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Horatio Longworth

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Everything posted by Horatio Longworth

  1. Best of luck to IRON and Mcrabt. May your reign be filled with prosperity. o/ IRON
  2. I find the gainsaying entertaining as it is inconclusive, insofar. If KJI aided Methrage, he is the party at fault. If he is innocent, GOONS is at fault. It's as simple as that. I've yet to be convinced either way.
  3. [quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1285133714' post='2460688'] You are missing the point of this thread. Just because someone posts in a Goons thread it does not open them up for investigations and spy attacks. [/quote] If you would please, show me the post that that caused this controversy and save me (and others) the trouble of finding it. I'm afraid I haven't read it all of the thread.
  4. I don't think GOONS will profit anything from pursuing this nation. *Also I fail to notice anything akin to an admission of guilt from KJI's posts.
  5. A very well written and enlightening read. Thank you for compiling this. Well balanced, accurate, and informative. Please do this more often; this is an excellent piece of work.
  6. Again, I'm glad to see the drama be over. Best of luck. Now get those forums and wiki up and working.
  7. I be glad to see that this issue has been resolved. Best of luck to both alliances.
  8. Congrats on the treaty. It could have used some creativity. *hehe... can't spell
  9. A very entertaining read. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  10. A very good read. o/ The Order Long may it last!
  11. Thank you gopher for this latest set of information. I look forward to seeing more of this.
  12. I guess I'm OK with it. But I would agree that such matters would best be solved in a method that's as internal as possible.
  13. IRON looks like it's still a force to be reckoned with in this race. And MHA... I think they might get their 700th member soon.
  14. Nice list; hope it helps to stabilize those color spheres.
  15. o/ Heggo o/ NSO Congrats! I look forward to the new era.
  16. Congrats to TGE and their recent accomplishments. *joins toast*
  17. IMHO--Most vocal about what they think is wrong: 1. MK 2. NSO 3. GOONS 4. NPO all very vocal. Not necessarily a bad thing though.
  18. [quote name='Kosh Naranek' timestamp='1284080321' post='2448255'] I refer you to the Karma War and [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Coalition_of_Cowards"]this[/url]. [/quote] I remember the Karma War. I remember they were the second of the CC to join the war, just hours after Echelon did. I remember [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Phoenix_Federation_Resistance_Movement"]something[/url] along the lines of them not leaving the war until all of their allies had attained peace (including NPO). Since then NPO has gotten to know them pretty well; well enough to sign an MADP with a 30 day cancellation clause. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1284080449' post='2448258'] Don't really know that much about them. Why don't you tell us why they should be on it? [/quote] Above statement.
  19. Good sir, why isn't The Phoenix Federation on this list?
  20. Happy birthday! I look forward to attending your festivities.
  21. I must say I am very impressed. Congratulations to SF and all the alliances therein. Congrats especially to Fark and RIA, who started this successful enterprise. o/ SF
  22. Schattenmann has addressed a legitimate concern and has made his argument in a logical and organized format. It was a good read. I hope both parties involved can come to an agreement civilly. May justice be done.
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