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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. Come and get it bones, you won't do shit. Just like you never did a thing with KB. Empty threats is all you have and all you'll ever have.
  2. OP threatens NPO... OP is the "bully" go away tywin
  3. Can you break down how you actually function during your normal day to day for us? I'm sure someone somewhere could write up a whopping thesis on the correlation between that and the absurdity of your ruling prowess.
  4. Empty threats as always, go back to your hole.
  5. "tenacity" You tapped out of defending pacifica after barely 4 weeks in your last war together. It might not have even been that long. Your tencacity, much like your loyalty is an absolute farce. Go back to sleep JudgeX, no one missed you.
  6. Please R&R, spare NG from the winter of your malcontent!!!
  7. Adios amigo, do us proud one last time on your way out :popcorn:
  8. We all know the real reason you finally decided to peace this donkey show out. :smug:
  9. o/ Good luck guys, we're here for you if you need us! :)
  10. Soon to be taking the old girl out for a spin :smug:
  11. We're still better than everyone :smug: apply for your spot today!
  12. Game over man, game over!!! :ehm: :ehm: :ehm:
  13. I wasn't aware that eternal youth was something to be mad about :smug:
  14. We actually recruit via raiding, it works out fine. The issue as always is with retention, as the pay taxes/collect bills for 9 months on end takes its toll on people in this bold new era of the finest flash games on the market.
  15. Or we could mass raid Polar... you know, for science :smug:
  16. Let's go find Goby and remake \m/ :ehm:
  17. Which UJP related alliance will Marx kill off next? :smug:
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