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Emperor Whimsical

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Everything posted by Emperor Whimsical

  1. god all of those rok ones are terrible
  2. i'd rather have admin institute a lockout with no new players joining and we'd see where we'd be in a month or so. That's not really a good business model, though!
  3. goodbye mister Xoin. I'll miss that deletion thread. I'm sorry how things turned out. Best of luck in the real world.
  4. yoloswag please join mi6
  5. Mi6 now sponsoring 3 mil/99 tech deals apparently.
  6. You can fire more than one nuke, you just can't hit someone/make contact with someone more than once a day. You're just unlucky, I once saw an IRON nation drop a full payload (all 25) and they all got blocked! Better luck tomorrow.
  7. christ. Get well soon.
  8. Kaskus made an optional ODP/PIAT with the entire world,
  9. \m/ >_< \m/ ASCEND VIA THE UNJUST PATH \m/ >_< \m/ Am I doing it right?
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