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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. For various reasons, this is a line of conversation best left for irc.
  2. There's something hilariously ironic about this given that WANA currently holds a gov position
  3. Since the tongue in cheek DoW has either flown completely over your heads or you're being intentionally obtuse I'll lay this out very simply for you. MI6 (chim specifically) has willfully violated the terms of the last peace agreement and reverted to your old ways. You have continued to willfully and purposefully poach members from Oculus alliances and TBC Either one of these is more than legitimate enough to bury you over and over again, and don't worry if you require more I have plenty more
  4. Bold thought: Polar and NG got tired of burying axes in each others skulls once a year, pulled them out, and decided to go on a grand crusade together. Unsure how that's selling out?
  5. Gentlemen, I do not know which you are referring to... this war is for Steve, and let no one forget that
  6. Our Hero gazed out across the barren wasteland of the new world, echoes of past conflict still ringing faintly in the ash filled air. He turns slowly to look at the army assembled behind him. Old friends who had followed him loyally for years, and new ones who shared his dream. The blade whispers against leather as it’s full length is drawn from the scabbard at his side. He closes his eyes for a moment and visions of old times, old friends long gone, flash through his mind. The Hero banishes them as soon as they form, this is no time for sentiment, no time for peace. There can be only war. He looks up from his brief reverie to see all those following him waiting expectantly for a few words, one last inspirational speech. The Hero smiles faintly, never having been one for banter. His lips move, uttering 2 words that would pierce the air of the conflict at hand and echo throughout the millennia of war and slaughter to come.
  7. That's why you don't go to bars in the middle of West Virginia with @Shurukian
  8. My name is Caustic, and I endorse this message.
  9. It means freelancer somehow thinks I matter in the grand scheme of things. Jokes on him
  10. Ask your old buddies in MK who disbanded in order to not have to defend us. #neverforget
  11. Don't worry amigo, once we're done wiping the floor with certain alliances we'll be back to finish the job we started with you.
  12. I'll be sending some fine gentlemen to relieve you of your land and tech shortly. Friendship is a lie
  13. I am indeed ashamed of my actions. Seppuku is the only answer once this is all over.
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