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Everything posted by scythegfx

  1. Ludacrism. this must be good then. I look forward to it.
  2. Where is the "continue to be pounded by C&G" option?
  3. cool story man. I wish I could make an alliance and get sanctioned in 14 days. that would be sweet. like a robot with laser eyes....yeahhhh
  4. Congratulations, and may this one be your last!
  5. [quote name='Haflinger' date='19 February 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1266622208' post='2192623'] Good luck to our allies. One of these days VE will actually attack us directly... instead of indirectly, as they've been doing since before Invicta's first alliance war. [/quote] uhm. The Viridian Entente (commonly referred to as VE, Viridia, or the Entente) was reformed on September 17, 2007 The Illuminati War (by all accounts Invicta's first major war) was February 29, 2008. Viridia wasn't really a relevant player until May 2008, when they Signed the United Jungle Accords. and EG didnt join VE until October of '08 ;P Sorry haf, but conspiracy theories are just that, theories. God I just defended VE. what has the world come to.
  6. [quote name='Haflinger' date='18 February 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1266547446' post='2191032'] You've evidently never heard my singing voice, or you'd realize that my sending such a thing could be considered a war crime. [/quote] It's true
  7. Slightly Pathetic and Desperate imo.
  8. This is why Invicta is still one of the best alliances in the game. I slightly miss you guys
  9. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='12 February 2010 - 05:08 AM' timestamp='1265969310' post='2177370'] you're leavin CN? [/quote] Praise be.
  10. Learz, to put it simply, the reason they don't like you is "NPO Lapdog scum" and nothing more. It's how CN works, get used to it.
  11. [quote name='R3nowned' date='06 February 2010 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1265442041' post='2163924'] So you will let your allies get nuked until there's nothing left of them (potentially speaking), for your own purpose of preserving power? [/quote] You do realized we're being nuked too, right?
  12. Welp. I guess this will become a running tradition of Invicta having more and more alliances on it. Best of luck to my allies in NV and to my friends in Invicta.
  13. So you expected grub to put you before his allies...and you were wrong? OH MY! We may not have the best relations, but at least he is a man of principles.
  14. [quote name='bzelger' date='06 February 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1265434892' post='2163179'] This makes me very angry. Whoever made this request for aid must be packing quite a pair. [/quote] It is a well known fact that MK is packing one of the biggest pairs on Bob.
  15. Well, It was only a matter of time I 'spose
  16. [quote name='Lusitan' date='04 February 2010 - 11:58 PM' timestamp='1265345907' post='2160302'] MK attacked Aqua. NATO attacked FoB who is black team [/quote] I see you're unfamiliar with how an MADP works. would you like us to explain more clearly?
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