act bitter through all of your posts. Grow up.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1304445203' post='2705293']
I'm honoured to know that you consider our whole side to be the most dangerous alliances in the game.

Pretty sure no one is talking about you, your alliance is terrible. He WAS on the other hand, insulting CoJ for being peace mode warriors after the first week of fighting.

There are very few alliances in this game that could take on 12 other alliances and win. Surprisingly enough to no one, Umbrella (our ally) is one of those alliances, and 2 billion is their crappiest nations war chest. So it didn't even phase them to rain billions on us during the war since they weren't able to do any fighting (you know, you... peace mode... hippy).

Bored MK nations also gave us dong showers to keep the war front going. And since thats all they could do, thats what they did. See above post about peace mode.

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1304446662' post='2705308']
I quoted that post so you would know I was speaking to you, my statement was for this whole thread. You have done nothing but act bitter through all of your posts. Grow up.
That's rich, Doomhouse wants me to grow up. The bitter bit is patently ridiculous, I was sitting in MK's cheering section right up until you--bitterly--declared war on NPO for no reason; in fact, I was probably the last person to leave. If disagreeing with MK's current course makes me bitter in your opinion, it is only due to a lack on your part of possession of nuance. If your immature worldview allows only for "fan" and "bitter" then it's a you problem; I enjoy the company of many MKers every day.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304446771' post='2705310']
[b]There are very few alliances in this game that could take on 12 other alliances and win.[/b] Surprisingly enough to no one, Umbrella (our ally) is one of those alliances, and 2 billion is their crappiest nations war chest. So it didn't even phase them to rain billions on us during the war since they weren't able to do any fighting (you know, you... peace mode... hippy).

[b]Bored MK nations also gave us dong showers to keep the war front going. And since thats all they could do, thats what they did. See above post about peace mode.[/b]

You won against 12 other alliances with no help? No you didnt and neither has any other alliance so point void.

Yeah MK nations were doing that at the early stages of the war but as it progressed, MK lower tier nations had to be bailed out by TOP etc with war aid, so i wouldnt act all proud at taking money off MK when their own members needed it too, so much that TOP had to help out and aid...

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1304447369' post='2705319']
You won against 12 other alliances with no help? No you didnt and neither has any other alliance so point void.

Yeah MK nations were doing that at the early stages of the war but as it progressed, MK lower tier nations had to be bailed out by TOP etc with war aid, so i wouldnt act all proud at taking money off MK when their own members needed it too, so much that TOP had to help out and aid...

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point is it?

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304446771' post='2705310']
Pretty sure no one is talking about you, your alliance is terrible. He WAS on the other hand, insulting CoJ for being peace mode warriors after the first week of fighting.

There are very few alliances in this game that could take on 12 other alliances and win. Surprisingly enough to no one, Umbrella (our ally) is one of those alliances, and 2 billion is their crappiest nations war chest. So it didn't even phase them to rain billions on us during the war since they weren't able to do any fighting (you know, you... peace mode... hippy).

Bored MK nations also gave us dong showers to keep the war front going. And since thats all they could do, thats what they did. See above post about peace mode.
This is what makes GOONS rhetoric so amusing: It's self-contradictory. Everyone they fought totally sucked and was total incompetent and stayed inpeace mode, and GOONS is the most awesome alliance ever for winning. Right. I can take CoJ and defeat a 2-man alliance, but it won't make me a great warrior.
This "12 alliances" thing is great, too. Which 12? CoJ: 18 nations. 64Digits: what? like 5 (I don't know). Avalon: 24. Sanitarium: [s]8[/s] excuse me, 4. Kerberos Nexus: 2. BoS: 1. Wow, the odds were seriously stacked agains GOONS hurrrrrr.
We know that GOONS, MK, ODN, Viridian Entente, TOP, iFok, et al can win in a war against Legion, NPO, TPF, and 9 micro-alliances. [i]IF[/i] you get $80 billion in aid every week. Congraaaatulations. You have awed the world with your ability to spend Umbrella's money holding off 9 micro-alliances. I can imagine Umbrella having to bail you out of techraids against micros over 5 nations in the future.
We also know that when GOONS [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Unjust_War"]faces a war[/url] with large alliances, they fall all over themselves deleting.

