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Horatio Longworth

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Everything posted by Horatio Longworth

  1. I was checking on my nation, nothing new was happening... except, when I looked at my area of influence. I was shocked to find that I had lost 50 miles of land. I'm not sure if this has been noticed already, but this is what I think has been changed: Furs- From:Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.50 and increases the natural growth of a nation by 10 % To:Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.50 and triples the natural growth of a nation. Sugar- From: Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%. Increases number of citizens +3%, and increases population happiness +1 To:Increases number of citizens +3%, and increases population happiness +1 Wheat: From: Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, and increases number of citizens +8%. To:Increases number of citizens +8%.
  2. All members of NASA are required to switch to either the Euro or the dollar. But the euro is preferred.
  3. Nobody gives me aid. In fact, I'm the one that gives aid to our new alliance members.
  4. #3 will happen someday. but not any time soon.
  5. You're stronger than I am and I'm older than you.
  6. I was on the losing side of a war. I am generally peaceful and generous. 1 mil would be plenty. I am very grateful for an help that can be given. My nation has suffered a serious setback. If not for me, please help out my friend, Titanium, of the united States of LS. He was hit the hardest.
  7. I've managed to accept lead for a resource. I look on the bright side. I get cheap military, and super cheap missiles.
  8. After looking at all my transactions, I discovered that I have given away 1/5 of all the money I've made.(after taxes) [282,000 of 1,400,000] How much do you give to the needy?
  9. I'm not going to share our top-secret invitation letter. If I published it, we'd be out of business. PS: It helps to be polite.
  10. OOC: In the real world, it would take about ten nukes for the world to be irradiated. We are lucky enough that planet Bob can recover from radiation at all. It makes the game more realistic.
  11. I am fine with a change to higher requirements. But I believe that it should be lowered a little. Maybe 25, yeah, that sounds good.
  12. NASA is a small, peaceful alliance, and we were attacked by someone who was twice as powerful than us. It is not me, but martinjeff05 of Andrea Prahdesh who needs money to rebuild. He has gone from 21 tech, and 210 infra., to 16 tech, and 16 infra(the person who is attacking him has 31.44 tech, and 329.24 infra, so we have no chance of defeating him). He was attacked without any provocation whatsoever. I am doing all I can to aid him, but martinjeff05 could really use money. Please, if there's anything you can do for my friend, please, help him! (I estimate that it will take $250,000) for martinjeff05 to recover.
  13. The Natron Association in-School Alliance could use some money to become stronger. Large donations would allow us to offer new members money. If we get aid, we can get more members.
  14. Natron Association in-School Alliance (NASA) would like to be added.
  15. OoC: NASA was formed by three friends that go to the sane school and play C. N. NASA stands for Natron Association in-School Alliance So far we are a close knit alliance (as of 10-31-07) of 6 nations. We believe in supporting each other as true friends. If you want to join our alliance, please visit our alliance ans submit an application. Also, check out our wiki articles.
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