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Emperor Whimsical

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Everything posted by Emperor Whimsical

  1. The game is bad, and when you’re as old at Gibs, Wally and myself are, there are not a lot of good alliances left. We don’t like a lot of you in this game because you are content to float in a sea of cowards, barely alive. Admin has abandoned us in this world, so it seems only appropriate to abandon the world itself. Simply put, this larger world is no longer fun to inhabit in the conventional capacity. That said, we at the Army of Xiphosis have quite a treasure trove of money, nuclear weapons and wonders. I’d be a pity to waste those resources which we spent years gathering without taking some decaying alliance with us. It’s more than we don’t like you, to us; you represent the worst has to offer. You're too old, senile, and you pee all over the carpet. Luckily, the Army of Xiphosis is a team of trained veterinarians who have experience dealing with things like that. Therefore, our last action in this dead world will be to formally declare war on The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. Scrub up. Signed, Emperor Whimsical King Wally Gibsonator21
  2. Shoutout to fark for being cool dudes throughout this trying time. lmao at "serious political incident" you guys couldn't even have your two highest members of government in the alliance, sod off.
  3. damn, there's an old face.
  4. Farewell to a champion. Thank for your years of service, Green Lantern.
  5. I think i'd rather eat my own feet and try to disappear completely than hear another explanation of umbrella and mi6 relations.
  6. This was very clever. I don't have enough energy for any dumb macho posturing. I hope the members find better homes. It was a fun experiment, like SARS or ska.
  7. I believe that we got most of everyone who's still around except Saxasm (GOD and now NPO), and a handful of people in mi6 like Kill and Avakael tbh
  8. I'm older than all of you and while NpO is my ally that I like and respect deeply, I was around for both PB-NpO, NoCB, and Grudge. To deny history is to deny reality, and polaris has used peace mode to great effect during all of those conflicts. My larger point was that peace mode has literally always been used as a tactic and people who deride it are nearly always the bigger side. There are a plethora of reasons to dislike MI6, but "hurr peace mode" is not one of them. That's about all I have for this topic, let me know when there's a ceasefire. Toodles.
  9. your alliance has been rolled and "hid in peace mode" more times than any other alliance in history, just quit this nonsense.
  10. mi6 wasn't in my alliance disbandment pool. Krabs and DC come over plz love yall
  11. i'm not sengoku fan in the least, but accepting someone knowingly they're at war with, and then telling them to $%&@ off when they're understandably tight about it is pretty dumb,
  12. You idiots create ten thousand topics and then blame methrage for mindless posting. Pansy and Duderonomy are both correct, just ignore them. Brown is a !@#$ sphere anyway and if it bothers you that much, you can go somewhere where there's other spots, like aqua.
  13. couple years ago around bipolar i heard a guy in IRON dropping a full payload and missing every nuke.
  14. You might be right, your bloc could straight up collapse like some sort of combination of wet fart and cardboard before Oculus turns you in a pile of rubble. Honestly, 8 wars, 3 people, TLR? Jesus. And these are the competent people! Can't imagine what GATO would look like.
  15. IC: I hope VE has a a special booth where only alliances that have allies fighting each other are allowed to sit! ooc: I made this worthless comment above so i could say sigged (If i can get the friggin formatting to work)
  16. Kerschbs appears to have gotten a head start on that whiskey review.
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