Win a real war, then come talk to me.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304445704' post='2705300']
Nahh...I sit here biding my time, collecting ammo, sharpening my blades, and getting ready for the next legitimate fight to come my way. I've fought in more battles, raided more nations, and generally kicked more asses than 98%+ of the nations on this planet. That should make you want me on your side...if you had the brains God gave a squirrel.

Thanks for the reminder regarding the sig, I got my answer on that.

Trust me when I say this, I hope you are never on my side.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1304445859' post='2705303']
You had that backwards, I fixed it for you.[/quote]

Such weak statement coming from you. You used to have better game than this, what happened? Booze, drugs, trip the cool building that hands out shirts with really long sleeves that fasten in the back? I'm curious.

[i]Casualty Rank: Ranked #564 of 19,516 Nations (2.89%)[/i] <--- Though I will admit, this war did put me down the ranks a bit. I will have to make up for it later.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304447989' post='2705328']
Such weak statement coming from you. You used to have better game than this, what happened? Booze, drugs, trip the cool building that hands out shirts with really long sleeves that fasten in the back? I'm curious.

[i]Casualty Rank: Ranked #564 of 19,516 Nations (2.89%)[/i] <--- Though I will admit, this war did put me down the ranks a bit. I will have to make up for it later.
Chickenzilla started a war by being a sloppy spy so technically he gets credit for all those casualties hurrdurr.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1304447546' post='2705324']
Trust me when I say this, I hope you are never on my side.[/quote]

Trust me when I say this...never say never. It is a curse condemning you to just such a course. ;)

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1304425272' post='2705108']
So if I understand you right, Legion didn't enter because they didn't want to get beat up. And you guys all attacked GOONs rather than MK or Umb because you didn't want to get beat up. And then after everyone was skirting obligations after giving their full 010% for their allies, they're upset that they have to pay reps because they were hoping to deliver a few jabs and then go home mostly unscathed. I guess in the context of trying to keep a low profile and give the illusion of contributing when you're really not, it makes sense. It also explains the "keep all high tier nations in peace mode and only fight against small nations" strategy. Which you can really only do full-scale against GOONs. I guess it would've been a homerun if not for the reps and 21 days of war. Sorry to spoil your effort I guess?
You know, I spelled it out as clear as I possibly could, and this, [i]this[/i] is your interpretation?

You never did well in English, did you? Probably a wonder you got through it at all. Not that I'm privy to the educational system in Doppelpoppolis, if one even exists.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1304447510' post='2705323']
This is what makes GOONS rhetoric so amusing: It's self-contradictory. Everyone they fought totally sucked and was total incompetent and stayed inpeace mode, and GOONS is the most awesome alliance ever for winning. Right. I can take CoJ and defeat a 2-man alliance, but it won't make me a great warrior.
This "12 alliances" thing is great, too. Which 12? CoJ: 18 nations. 64Digits: what? like 5 (I don't know). Avalon: 24. Sanitarium: [s]8[/s] excuse me, 4. Kerberos Nexus: 2. BoS: 1. Wow, the odds were seriously stacked agains GOONS hurrrrrr.
We know that GOONS, MK, ODN, Viridian Entente, TOP, iFok, et al can win in a war against Legion, NPO, TPF, and 9 micro-alliances. [i]IF[/i] you get $80 billion in aid every week. Congraaaatulations. You have awed the world with your ability to spend Umbrella's money holding off 9 micro-alliances. I can imagine Umbrella having to bail you out of techraids against micros over 5 nations in the future.
We also know that when GOONS [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Unjust_War"]faces a war[/url] with large alliances, they fall all over themselves deleting.

Win a real war, then come talk to me.
In this war GOONS was solidly lower tier. In that level they were outnumbered and outclassed after the first weeks of the war when the other side's upper and middle tier nations who were not in peace mode got beaten down to GOONS level. At this level those nations with warchests and wonders were able to cause damage to GOONS with better build and older nations. It was hypothesided in a Doomhouse on the OWF that the best way to fight them would be to have upper and middle tiers in peace and have the fight be in the lower tiers. Doomhouse responded that we would drop significant aid to our lower tier to be able to outlast the enemy.

This war took that hypothetical and made it a reality. The strategy of sending your top tier and middle tier to peace mode has been defeated in this war, and we showed that we have the ability and will to drop aid on our lower tiers to counter such strategies.

This war was a real war. Sure GOONS did not single handedly defeat all the alliances arrayed against them, but GOONS was on the winning side, that should count for something.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304448564' post='2705333']
Trust me when I say this...never say never. It is a curse condemning you to just such a course. ;)

If you end on my side and if it was possible I'd nuke myself.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1304447369' post='2705319']
Yeah MK nations were doing that at the early stages of the war but as it progressed, MK lower tier nations had to be bailed out by TOP etc with war aid, so i wouldnt act all proud at taking money off MK when their own members needed it too, so much that TOP had to help out and aid...

GOONS should be incredibly :smug: about getting aid before our members did. We do, afterall, care more about the needs of GOONS than we do about our own members.

Anyway, I recall sending aid slots to GOONS through the duration of the war with the exception of the last aid cycle but maybe its because Im now in charge of 64digits that you did not recognize me for my efforts.

Edited by tamerlane
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1304445854' post='2705302']
That's because we spent 2 months negotiating them down.
Brehon & TCK spent two to three weeks negotiating them down. We then all sat around for six weeks piddling through wording and relatively minor things.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1304448887' post='2705335']
In this war GOONS was solidly lower tier. In that level they were outnumbered and outclassed after the first weeks of the war when the other side's upper and middle tier nations who were not in peace mode got beaten down to GOONS level. At this level those nations with warchests and wonders were able to cause damage to GOONS with better build and older nations. It was hypothesided in a Doomhouse on the OWF that the best way to fight them would be to have upper and middle tiers in peace and have the fight be in the lower tiers. Doomhouse responded that we would drop significant aid to our lower tier to be able to outlast the enemy.

This war took that hypothetical and made it a reality. The strategy of sending your top tier and middle tier to peace mode has been defeated in this war, and we showed that we have the ability and will to drop aid on our lower tiers to counter such strategies.

This war was a real war. Sure GOONS did not single handedly defeat all the alliances arrayed against them, but GOONS was on the winning side, that should count for something.

That's pretty funny coming from the organization that was too high to even fight in the war.

You guys are just lucky you had GOONS to fight your war for you.

Edited by Daeryon
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304434894' post='2705193']
Of course you realize that Schatt is a former member of GOONS, right? :smug:

Also, why the Legion garb? Hoping it will bring luck?
He was a member of neutral shoving stop bringing that alliance up because it's very different from this one and that argument is null and void considering he was barley a regular on neutral shoving.
Also you cannot judge our experience as fighters because you did not partake in any fighting and if you actually did we would pound your nation into Pixeldust pretty quickly.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304446121' post='2705304']
Yes they were.

The total reparations amount to what a large nation in a warrior alliance should have on hand in their warchest. It's not the amount, it's the principle. Your allies spent billions on you. You have to have token reparations at the end? Really? If you had any shame, you'd re-route the money to MK and Umbrella.
Come on man, at least have some idea of what you're talking about before you complain about it. There were already tech reps for MK and Umb on the table, but they got moved to a single money term to make it easier on everyone. We're already going to spend a chunk of that money on tech to send to MK and Umbrella as we resume tech dealings with them anyway. And seriously, is your expert financial suggestion really that you think we should've redone the terms so people send [i][b]money[/b][/i] to [i][b]Umbrella[/b][/i]?

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1304449435' post='2705344']
Brehon & TCK spent two to three weeks negotiating them down.[/quote]
We agree.
[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1304449435' post='2705344']
We then all sat around for six weeks piddling through wording and relatively minor things.
And whyyyyy? Could it be because everything was settled and then you guys were totally mature and said "WE WON WE WRITE TERMS" then sent us a joke of a document with 0's missing from reps numbers written by someone that didn't even know how to spell reparations? Or could it be that every time the thing was settled, you let one more peripheral alliance add articles to the document, or could it be that you never offered some alliances white peace then decided to charge them reps for not accepting white peace?

Yes, we did spend quite a lot of time spell-checking for Doomhouse and trying to keep up with your Terms-of-the-Day rotation. Reparations: 1 E, 2 As.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1304445203' post='2705293']
I was talking about GOONS' policy actually. You guys just happen to be the most recent exception to their "we always take reps from people who declare on us" rule which everyone knows isn't actually a rule.
The policy is optional, extenuating circumstances or lack of ability to pay are factors we consider. But beyond that Olympus was levied reparations of 50m, it was only due to a clerical error that the other one was burdened with 100m, it was supposed to be 50 and 50, but because it worked out to the same thing in the end, it wasn't worth redoing the deal to reflect that.

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